Set up crtl+k
or command+k
navigation for your application with breeze!
To set up a KBar-mini navigation system in your Svelte application, follow these steps:
npm i kbar-svelte-mini
Include the KDialog component in your root layout file (layout.svelte):
// layout.svelte
import { KDialog } from 'kbar-svelte-mini';
Due to safety design decisions, add the following function call in your layout.svelte:
import { setKbarState } from 'kbar-svelte-mini';
Create an array of actions that represent the navigation items in your KBar. Each action should have an id (optional), title, optional subtitle, and a callback function:
let actions = [
id: 'home',
title: 'Home',
subtitle: 'Subtitle can help with more context',
callback: () => {
// ... add more actions as needed
// Include the KDialog component with defined actions
<KDialog {actions} />
You can customize the appearance of the KBar-mini navigation system by adjusting the following variables:
: Change the background to fit your application. -
: Primary color for your app, used for text and border highlight. -
: Color for dimmed texts. -
: Search bar text color, primary color used in the absence. -
: Control the shadow of the dialog.
--shadow={'0px 0px 10px gray'}
Feel free to customize these variables according to your application's design.
Goto to docs