keyence-hostlink is a library that allows communication to KEYENCE PLC by Host link protocol
this is not a official library
to install
npm i -S keyence-hostlink
example usage
const { Hostlink } = require('./dist/index');
const link = new Hostlink({ timeout: 1000, host: '', port: 8501 });
link.connect(() => {
link.readItem('DM0', (error, data) => {
console.log(error, data);
then the console will show
false {
message: <Buffer 52 44 20 44 4d 30 0d 0a>,
address: 'DM0',
result: '00011\r\n',
resultBuffer: <Buffer 30 30 30 31 31 0d 0a>
create a hostlink instance, const link = new Hostlink(options)
- options:Net.NetConnectOpts use Nodejs Net options document is here
connect to PLC
- callback:function when connect success, it will trigger callback
readItem(address, callback)
read a address and trigger callback when it done or timeout
- address:string for example 'DM0'
- callback:(error:boolean, responseData)=>void when read item fail, error will be true.
callback responseData will be follow structure
message: Buffer, // request message send to server
address: string, // address to get
result: string | null, // server response result string
resultBuffer: Buffer | null, // server response buffer
error?: any, // error detail information
writeItem(address, value, callback)
write value into address, and callbake will trigger when write done.
- address: string for example 'DM0'
- value:string for example '100',
- callback (err?: Error | undefined) => void
if callback first parameter is undefined, it means success.