Simple OAuth2 authentication middleware for Koa. Internally uses simple-oauth2 and Node Fetch API.
- Koa Session middleware
- Something to mount middleware, examples:
- Koa Router recommended
- Koa Mount
- Koa Route
yarn add koa-simple-oauth
import Koa from 'koa';
import session from 'koa-session';
import simpleOauth from 'koa-simple-oauth';
// Initialize Koa
const app = new Koa();
// Initialize Koa Session
app.keys = ['secretSessionKey'];
const sessionConfig = {};
app.use(session(sessionConfig, app));
const oauthConfig = {
// Client ID and secret for OAuth provier
clientId: 'abcdefgh1234',
clientSecret: '5678mnopqrst',
// Base URL for OAuth provider
url: '',
// Redirect URL for this application, i.e. where you mounted the authorized middleware
redirectUrl: '',
// User API URL and HTTP method
userUrl: '',
userMethod: 'GET',
// Get user from API response or return an error
user: (data) => {
const user = data.user;
if (!user.isAdmin) {
return 'not_admin';
return user;
// These options are passed to simple-oauth2, see
oauthOptions: {},
// Default redirect URL on success (or set the redirect query parameter)
redirectSuccessUrl: '',
// Redirect URL on error (will add an error message as error query parameter by default, e.g. ?error=invalid_code_or_state)
redirectErrorUrl: '',
// Don't send an error query parameter to the error redirect URL (see above)
disableErrorReason: false,
// Called on successful API response (e.g. whoami endpoint)
onSuccess: (ctx, data, status = 200) => {
ctx.status = status;
ctx.body = typeof data === 'object' ? JSON.stringify(data) : data;
// Called on error API response (e.g. whoami endpoint)
onError: (ctx, status, message, err) => {
ctx.status = status;
ctx.body = `${message}: ${err.message}`;
// Called whenever on error occurs
logError: (err) => {
if (err.message !== 'Not logged in') {
// Route configuration (only works if a router is provided)
routes: {
login: '/login',
authorized: '/authorized',
whoami: '/whoami',
logout: '/logout'
import Router from 'koa-router';
// Initialize Koa Router
const router = new Router();
// Initialize Koa Simple OAuth
// Adds all required middleware to the router
const {isLoggedIn, requireLogin} = simpleOauth(oauthConfig, router);
// Check if a user is logged in
router.get('/admin', async (ctx) => {
if (ctx.state.isLoggedIn()) {
ctx.body = 'Logged in';
} else {
ctx.status = 403;
ctx.body = 'Not logged in';
// Check if the user is logged in using middleware
router.get('/admin2', requireLogin, async (ctx) => {
ctx.body = 'Logged in';
// Add Koa Router middleware
import mount from 'koa-mount';
// Initialize Koa Simple OAuth
// Returns an object with all required middleware
const oauthMiddleware = simpleOauth(oauthConfig);
const {login, authorized, whoami, logout} = oauthMiddleware;
// Mount the OAuth middleware
app.use(mount('/login', login));
app.use(mount('/authorized', authorized));
app.use(mount('/whoami', whoami));
app.use(mount('/logout', logout));
import _ from 'koa-route';
// Initialize Koa Simple OAuth
// Passes all required middleware through the router function and returns the resulting middleware as an object
const oauthMiddleware = simpleOauth(oauthConfig, _);
// Mount the OAuth middleware
const {login, authorized, whoami, logout} = oauthMiddleware;
// Or mount it less explicitly
Object.values(oauthMiddleware).forEach((middleware) => {