
1.3.0 • Public • Published


The Kidaptive ALP JavaScript Client SDK supports the integration of Kidaptive's Adaptive Learning Platform (ALP) into a JavaScript application. The following documentation provides introductory material, example code, and references to support the integration process.

Supported Browsers

Browser Versions
Internet Explorer (IE) 9, 10, 11, Edge
Chrome Latest
Firefox Latest
Safari Latest
Opera Latest


npm install kidaptive-sdk-js


bower install kidaptive-sdk-js

or clone the repo and use the already built SDK in the dist directory.

Loading Dependencies

Use one of the following methods depending on your environment:

  1. Add the following to your HTML file:
<script src="node_modules/kidaptive-sdk-js/dist/kidaptive-sdk.min.js"></script>


<script src="bower_components/kidaptive-sdk-js/dist/kidaptive-sdk.min.js"></script>
  1. ES6
import KidaptiveSdk from 'kidaptive-sdk-js';
  1. AMD
define(['kidaptive-sdk-js'], function (KidaptiveSdk) { });
  1. CJS
var KidaptiveSdk = require('kidaptive-sdk-js');

API Reference

Core Interface

KidaptiveSdk.init(apiKey:string, options:object)

Initializes the SDK. The return value is a Promise which resolves when the Kidaptive SDK is ready. The SDK is a singleton and only one SDK may be initialized at a time. The SDK must be initialized before any other methods can be called.

When the SDK is initialized, if the autoFlushInterval is set greater than 0, the event queue auto flush will be started, equivalent to calling KidaptiveSdk.eventManager.startAutoFlush().

During initialization, if a learner is cached from a previous session, that learner will be reselected, equivalent to calling KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.selectActiveLearner().

When the SDK is configured to at least tier 2, all relevent models for the API key provided will automatically be retrieved from the server, equivalent to calling KidaptiveSdk.modelManager.updateModels().

KidaptiveSdk.init("gPt1fU+pTaNgFv61Qbp3GUiaHsGcu+0h8", {environment: 'dev'}).then(function() {
}, function(error) {
ALP Initialization Parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
apiKey string true The apiKey required by the Kidaptive API to recognize the app.
options object true An object containing ALP Initialization Options to be sent to Kidaptive SDK during initialization.
ALP Initialization Options

These properties go into the options object that is passed as a parameter to the init function.

Option Type Required Default Description
environment string true Values can be dev, prod, or custom
tier number false 1 Sets up the SDK to have the desired level of functionality. Values can be 1, 2, or 3
authMode string false client Defines the authentication mode to be used. Values can be client or server
baseUrl string false This property is only used and required when environment is set to custom. This allows for sending events to a different host when using a proxy.
version string false The version reported to the Kidaptive API with events.
build string false The build reported to the Kidaptive API with events.
autoFlushInterval number false 60000 The interval in milliseconds that the events should be flushed. A value of 0 will result in the auto flush being disabled.
autoFlushCallback function or array false A callback function or an array of callback functions to be called with results of auto event flush.
loggingLevel string false all Defines the logging level to use. Values can be all, warn, or none. all will log all internal errors to console, including those that could potentially be handled in a promise error handler.
defaultHttpCache object false Offline support configuration. Configuring this option will require support from Kidaptive.
corsWithCredentials boolean false true Determines the value of the withCredentials property on the underlying request. This generally should be left as the default (true), except possibly in cases where a proxy is used to communicate with the ALP backend.
irtMethod string false irt_cat Values can be 'irt_learn' or 'irt_cat'. Default is 'irt_cat'. Only used for tier 3 functionality.
irtScalingFactor number false 1.59577 Override the IRT scaling factor, if a non-default value is needed. Value must be between 0.1 and 10.0, and will generally be between 0.5 and 2.0. Only used for tier 3 functionality.
irtDefaultItemDifficulty number or 'no_default' false 0 Override the default IRT item difficulty. This is the value used for items that do not have a calibrated difficulty value. Use a string value of 'no_default' to prevent any default value from being used.
irtModule object false The IRT module instance to be used by the SDK. Generally imported from the access-controlled kidaptive-irt-js package. Only used for tier 3 functionality.


This returns whether or not the SDK instance is currently initialized. Since this is a synchronous check, this method is not guaranteed to give consistent results while waiting for the promise returned by either init() or destory() to resolve.

var isSdkInitialized = KidaptiveSdk.isInitialized();


This returns the SDK version being used. This is the only method that can be called prior to SDK initialization.

var sdkVersion = KidaptiveSdk.getSdkVersion();


Notifies the SDK to uninitialize. The return value is a Promise which resolves when the SDK is uninitialized. The shutdown process includes:

KidaptiveSdk.destroy().then(function() {
}, function(error) {

Tier 1 Interface


This method sets the current user. This method is required to be called before selecting a learner or sending events when authMode is configured to server. Before the user is set, the event queue is always flushed, equivalent to calling KidaptiveSdk.eventManager.flushEventQueue(). When setUser is called when a user is already logged in, the current user is logged out, equivilent to calling KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.logout(). If for any reason the setUser call fails, the user will be set to its previous value. Calling this method while a learner is already selected will result in that learner being cleared.

An active user is cached in local storage. If the local storage is retained, the user will be available and logged in when the SDK is re-initialized, even after a complete restart of the browser. Calling KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.logout() will result in this local storage cache being cleared.

If authMode is configured to server, the userObject is generated by the ALP API through backend communications between the app server and the ALP server. The userObject is then passed down to the Kidaptive SDK through the setUser method. It is up to you to figure out the best process for passing that information to the client. No modifications should be made to this userObject. This userObject includes properties such as ALP IDs, client provider IDs, learners, and user API keys to be used when sending events.

Important: - after calling the setUser() method, if sending events attributed to a particular learner, one must call the selectActiveLearner() method in order for the sdk to correctly add events to the event queue in the reportSimpleEvent() method. Otherwise, the reports will be attributed to the userId specified, and be sent with learnerId=0 to ALP.

KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.setUser(userObject).then(function() {
}, function(error) {

If the authMode is client, then this method is used to specify a providerUserId to be sent along with events. This will create the user on our system for that given providerUserId if necessary. Events can be sent for that user, or if desired, a learner can be selected or created through the KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.selectActiveLearner() method. If the application's enforceSingletonLearner property has been set (1 to 1 linkage between users and learners), then the providerLearnerId property must be specified in the userObject and identical to the providerUserId.

var userObject = {
    //providerLearnerId:"user123" //if enforceSingletonLearnerSpecified
KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.setUser(userObject).then(function() {
}, function(error) {


This method selects the active learner. An active learner is cached in local storage. If the local storage is retained, the learner and user will be available and logged in when the SDK is re-initialized, even after a complete restart of the browser. Calling KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.clearActiveLearner() or KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.logout() will result in this local storage cache being cleared.

If authMode is configured to server, then the learner must be a learner specified in the learner array which is passed in the userObject in the KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.setUser() call. If calling selectActiveLearner fails for any reason, the active learner will still be set to its previous value.

If the authMode is configured to client, then the learner will be selected or created if it does not already exist. The selectActiveLearner call can fail if you have previously called KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.setUser() and the learner you are trying to select is not associated with that user.

When authMode is configured to client and you call KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.setUser() prior to calling selectActiveLearner, the learner will be selected or created for that given user. You can create multiple learners for a single user this way. If you call KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.clearActiveLearner() the user that you set will still be logged in. To fully log the learner and user out, you must call KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.logout(). If calling selectActiveLearner fails for any reason, the active learner will still be set to its previous value.

When authMode is configured to client and you do not call KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.setUser() prior to calling selectActiveLearner, the learner will be selected or created under a user that is mapped specifically to that learner. If you call selectActiveLearner again, it will log the existing user and learner out, equivalent to calling KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.logout(), and the new learner will be selected or created under a user that is mapped specically to that learner. If you call KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.clearActiveLearner() the user tied to that learner will also be logged out. If calling selectActiveLearner results in an API failure, the active learner will still be logged out.

For all SDK tiers, a trial is created when a learner is selected, equivalent to calling KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.startTrial().

When the SDK is configured to at least tier 2, the ability estimates for that learner will be retrieved from the server when a learner is selected, equivalent to calling KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.updateAbilityEstimates().

This function is automatically called from KidaptiveSdk.init() when a learner is cached from a previous session.

var learnerProviderId = 'learner123';
KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.selectActiveLearner(learnerProviderId).then(function() {
}, function(error) {


Updates the trial time for the current selected learner. The return value is a Promise which resolves when the trial time has been updated. Trials are used to control the weight of prior information when calculating learner ability estimates. Starting a new trial indicates that the learner's current ability may have changed and that the estimate may not be accurate. This causes new evidence to be weighted more to adjust to the new ability.

When the SDK is configured to tier 3 or greater, any of the ability estimates for the learner that have standard deviations below 0.65 will be reset to the value 0.65 when calling startTrial. The timestamps for those ability estimates will also be updated to the new trial time.

This function is automatically called from KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.selectActiveLearner() for all SDK tiers.

KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.startTrial().then(function() {
}, function(error) {


This method clears the current learner so no learner is selected.

When authMode is set to server the user will still be logged in after calling clearActiveLearner.

When authMode is set to client and you do not call KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.setUser() prior to calling clearActiveLearner, the user will be logged out.

When authMode is set to client and you do call KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.setUser() prior to calling clearActiveLearner, the user will still be logged in.

KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.clearActiveLearner().then(function() {
}, function(error) {


This method logs the current user and learner out. The logout process includes:

  • flushing the event queue, equivalent to calling KidaptiveSdk.eventManager.flushEventQueue()
  • clearing the user cache
  • clearing the user state
  • in the case of authMode being configured to server an API call will be sent to the ALP server to log the user out

This function is automatically called from KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.setUser() and KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.selectActiveLearner() under certain circumstances.

KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.logout().then(function() {
}, function(error) {


This method returns the current user object. If there is no user undefined will be returned. Some of the properties available on the user object include id (ALP user ID), apiKey (apiKey used for user session), providerId (client user ID), and learners (array of available learners).

var user = KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.getUser();


This method returns the current active learner object. If there is no active learner undefined will be returned. Some properties available on the learner object include id (ALP learner ID), and providerId (client learner ID).

var learner = KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.getActiveLearner();


This method returns an array of learners tied to a given user. If no user or learners exist an empty array is returned.

var learnerList = KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.getLearnerList();

KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.getMetricsByUri(metricUri:string, minTimestamp:number, maxTimestamp:number)

This fetches the metric for the given metricUri for the current selected learner. The return value is a Promise which resolves when the metric is retrieved. A metric is a JSON object containing concrete statistics about the learner, such as engagement totals, or a history of actions they have taken.

There are optional second and third parameters minTimestamp and maxTimestamp which are numeric values in milliseconds since unix epoch. These parameters determine the time range that the metric should be queried from. The most recent metric will always be queried from the designated time range. The following table explains the generated period based on what minTimestamp and maxTimestamp values are provided.

minTimestamp provided maxTimestamp provided Resulting queried period
No No defaults to the last year
Yes Yes minTimestamp to maxTimestamp
Yes No minTimestamp to a year following minTimestamp
No Yes a year prior maxTimestamp to maxTimestamp
var metricUri = '/metric/uri';
KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.getMetricsByUri(metricUri).then(function(metric) {
}, function(error) {

KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.getInsightsByUri(insightUri:string, minTimestamp:number, maxTimestamp:number)

This fetches the insights for the given insightUri for the current selected learner. The return value is a Promise which resolves when the insights are retrieved. The response will be an array (possibly empty) of insight objects. An insight is a JSON object containing customized, learner-specific data, such as a content recommendation, parent report, or progress notification.

There are optional second and third parameters minTimestamp and maxTimestamp which are numeric values in milliseconds since unix epoch. These parameters determine the time range that the insights should be queried from.

minTimestamp provided maxTimestamp provided Resulting queried period
No No defaults to all insights with timestamp prior to the current time (effective, all such insights)
Yes Yes minTimestamp to maxTimestamp
Yes No minTimestamp to the current time
No Yes all insights with timestamp prior to maxTimestamp
var insightUri = '/example/uri';
// get all insights having Uri equal to '/example/uri', created between 2020-06-22T00:00:00 and 2020-07-02T00:00:00
KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.getInsightsByUri(metricUri, 1592784000000, 1593648000000).then(function(insights) {
}, function(error) {

KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.getLatestInsightByUri(insightUri:string, contextKeys:array)

This fetches the insight for the given insightUri for the current selected learner. The return value is a Promise which resolves when the insight is retrieved. An insight is a JSON object containing customized, learner-specific data, such as a content recommendation, parent report, or progress notification.

There is an optional second parameter contextKeys that is an array of strings. These strings correspond with the properties you want to be present on the resulting insight. If no contextKeys are provided, then the entire insight will be returned.

var insightUri = '/insight/uri';
KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.getLatestInsightByUri(insightUri).then(function(insight) {
}, function(error) {

KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.getInsights(minTimestamp:number, contextMap:object)

This fetches all insights for the current selected learner starting at the minTimestamp provided. The minTimestamp is a numeric value in milliseconds since unix epoch. The return value is a Promise which resolves when the insights are retrieved. An insight is a JSON object containing customized, learner-specific data, such as a content recommendation, parent report, or progress notification.

There is an optional second parameter contextMap that is a flat key:value map of strings. These key:value pairs correspond with properties on the insight. Providing a contextMap will cause the server to return only the insights that match all the values for the given keys in the contextMap you provide. There can only be at most 8 key:value pairs provided in a contextMap.

var timestamp = new Date() - 86400000; //last day
KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.getInsights(timestamp).then(function(insights) {
}, function(error) {

KidaptiveSdk.eventManager.reportSimpleEvent(eventName:string, eventFields:object)

This reports an event to the Kidaptive API using an eventName string and eventFields object. The return value is a Promise which resolves when the event is queued.

Certain fields will be autopopulated, such as the learner info, app info, trial time, event time, and device info. The learner info will be populated with the values specified in the KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.setUser() and KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.selectActiveLearner() calls. The trial time will be populated by the timestamp stored during the KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.startTrial() call. The event time will be populated by the current timestamp of when the event was sent.

When authMode is configured to server a user must be selected, but a learner is optional to send events. When authMode is configured to client events can be sent with or without a user or learner selected.

The properties in the eventFields object will be the specific values sent along with the event. The structure for eventFields is a flat key:value map where the values can only be boolean, null, numeric, and string values.

KidaptiveSdk.eventManager.reportSimpleEvent('eventName', {
    eventProperty1: 'value',
    eventProperty2: 'value'
}).then(function() {
}, function(error) {


This reports an event to the Kidaptive API using only a rawEvent string. The return value is a Promise which resolves when the event is queued.

Certain fields will be autopopulated, such as the learner info, app info, trial time, event time, and device info. The learner info will be populated with the values specified in the KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.setUser() and KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.selectActiveLearner() calls. The trial time will be populated by the timestamp stored during the KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.startTrial() call. The event time will be populated by the current timestamp of when the event was sent.

When authMode is configured to server a user must be selected, but a learner is optional to send events. When authMode is configured to client events can be sent with or without a user or learner selected.

The rawEvent string can be any string, including a query string, or stringified JSON object. The structure for rawEvent is flexible but must be established with the Kidaptive team so the API can evaluate the event correctly.

var rawEvent = 'eventName?eventProperty1=value&eventProperty2=value';
KidaptiveSdk.eventManager.reportRawEvent(rawEvent).then(function() {
}, function(error) {


This flushes all events out of the event queue and sends them to the Kidaptive API. The return value is a Promise which resolves to the results of the events being flushed. Events are automatically flushed at the specified interval during configuration after KidaptiveSdk.eventManager.startAutoFlush() has been called.

This function is automatically called from KidaptiveSdk.destroy(), KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.logout(), and KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.setUser().

KidaptiveSdk.eventManager.flushEventQueue().then(function(result) {
}, function(error) {


This starts the auto flush which automatically calls KidaptiveSdk.eventManager.flushEventQueue() every autoFlushInterval milliseconds. If the autoFlushInterval is set to 0, then this function will have no effect as the auto flush is disabled in this case.

This function is automatically called from KidaptiveSdk.init().

KidaptiveSdk.eventManager.startAutoFlush().then(function(t) {
}, function(error) {


This stops the auto flush which was started when KidaptiveSdk.eventManager.startAutoFlush() was called. Calling stopAutoFLush results in KidaptiveSdk.eventManager.flushEventQueue() no longer being called automatically every autoFlushInterval milliseconds.

This function is automatically called from KidaptiveSdk.destroy().

KidaptiveSdk.eventManager.stopAutoFlush().then(function() {
}, function(error) {

Tier 2 Interface


Returns an array of latent ability estimate objects associated with the selected learner and the current app. A latent ability represents a learner's proficiency in a dimension across multiple game contexts.

var latentAbilities = KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.getLatentAbilityEstimates();


Returns the latent ability estimate object associated with the dimensionUri for the selected learner and the current app. If no dimension for the given dimensionUri exists, this function will return undefined. A latent ability represents a learner's proficiency in a dimension across multiple game contexts.

var dimensionUri = '/dimension/uri';
var latentAbility = KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.getLatentAbilityEstimate(dimensionUri);


Returns an array of local ability estimate objects associated with the selected learner and the current app. A local ability represents a learner's proficiency in a dimension in a specific game context.

var localAbilities = KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.getLocalAbilityEstimates();


Returns the local ability estimate object associated with the localDimensionUri for the selected learner and the current app. If no local dimension for the given localDimensionUri exists, this function will return undefined. A local ability represents a learner's proficiency in a dimension in a specific game context.

var localDimensionUri = '/local-dimension/uri';
var localAbility = KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.getLocalAbilityEstimate(localDimensionUri);


Updates the models associated with the current app and selected learner. The return value is a Promise which resolves when the ability estimates have been updated from the server. Once this function has resolved, the getters for the ability estimates will return the appropriate data.

When the SDK is configured to tier 3 or greater, the ability estimates could be updated by the local IRT module. The server ability estimates will only replace the client ability estimates if the server ability estimate timestamps are newer than the client ability estimate timestamps. This prevents this function from overwriting the up-to-date client ability estimates with out-of-date server estimates.

Ability estimates for the learners associated with the currently active user are cached in local storage. If the local storage is retained, the ability estimates will be available for all learners associated with that user after re-initizliation of the SDK, even after a complete restart of the browser.

This function is automatically called from KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.selectActiveLearner().

KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.updateAbilityEstimates().then(function() {
}, function(error) {


Returns an array of game objects associated with the current app. A game is a subset of functionality within the app that defines its own rules and experience.

var games = KidaptiveSdk.modelManager.getGames();


Returns the game object associated with the gameUri within the current app. A game is a subset of functionality within the app that defines its own rules and experience.

var gameUri = '/game/uri';
var game = KidaptiveSdk.modelManager.getGameByUri(gameUri);


Returns an array of dimension objects associated with the current app. Dimensions represent the key skills and abilities that make up the app's learning framework.

var dimensions = KidaptiveSdk.modelManager.getDimensions();


Returns the dimension object associated with the dimensionUri within the current app. Dimensions represent the key skills and abilities that make up the app's learning framework.

var dimensionUri = '/dimension/uri';
var dimension = KidaptiveSdk.modelManager.getDimensionByUri(dimensionUri);


Returns an array of local dimension objects associated with the current app. Local dimensions are defined for a given app and map to specific dimensions specified in the app's learning framework.

var localDimensions = KidaptiveSdk.modelManager.getLocalDimensions();


Returns the local dimension object associated with the localDimensionUri within the current app. Local dimensions are defined for a given app and map to specific dimensions specified in the app's learning framework.

var localDimensionUri = '/local-dimension/uri';
var localDimension = KidaptiveSdk.modelManager.getLocalDimensionByUri(localDimensionUri);


Updates the models associated with the current app, depending on what models are used by the configured tier. For tier 2, the game, dimension, and local dimension models will be updated. For tier 3, prompts and items will also be updated in addition to the models updated in tier 2. The return value is a Promise which resolves when the models have been updated from the server. Once this function is resolved, the getter functions for the models will return the appropriate data.

This function is called from KidaptiveSdk.init() when the SDK is configured to at least tier 2.

KidaptiveSdk.modelManager.updateModels().then(function() {
}, function(error) {

Tier 3 Interface

KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.getSuggestedPrompts(localDimensionUri:string, targetSuccessProbability:number, maxResults:number, excludedPromptUris:array, includedPromptUris:array)

Get prompt recommendations based on a local dimension. The local dimension is mapped to items that belong to various prompts. These item's difficulties are compared to the learner's ability estimate for that local dimension to suggest prompts at the desired difficulty.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
localDimensionUri string true Determines what items will be used to select prompts, and what ability estimate will be used for the current learner
targetSuccessProbability number false 0.7 Recommended prompts will be prioritized by how close their probability of success for that learner is to the given value. Must be a number between 0 and 1.
maxResults number false 10 Limits the results to the given number. Must be an integer greater than 0.
excludedPromptUris array false An array of prompt URIs to determine which prompts should be excluded from the recommendation. This takes priority over includedPromptUris and will exclude items contained in that array. Must be an array of strings, specifically prompt URIs.
includedPromptUris array false Only prompts in the given array will be considered when generating a recommendation. Any prompts in the excludedPromptUris will be removed from this array. Must be an array of strings, specifically prompt URIs.

You may exclude any optional parameter from the getSuggestedPrompts call, but undefined must be sent in its place. Providing null will result in an error.

var localDimensionUri = '/local-dimension/uri';
//exclude recent prompts
var promptRecentHistory = ['/prompt/uri1', 'prompturi2', 'prompturi3'];
//get recommendations
var recommendations = KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.getSuggestedPrompts(localDimensionUri, undefined, undefined, promptRecentHistory);

KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.getRandomPromptsForGame(gameUri:string, maxResults:number, excludedPromptUris:array, includedPromptUris:array)

Get random prompt recommendations based on a game.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
gameUri string true Determines what prompts will be used for generating the recommendation
maxResults number false 10 Limits the results to the given number. Must be an integer greater than 0.
excludedPromptUris array false An array of prompt URIs to determine which prompts should be excluded from the recommendation. This takes priority over includedPromptUris and will exclude items contained in that array. Must be an array of strings, specifically prompt URIs.
includedPromptUris array false Only prompts in the given array will be considered when generating a recommendation. Any prompts in the excludedPromptUris will be removed from this array. Must be an array of strings, specifically prompt URIs.

You may exclude any optional parameter from the getRandomPromptsForGame call, but undefined must be sent in its place. Providing null will result in an error.

var gameUri = '/game/uri';
//exclude recent prompts
var promptRecentHistory = ['/prompt/uri1', 'prompturi2', 'prompturi3'];
//get recommendations
var recommendations = KidaptiveSdk.learnerManager.getRandomPromptsForGame(gameUri, undefined, promptRecentHistory);


This method allows you to set an eventTransformer which will be called for every event being sent through the Kidaptive SDK. The eventTransformer function will be called with the event object that is about to be queued as its only parameter. Whatever event object you return from the eventTransformer function will be the event that is queued and sent to the server. If something other than an object is returned, no event will be queued.

The purpose of the eventTransformer function is to add attempts for the local IRT (Item Response Theory) module. The attempts property on the event object is optional, but if it is defined it should be an array of attempt objects with the following properties:

Attempt Property Type Required Default Description
itemUri string true The uri of the desired item to send an outcome
outcome number true Determines if the outcome of the attempt was positive or negative. Values can be between or equal to 1 or 0
guessingParameter number false 0 Determines how likely the user was to guess at this item. Values can be between or equal to 0 and 1

The eventTransformer function can also add tags that the local IRT module uses to help process attempts. The tags property on the event object is optional, but if it is defined it should be an object with the following properties:

Tags Property Type Required Default Description
skipIrt boolean false false Determines whether the local IRT module should be skipped for the attempts attached to this event.

When events are processed by the local IRT module, they will update ability estimates. Server side IRT will also update ability estimates, but this happens less frequently, so having the local IRT module processing your events can help provide a more adaptive experience.

Calling setEventTransformer with undefined or null results in the eventTransformer being removed.

var eventTransformer = function(event) {
    event.attempts = [{itemURI: '/item/uri', outcome: 1}];
    return event;


Returns an array of item objects associated with the current app. Items represent the smallest unit of measurement for a given dimension or skill.

var items = KidaptiveSdk.modelManager.getItems();


Returns the item object associated with the itemUri within the current app. Items represent the smallest unit of measurement for a given dimension or skill.

var itemUri = '/item/uri';
var item = KidaptiveSdk.modelManager.getItemByUri(itemUri);


Returns an array of item objects associated with the promptUri within the current app. Items represent the smallest unit of measurement for a given dimension or skill.

var promptUri = '/prompt/uri';
var items = KidaptiveSdk.modelManager.getItemsByPromptUri(promptUri);


Returns an array of prompt objects associated with the current app. Prompts represent the smallest reportable block of activity, often the user's response to a single question or challenge.

var prompts = KidaptiveSdk.modelManager.getPrompts();


Returns the prompt object associated with the promptUri within the current app. Prompts represent the smallest reportable block of activity, often the user's response to a single question or challenge.

var promptUri = '/prompt/uri';
var prompt = KidaptiveSdk.modelManager.getPromptByUri(promptUri);


Returns an array of prompt objects associated with the gameUri within the current app. Prompts represent the smallest reportable block of activity, often the user's response to a single question or challenge.

var gameUri = '/game/uri';
var prompts = KidaptiveSdk.modelManager.getPromptsByGameUri(gameUri);

Build Process

The build process depends on node and npm. The build process builds files in the dist directory using Webpack, Babel, and Uglify. The build command will create both a minified and beautified file for use in production and development. The configuration used for the build process is in webpack.config.js

npm run build


The testing process builds a test file, hosts the test on localhost:8080, and runs the tests in a PhantomJs headerless browser. All test related files are located in the /test directory. The configuration used for the test build process is in /test/webpack.test.config.js

npm run test

Note: To run tests, it is necessary to have access to the kidaptive-sdk-js-irt repo.


First run the following command to adjust the version and prepare the build files:

npm version <level> where level is ‘patch’, ‘minor’, or ‘major’

Then run the following command to publish the build on NPM:

npm publish


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