doT for koa2 with support layouts, include function. It's friendly for front-end web libraries (Angular, Ember, Vue.js, React ...) example
The default settings of doT has been change to use [[]]
instead of {{}}
. This to support client side templates (Angular, Ember, Vue ...)
- all the advantage of doT
- layout and include support
- uses
[[ ]]
by default, not clashing with{{ }}
(Angular, Ember...) - custom helpers to your views
- conditional, array iterators, custom delimiters...
- render, renderString, getHtmlByFile, getHtmlByString support
- all template path based on the options.root
Install with npm
npm install koa2-dot --save
Then set add the middleware to koa2 app
import * as doT from 'koa2-dot';
doT.helper.dateFormat = function (dateString) {
let time = new Date(dateString);
if (time === 'Invalid Date') {
return time;
return `${time.getFullYear()}年${time.getMonth()}月${time.getDate()}日 ${time.getHours()}时${time.getMinutes()}分${time.getSeconds()}秒`;
root: path.resolve(__dirname, 'views'),
extension: 'server.html',
cacheable: true
You can specify the layout using yaml and refer to the section as you would from a model.
You can also define any extra configurations (like a page title) that are inherited to the master.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>[[= layout.title ]]</title>
<h1>From base.server.html</h1>
[[= layout.body ]]
[[# include('partials/footer') ]]
layout: layout/base
title: The dot layout
[[## body:
<h2>From the dot.server.html</h2>
[[= layout.content ]]
<div>This is footer.</div>
layout: layout/dot
title: The example for koa2-dot
[[## content:
<h3>From index.server.html</h3>
<li>The engine of model: [[= model.engine]]</li>
<li>The pkg of model: [[= model.pkg]]</li>
<li>The name of app: [[=]]</li>
<li>The desc of app: [[= app.desc]]</li>
<div>The dateFormat: [[# def.dateFormat(]]</div>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>The example for koa2-dot</title>
<h1>From base.server.html</h1>
<h2>From the dot.server.html</h2>
<h3>From index.server.html</h3>
<li>The engine of model: doT</li>
<li>The pkg of model: koa2-dot</li>
<li>The name of app: koa2-dot example</li>
<li>The desc of app: a example for koa2-dot</li>
<div>The dateFormat: 2016年10月20日 16时55分18秒</div>
<div>This is footer.</div>
You can extend the render function to add app info automatically. You can refer to the example
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
const render = ctx.render;
ctx.render = function (file, model = {}) {
let app = || {}; // custome by yourself
return render.apply(ctx, [file, model, app]);
await next();