Warning: as version number suggests, this is an alpha version of an alpha version. Currently, only a handful of AHK functions are implemented and the documentation is severely lacking.
Continue at your own discretion, you've been warned.
A small tool for transpiling JavaScript to .ahk AutoHotkey files.
npm install -g js2ahk
When used as a JS module, it should be installed locally.
When installed globally, it adds js2ahk command to PATH, which lets you transpile .ahk.js files from command line.
High-level overview
The package works by exposing a JS API. Whenever you call a function from the API, the function is mapped to its AHK equivalent and added to an internal parse tree. When your code finishes, the parse tree is converted to text representation in the AHK scripting language and saved to the output file.
For example, when you call ahk.win.minimize('exe', 'Firefox.exe')
, the package converts
the call to AHK (here: WinMinimize ahk_exe Firefox.exe
) and stores it.
Consequence is that you can use any JS code while generating the output, but only the calls
to the ahk.*
will be recorded and transpiled.
Command line:
js2ahk <input-file>
The input file must have the .ahk.js extension. It is an ordinary JS file,
but there's an ahk
global variable, which exposes the AHK functions.
See below for deeper explanation.
Node.js module
You can create scripts by including the module and calling the resulting function with target file path and callback that contains the actual AHK code.
const createAhkScript = const outputFilePath = "filename.ahk"
Node.js module
createAhkScript(targetFile, ahkFn)
The package exposes single function that accepts file path where the resulting transpiled .ahk file will be saved, and a callback. When called, the function creates new AHK context and passes it to the callback (see below for documentation). Inside, you can call any ahk functions. An AhkTree structure is constructed internally of all called functions.
If nothing is returned from the callback, it is assumed that your code is synchronous
and the output will be saved after your callback finishes.
If your callback contains any asynchronous calls, you can return a Promise
and evaluation
will be delayed until it resolves.
After your callback is finished, the function calls are transpiled to AHK and written
to the output file path. If file path is null
, the output won't be saved.
The parse tree is then returned from the function.
Standalone script & command line API
js2ahk <input-file>
When installed globally, you can invoke the js2ahk
command from command line.
The input file must have the .ahk.js extension. Inside, you can write any JS code,
that will run in a Node.js environment. An ahk
global object is added. Through
this object, you can call any API methods.
After your script finishes, the result is transpiled and saved to the output file,
which will have the same name as the input file, but with the .ahk
Docs for the AHK API live here: https://anagmate.github.io/js2ahk/
Currently, only a handful of AHK functions are supported. More will be added depending on my time and public demand.