Helper library to clean a PostgreSQL, MySQL or SQLite3 database tables using Knex. Great for integration tests.
npm install knex-cleaner
var knexCleaner = ; var knex = client: 'mysql' connection: host : '' user : 'your_database_user' password : 'your_database_password' database : 'myapp_test' ; knexCleaner; // You can also use this in BookshelfJSvar bookshelf = knex; knexCleaner; // You can also pass if it deletes the tables with delete instead of truncate// as well as a list of tables to ignore. var options = mode: 'delete' // Valid options 'truncate', 'delete' restartIdentity: true // Used to tell PostgresSQL to reset the ID counter ignoreTables: 'Dont_Del_1' 'Dont_Del_2' knexCleaner;
The example above used MySQL but it has been tested on PostgreSQL and SQLite3.