
1.1.1 • Public • Published


json-pointer-rfc6901 provides convenient methods for handling json pointers as defined by RFC6901

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var pointer = require('json-pointer-rfc6901');
console.log(pointer({ a: 1 }, '/a'));

web (global)

        <script type="text/javascript" src="json-pointer-rfc6901.web.min.js"></script> 
            console.log(JSON.pointer({ a: 1 }, '/a');

web (amd)

  paths: {
      "json-pointer-rfc6901": "json-pointer-rfc6901.web.min.js"
require(['json-pointer-rfc6901'], function (pointer) {
    console.log(pointer({ a: 1 }, '/a');



.get(object, pointer, [options]) -> value

Finds the value in object as specified by pointer.

console.log('result:', pointer.get({ a: 1 }, '/a'));
// result: 1
console.log('result:', pointer.get({ a: 1 }, '/b'));
// result: undefined

.set(object, pointer, value, [options]) -> object

Sets the location in object, specified by pointer, to value. Returns the modified object.

var obj = { a: 1 };
console.log('result:', pointer.set(obj, '/a', 2));
// result: { a: 2 }
console.log('result:', pointer.set(obj, '/b', 3));
// result: { a: 2, b: 3 }
console.log('result:', pointer.set(obj, '/c/0/a', 4));
// result: { a: 2, b: 3, c: [ { a: 4 } ] }
console.log('result:', pointer.set(obj, '/c/-/b', 5));
// result: { a: 2, b: 3, c: [ { a: 4 }, { b: 5 } ] }

.has(object, pointer, [options]) -> Boolean

Returns true iff the location, specified by pointer, exists in object.

console.log('result:', pointer.has({ a: 1 }, '/a'));
// result: true
console.log('result:', pointer.has({ a: 1 }, '/b'));
// result: false

.del(object, pointer, [options]) -> object/undefined

Removes the location, specified by pointer, from object. Returns the modified object, or undefined if the pointer is empty.

var obj = { a: 1 };
console.log('result:', pointer.del(obj, '/b'));
// result: { a: 1 }
console.log('result:', pointer.del(obj, '/a'));
// result: {}
console.log('result:', pointer.del(obj, ''));
// result: undefined

.escape(str) -> str

Escapes the given path segment as described by RFC6901.

Notably, '~''s are replaced with '~0' and '/''s are replaced with '~1'

console.log('result:', pointer.escape('abc'));
// result: abc
console.log('result:', pointer.escape('~'));
// result: ~0
console.log('result:', pointer.escape('/'));
// result: ~1

.escapeFragment(str) -> str

Escapes the given path fragment segment as described by RFC6901.

Notably, '~''s are replaced with '~0' and '/''s are replaced with '~1' and finally the string is URI encoded.

console.log('result:', pointer.escapeFragment('a b'));
// result: a%20b

.unescape(str) -> str

Un-Escapes the given path segment, reversing the actions of .escape

Notably, '~1''s are replaced with '/' and '~0''s are replaced with '~'

console.log('result:', pointer.unescape('abc'));
// result: abc
console.log('result:', pointer.unescape('~0'));
// result: ~
console.log('result:', pointer.unescape('~1'));
// result: /

.unescapeFragment(str) -> str

Un-Escapes the given path fragment segment, reversing the actions of .escapeFragment.

Notably, the string is URI decoded and then '~1''s are replaced with '/' and '~0''s are replaced with '~'.

console.log('result:', pointer.unescapeFragment('a%20b'));
// result: a b

.isPointer(str) -> Boolean

Returns true iff str is a valid json pointer value

console.log('result:', pointer.isPointer('/a'));
// result: true

.isFragment(str) -> Boolean

Returns true iff str is a valid json fragment pointer value

console.log('result:', pointer.isFragment('#/'));
// result: true

.parse(str) -> Array

Parses a json-pointer or json fragment pointer, as described by RFC901, into an array of path segments.

console.log('result:', pointer.parse('/abc'));
// result: [ 'abc' ]
console.log('result:', pointer.parse('#/abc'));
// result: [ 'abc' ]

.parsePointer(str) -> Array

Parses a json-pointer, as described by RFC901, into an array of path segments.

console.log('result:', pointer.parsePointer('/abc'));
// result: [ 'abc' ]

.parseFragment(str) -> Array

Parses a json-pointer or json fragment pointer, as described by RFC901, into an array of path segments.

console.log('result:', pointer.parseFragment('#/abc'));
// result: [ 'abc' ]

.compile(array) -> str

Converts an array of path segments into a json pointer. This method is the reverse of .parsePointer

console.log('result:', pointer.compile([ 'abc' ]));
// result: /abc
console.log('result:', pointer.compile([ '~', '/', 'abc' ]));
// result: '/~0/~1/abc'
console.log('result:', pointer.compile([ '' ]));
// result: '/'
console.log('result:', pointer.compile([]));
// result:

.compilePointer(array) -> str

Converts an array of path segments into a json pointer. This method is the reverse of .parsePointer

console.log('result:', pointer.compilePointer([ 'abc' ]));
// result: /abc

.compileFragment(array) -> str

Converts an array of path segments into a json pointer. This method is the reverse of .compileFragment

console.log('result:', pointer.compileFragment([ 'abc' ]));
// result: #/abc

pointer(object, [pointer, [value]]) -> pointer/value/object

Convenience function for choosing between .smartBind, .get, and .set, depending on the number of arguments.

var obj = { a: 1 };
console.log('result:', pointer(obj, '/a', 2));
// result: { a: 2 }
console.log('result:', pointer(obj, '/a'));
// result: 2
var bound = pointer(obj);
console.log('result:', bound.get('/a'));
// result: 2
console.log('result:', bound('/a'));
// result: 2
console.log('result:', bound.set('/a', 3));
// result: { a: 3 }
console.log('result:', bound('/a', 4));
// result: { a: 4 }

.smartBind(bindings) -> pointer

Creates a clone of the api, with ./.get/.has/.set/.del/.smartBind method signatures adjusted.

var obj = { a: 1 };
console.log('result:', pointer.smartBind({ object: obj })('/a'));
// result: 1
console.log('result:', pointer.smartBind({ object: obj }).get('/a'));
// result: 1
console.log('result:', pointer.smartBind({ pointer: '/a' }).get(obj));
// result: 1
console.log('result:', pointer.smartBind({ object: obj }).smartBind({ pointer: '/a' }).get());
// result: 1

bound.pointer(str) -> strings

get/set bound pointer value

bound.fragment(str) -> strings

get/set bound pointer value as fragment

bound.object(str) -> strings

get/set bound object

bound.options(str) -> strings

get/set bound options

.hasJsonProp(object, key) -> Boolean

Returns true iff obj contains key and obj is either an Array or an Object. Ignores the prototype chain.

Default value for options.hasProp.

.hasOwnProp(object, key) -> Boolean

Returns true iff obj contains key, disregarding the prototype chain.

.hasProp(object, key) -> Boolean

Returns true iff obj contains key, including via the prototype chain.

.getProp(object, key) -> value

Finds the given key in obj.

Default value for options.getProp.

.setProp(object, key, value) -> value

Sets the given key in obj to value.

Default value for options.setProp.

.getNotFound(object, segment, root, segments, iSegment) -> value

Returns the value to use when .get fails to locate a pointer segment.

Default value for options.getNotFound.

.setNotFound(object, segment, root, segments, iSegment) -> value

Returns the value to use when .set fails to locate a pointer segment.

Default value for options.setNotFound.

.delNotFound(object, segment, root, segments, iSegment) -> value

Performs an action when .del fails to locate a pointer segment.

Default value for options.delNotFound.

.errorNotFound(object, segment, root, segments, iSegment) -> n/a

Raises a JsonPointerError when the given pointer segment is not found.

May be used in place of the above methods via the options argument of ./.get/.set/.has/.del/.simpleBind.

try {
  console.log('result:', pointer.get({a: 1}, '/b', {getNotFound: pointer.errorNotFound}));
catch (ex)
  console.log(ex.name, ':', ex.message);
// exception: JsonPointerError : Unable to find json path: /b
console.log('result:', pointer.get([1,2,3], '/length'));
// result: undefined
console.log('result:', pointer.get([1,2,3], '/length', { hasProp: pointer.hasOwnProp }));
// result: 3
console.log('result:', pointer.get([1,2,3], '/length', { hasProp: pointer.hasProp }));
// result: 3
console.log('result:', pointer.get([1,2,3], '/push'));
// result: undefined
console.log('result:', pointer.get([1,2,3], '/push', { hasProp: pointer.hasOwnProp }));
// result: undefined
console.log('result:', pointer.get([1,2,3], '/push', { hasProp: pointer.hasProp }));
// result: function push() { [native code] }

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