
1.1.1 • Public • Published


A compact theme for a json-resume (http://jsonresume.org/)



To get started with this JSONResume theme, you'll need to have the JSONResume CLI installed. If you haven't already install it with npm install -g resume-cli. If this doesn't work, try sudo npm install -g resume-cli. After that, you can get your resume.json ready by typing resume init. After hitting enter, your resume will be initialized and you can edit it and fill in the neccessary fields. Check out the official resume-schema repository for more information on filling these fields.

When you are finished with your resume, you may test it by yet again opening the command line and typing resume serve --theme compact to see how it looks with this theme. You can replace the word compact with other theme names too.

If you want a local copy of your resume, type in resume export resumeName --theme compact, and replace resumeName with the desired filename. You can export it in pdf and txt using the --format flag, like so: resume export resume --format pdf --theme compact However, if you wish to export it to the JSONResume Registry, use the command resume publish instead.

More details about the CLI and it's commands are available here.


  • In the interest of compactness, this theme currently ignores the following resume data:
    • awards
    • publications
    • interests
    • languages
    • volunteer
    • references
  • Other fields are ignored too (skill level, location, full dates, etc).
  • Your networks are shown in the top section of the resume. The resume template tries to use a font-awesome icon for each network named fa-{{network}}. If you enter a network with no corresponding font-awesome icon, it will not be displayed properly. You can see the networks that are supported by browsing the font-awesome icons.
  • PDF generation via resume export doesn't quite work with this theme. For creating a PDF version using this theme, try manually saving the html version via Chrome

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  • karmacv