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7.1.0 • Public • Published

JavaScript Kurento Client

The project contains the implementation of the JavaScript Kurento Client for web applications and Node.js.

The source code of this project can be cloned from the [GitHub repository].

supports async-await out of the box

Installation instructions

These instructions are intended for code contributors or people willing to compile the browser version themselves. If you are a browser-only developer, it's better that you have a look at the [JavaScript Kurento Client for Bower] instructions.


Be sure to have installed [Node.js] in your system:

curl -sSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_18.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

To install the library, it's recommended to do that from the [NPM repository] :

npm install kurento-client

Alternatively, or if you want to modify the JavaScript Kurento Client code or generate yourself the browser version of the library, you can download the development code files using git and install manually its dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/Kurento/kurento.git
cd kurento/clients/javascript/client/
npm install

In this last case, you will also need to have installed [Kurento Module Creator] so you can be able to generate the client libraries code.


To build the browser version of the library, after downloading the development code files, you'll only need to exec the [grunt] task runner from the root of the project and they will be generated on the dist folder. Alternatively, if you don't have it globally installed, you can run a local copy by executing


How to test

Tests are autonomous and based on [QUnit] testing framework. Their only requirement is to exec previously npm install to have installed all the dev dependencies.


After building the web browser version of the library, just open the file test/index.html with any browser, and the tests will launch automatically. In case of the browser raise some security policy errors, you can host the tests code by running any static web server at the source code root folder, for example by launching the command

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

You can be able to configure to what WebSocket endpoint you want to connect on the dropdown list at the top of the tests page.


To exec test in Node.js, you only need to exec npm test, that will launch all the tests automatically using [QUnit-cli]. Note that a Kurento Media Server instance must be also up, in order to have all tests run against it.

At this moment, the default WebSocket endpoint can not be changed due to limits of the current implementation of NPM. If you need to use a different WebSocket endpoint from the default one, you can exec the underlying test command and append a ws_uri parameter pointing to the alternative WebSocket endpoint:

node_modules/.bin/qunit-cli -c kurentoClient:. -c wock:node_modules/wock -c test/_common.js -c test/_proxy.js test/*.js --ws_uri=ws://localhost:8080

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  • kurento-maintainer-team