Enable rollback for your tests that use knex.
Knest works with most test frameworks out there.
npm install knest --save-dev
Example using mocha as the testing framework
This example is part of the knex mocha tests. They can be run using the following npm script.
const assert = require('assert')
const {
} = require('./index.spec')
const knest = require('./index').bind(null, mysql)
describe('Mocha & Knest', () => {
it('should reset the database user table', () => resetDatabase(mysql))
it('should create user in user table', () =>
knest(trx =>
createUser(trx, users[0]).then(record => {
assert.strictEqual(, users[0].name)
assert.strictEqual(, users[0].email)
it('should create users using multiple transactions', () =>
knest(trx => createUsers(trx, users)))
it('should have rolled back all the insert queries', () =>
findUsers(mysql).then(result => assert.deepStrictEqual(result, [])))
after(() => process.exit())
Knest exports a single function.
knest(knexConnection, testFn)
What Knest basically does is wrap the test function and adds a knex transaction as the first argument of the test callback function.
returns a promise which will rollback the transaction when it resolves. This is required. Throws if a promise is not returned.
This value should be a knex-connection or a knex transaction object.
The testFn is called when the tests are run. It is called with the following arguments
knexTransaction is an instance of a knex transaction that uses the previously configured knex connection.
Knest is tested using MySQL. Make sure you have MySQL installed. The
file makes it easy to setup a database and user for running the
sudo mysql -p < setup.sql
Then install, prune and run the tests.
{ npm i && npm prune; } > /dev/null
npm t
> knest@1.1.3 test
> npx standard && npm run test-tape && npm run test-mocha
> knest@1.1.3 test-tape
> tape index.tape.spec.js
TAP version 13
# should reset the database user table
# should create user in user table
ok 1 should be loosely deeply equivalent
# should create users using multiple transactions
# should have rolled back all the insert queries
ok 2 should be loosely deeply equivalent
# tests 2
# pass 2
# ok
> knest@1.1.3 test-mocha
> mocha index.mocha.spec.js
Mocha & Knest
✔ should reset the database user table (115ms)
✔ should create user in user table
✔ should create users using multiple transactions
✔ should have rolled back all the insert queries
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