
1.1.0 • Public • Published

kouto swiss

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A complete CSS framework for Stylus

kouto swiss is a complete CSS framework for Stylus, inspired by great tools like nib, compass, bourbon…


$ npm install --save-dev kouto-swiss


Included in compilation, with grunt or gulp.


For grunt, you can use grunt-contrib-stylus, and include kouto swiss in your use option for the task.

You can also use grunt-ks-stylus, which is a fork of grunt-contrib-stylus, with kouto swiss included.


For gulp, use gulp-stylus and include kouto swiss in your use option for the task.

PHPStorm/WebStorm File Watchers

On some IDEs like PHPStorm and Webstorm, you can automatically compile your styles as they change, without relying on a third-party tool. In PHPStorm and Webstorm, this functionality is known as file watchers. To use with PHPStorm or WebStorm, as a file watcher, simply:

  • Ensure you have added kouto-swiss as a dependency:
$ npm install --save-dev kouto-swiss
  • Do an npm install
  • Create a new file watcher with settings like these: image
  • Create an @import in one of you .styl files:
@import "../../../node_modules/kouto-swiss" // import kuoto-swiss for auto-prefixing (or whatever relative path where node-modules lives

Included in compilation with third-party tools.

To use kouto swiss with third-party tools like Codekit or Prepros, you should include kouto swiss on your project by yourself. You can download it on github.

More information coming soon.

As middleware, for on the fly compilation.

There's an example of how to use stylus with kouto-swiss within Connect or Express.

var connect = require( "connect" ),
    stylus = require( "stylus" ),
    koutoSwiss = require( "kouto-swiss" ),
    server = connect();
function compile( str, path ) {
    return stylus( str )
        .set( "filename", path )
        .set( "compress", true )
        .use( koutoSwiss() );
server.use( stylus.middleware( {
    src: __dirname,
    compile: compile
} ) );

Stylus API

To gain access to the kouto swiss tools from your Stylus files, simply add:

@import "kouto-swiss"


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests and update the docs for any new or changed functionality. More informations in the CONTRIBUTING.md file.

Special call for contribution : someone who's English is better than I am !

I am committed to improving the readability of documents with heart and soul. As you can see, I'm not a native English speaker. I need your help.

If you want to help the kouto swiss project, but don't want to write code, please consider reviewing the docs, correcting my very bad English. Many thanks!

Release History

For more details, look at the changelog.

  • 2017-02-26: version 1.1.0
  • 2016-12-26: version 1.0.0
  • 2016-12-06: version 0.14.0
  • 2016-11-12: version 0.13.0
  • 2016-03-25: version 0.12.0
  • 2014-11-08: version 0.11.0
  • 2014-08-18: version 0.10.0
  • 2014-07-19: version 0.9.0
  • 2014-06-30: version 0.8.0
  • 2014-05-20: version 0.1.0
  • 2014-05-05: version 0.0.1
  • 2014-05-03: starting project


Copyright (c) 2014 leny Licensed under the MIT license.

Licenses for ressources used in docs


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  • leny
  • krkn