An extendable, testable and intuitively usable error-handling Exception class built and based on the standard, built-in Error object. Written in UMD.
Compatible with ECMAScript 6.
npm install js-lang-exception
Usage - Include/Initialization
- AMD (e.g.: RequireJS)
- CommonJS (e.g.: NodeJS)
var Exception = ; // you can now use Exception
- Browser
// load the source from "node_modules/js-lang-exception/dist/js-lang-exception.js" - for development// or from "node_modules/js-lang-exception/dist/js-lang-exception.min.js" - for production var Exception = js_lang_exception; // it is available in the global namespace // you can now use Exception
Usage - After Initialization
- General usage:
// similar to the ordinary Errorthrow ; // with a custom messagethrow 'With a custom message'; // custom message with argumentsthrow 'With a custom message and one argument: {}' 1;throw 'With 2 arguments: {}, {}' 1 2;throw 'With multiple arguments: {} + {} = {}' 20 22 42; // custom message with arguments - with direct indexing// will be "With directly addressed arguments: {3} - {2} - {1}"// **NOTE** - array indexing starts with 0 after the message, not 1,// so here the {2} will be 3, {1} will be 2 and lastly {0} will be the number 1 from the array throw 'With directly addressed arguments: {2} - {1} - {0}' 1 2 3; // custom message + custom IDthrow 'With another message' 42;throw 'With another message' 1001;
- Advanced usage:
// custom message without arguments + custom ID + custom datathrow 'With another nice message' 1404 custom : false data : 1492; // **NOTE** - if an array is passed with the custom message only,// it will be just as if it would be passed as a string, chill and wonder ;)throw 'With another nice message' 1404 custom : false data : 1492; // custom message with arguments + custom ID + custom datathrow 'With another nice message with: {}, {} and {}' 1 2 3 1404 custom : false data : 1492; // custom message + custom data - ignoring custom ID by passing **null** as an argument for the IDthrow 'With a message.' null custom : 'data'; // custom ID + custom data - ignoring custom message by passing **null** as an argument for the messagethrow null 1984 custom : 'data'; // custom data - ignoring both custom message and custom IDthrow null null custom : 'data';
- Advanced usage with custom exceptions
// subclassing - **ES5** { // call with the default values Exception; // also can be called with custom arguments Exception;} CustomExceptionprototype = Object;CustomExceptionconstructor = CustomException; try throw ; catch e // check whether custom message, custom ID and custom data was passed console; console; console; // get custom message, ID and data console; console; console; // you can check them, these will be all === true console; console; console;
// subclassing - **ES6** { // call with the default values super; // also can be called with custom arguments super'Custom message' 1001 custom : 'data'; } try throw ; catch e // check whether custom message, custom ID and custom data was passed console; console; console; // get custom message, ID and data console; console; console; // you can check them, these will be all === true console; console; console;
Check the source here since it's well structured and documented. Also you can find the rendered jsDoc documentation on Doclets.io.
Also, check the unit tests in order to grasp the full-fledged capabilities.
Have fun! ;)
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MIT @ Richard King