A very opinionated and batteries-included application development toolkit comprising existing Javascript frameworks. Kintsugi combines the best of many tools to create a cohesive system to manage large and complex applications that are broken down into many packages. In other words, Kintsugi is to Gulp / Grunt as Google's Repo is to git.
Phases of a Project
Kintsugi manages the development process into build lifecycle phases. These are:
Scaffold project with sample packages
Setup environment
Install dependencies
k init k init -g angular2 k init -g react-redux k init -g react-mobservable
Create project symlinks for subset of project and dependencies
Watch file changes and transpile source code for subset of project and dependencies
Fire up Webpack Dev Server to create in-memory bundle(s)
k dev k dev foo k dev foo -d 2
Install New Dependent Package
To install dependent package for a specific pacakge, do this inside the package's directory. Every time a NEWER package is installed, all the project's packages dependency versions will be updated.
cd package-a
k install foo bar baz@0.5.0
Scaffold new package in the project
k new foo
Build subset of packages or entire project
Bundle with Webpack
k build
Watch test file changes and transpile test code
Run tests against the transpilation
k test
Publish artifacts to npm repository (changed)
Publish artifacts to file share as tarball
k publish