A redis session for Koa that creates sets for specific values.
Use-case: you want to know all the sessions related to a user so that if the user resets his/her password, you destroy all the sessions. NOTE: for expiring sessions, this is not optimal. However, you may still use this library as a redis hash-based solution without cross references.
- Stores sessions as hash sets
- Stores cross references as sets
- Functional API
const Koa = require('koa')
const client = require('ioredis').createClient()
const app = new Koa()
const Session = require('koa-redis-session-sets')(app, {
references: {
user_id: {}
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
// get the session
let session = await ctx.session.get()
// update the session
await ctx.session.set({
user_id: 1
// get the session object with latest keys
session = await ctx.session.get()
ctx.status = 204
Here's an example of deleting all the sessions associated with user_id: 1
You have to do it yourself because handling it would be too opinionated.
Specifically, if this set is possibly large, you'd want to use SSCAN
const key = Session.getReferenceKey('user_id', 1)
try {
const session_ids = await client.smembers(key)
await Promise.all( => {
// deletes the session and removes the session from all the referenced sets
} catch (err) {
- Lead: @jonathanong @jongleberry
const SessionMiddleware = KoaRedisSessionSets(app, options)
Creates a new session middleware instance.
client -
- fields to reference -
- max age of sessions, defaulting to28 days
- optional key prefix -
- optional byte length for CSRF tokens
Use the session middleware in your app. Note that this is a very simple function and middleware is not required. Look at the source code to understand how simple it is.
const Session = SessionMiddleware.createSession(context)
Create your own session object from a context.
const key = SessionMiddleware.getReferenceKey(field, value)
Get the key
for a redis set
that contains all the session ids related to a field:value
Use client.smembers(key)
to get all the session ids.
const key = Session.getKey()
Session is ctx.session
Get the key for the redis hash
for use with client.hgetall(key)
Session.get([fields]).then(session => {})
Get the session, optionally with select fields.
Session.set(values, [maxAge]).then(values => {})
Set specific fields in the session. Does not return the new session.
Session.unset(fields, [maxAge]).then(() => {})
Remove specific fields in the session. Does not return the new session.
Session.touch([maxAge]).then(() => {})
Update the session, updating the cookies and the session expire time.
Session.delete().then(() => {})
Deletes the session.
Does not create a new one.
Execute const session = await ctx.session.get()
to create a new one
Session.createCSRFToken([session]).then(token => {})
Create a CSRF token.
Session.verifyCSRFToken([session], token).then(valid => {})
Returns a boolean of whether a CSRF token is valid.
const Store =
The Store
is the underlying redis logic of the session.