An eloquent JSON Resume theme: fluent, persuasive, for developers.
- Mobile First theme based on Bootstrap.
- Download your resume with a single click, in a single file.
- Keep your resume offline if you want to: the theme is self-contained.
- Obfuscates your email address and phone number from spam bots.
- Great Font Awesome icons.
- Gorgeous Open Sans web font.
- Optimized for print and screen readers.
- Contains markup to make the most of your content.
- Uses Open Graph & Twitter metas to improve social sharing.
- Optionally use Google Analytics to track page views on your resume.
- All fields are optional, pick what you need!
Install the theme,
npm install --save jsonresume-theme-eloquent-mod
Then use it:
'use strict';
var theme = require('jsonresume-theme-eloquent-mod');
var resume = require('./resume.json');
Install the project with:
git clone
cd jsonresume-theme-eloquent-mod
npm install
# To actively work on the theme.
npm run start
To run the tests locally:
# To create a reference resume export.
npm run test
cp test/resume.html test/old-resume.html
# To compare the result of your changes against the reference.
npm run test
diff -u test/old-resume.html test/resume.html
To release a new version:
npm version minor -m "Release %s"
git push origin master
git push --tags
npm publish
Built with
- Bootstrap: custom build
- IcoMoon: custom Font Awesome build
- Open Sans: great web font-face, taken from Google Fonts
- saveAs polyfill