Knockback.js provides Knockout.js magic for Backbone.js Models and Collections.
Why Knockback?
- Make amazingly dynamic applications by applying a small number of simple principles
- Leverage the wonderful work from both the Backbone and Knockout communities
- Easily view and edit relationships between Models using an ORM of your choice:
- Simplify program control flow by configuring your application from your HTML Views. It's like Angular.js but without memorizing all of the special purpose ng-{something} attributes. See the Inject Tutorial for live examples!
First Name: Last Name:
model = first_name: 'Bob'last_name: 'Smith'koapplyBindingskbviewModelmodel
When you type in the input boxes, the values are properly transferred bi-directionally to the model and all other bound view models!
The View Model:
var ContactViewModel = kbViewModel
or Coffeescript
: super model @full_name = kocomputed => " "
First Name: Last Name:
model = first_name: 'Bob'last_name: 'Smith'view_model = modelkoapplyBindingsview_model # ... do stuff then clean up kbreleaseview_model
Now, the greeting updates as you type!
Getting Started
- Website - explore everything Knockback and connect to the community
- Tutorials - try some live examples
- API Docs - dig into the API
- TodoMVC App (Live!) - compare client-side framworks
Download Latest (1.2.3):
Please see the release notes for upgrade pointers.
Full Library (dev, 64k) or (min+gzip, 8k)
Full Stack (dev, 330k) or (min+gzip, 32k)
Core Library (dev, 54k) or (min+gzip, 7k)
Core Stack (dev, 315k) or (min+gzip, 31k)
The full versions bundle advanced features.
The core versions remove advanced features that can be included separately: localization, formatting, triggering, defaults, and validation.
The stack versions provide Underscore.js + Backbone.js + Knockout.js + Knockback.js in a single file.
You can also find Knockback on your favorite distributions:
- npm: npm install knockback
- Bower: bower install knockback
- NuGet - install right in Visual Studio
- Backbone.js - provides the Model layer
- Knockout.js - provides the ViewModel layer foundations for Knockback
- Underscore.js - provides an awesome JavaScript utility belt
- LoDash - optionally replaces Underscore.js with a library optimized for consistent performance
- Parse - optionally replaces Backbone.js and Underscore.js
Compatible Components
- BackboneORM - A polystore ORM for Node.js and the browser
- Backbone-Relational.js - Get and set relations (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one) for Backbone models
- Backbone Associations - Create object hierarchies with Backbone models. Respond to hierarchy changes using regular Backbone events
- BackboneModelRef.js - provides a reference to a Backbone.Model that can be bound to your view before the model is loaded from the server (along with relevant load state notifications).
To build the library for Node.js and browsers:
$ gulp build
Please run tests before submitting a pull request:
$ gulp test --quick
and eventually all tests:
$ npm test