Karma Elm Spec Framework
This is a plugin for Karma that allows you to run specs created with elm-spec.
Getting Started
First, follow the instructions to set up your elm-spec specs.
Then install Karma and the Elm Spec framework:
$ npm install --save-dev karma karma-chrome-launcher karma-elm-spec-framework
Create a karma.conf.js
file in your project root (for example, by running npx karma init
Here's an example of the config properties relevant to elm-spec:
frameworks: ['elm-spec'],
// Optional elm-spec configuration
elmSpec: {
// Root directory for your specs; must contain elm.json.
// By default this is './specs'
cwd: './my-specs',
// A glob to locate your spec modules, relative to the current
// working directory.
// By default, this is './**/*Spec.elm'
specs: './SpecificBehavior/**/*Spec.elm',
// Path to the elm executable
// By default, this looks for elm on your path
pathToElm: '/some/path/to/elm'
client: {
// Optional elm-spec configuration
elmSpec: {
// End the spec suite run on the first failure.
// This is helpful to turn on when debugging failures, as you'll be able
// to see and interact with the program under test (on the Karma debug
// page) when a spec fails in the browser Karma is controling.
// By default, this is false.
endOnFailure: true,
// These files will be watched for changes by Karma.
// When they change, the elm files will be recompiled.
// Tell Karma not to serve these files; the elm-spec framework takes care of
// compiling and loading the correct files into the browser.
files: [
{ pattern: 'src/elm/*.elm', included: false, served: false },
{ pattern: 'specs/**/*Spec.elm', included: false, served: false }
// This ensures any changed elm files will trigger the spec files to be recompiled.
preprocessors: {
"**/*.elm": [ "elm-spec" ],
// For best results, use the included elm-spec reporter.
reporters: ['elm-spec'],