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An javascript version actor, inspired by Akka Actor


npm i js-actor --save

Quick Start

run your first actor is simple as follow:

import { ActorSystem } from "js-actor"
import { AbstractActor } from "js-actor"
// create an actor system
const system = ActorSystem.create("systemName")
// create a message object
class Greeting {
    constructor(public message: string) {}
// create an actor
class MyActor extends AbstractActor {
    public createReceive() {
        return this.receiveBuilder()
            .match(Greeting, greeting => console.log(greeting.message))
// mount actor to system, return an ActorRef object
const myActor =  system.actorOf(new MyActor)
// myactor is ready an listening, send message to it.
myActor.tell(new Greeting("hello~"))

will print




ActorSystem is a heavyweight structure that theoretically should allocate thread, but in js just allocate listener. imagine your computing unit as a realword actor, the ActorSystem is the stage that give the all actor to work upon it. all actor listen ActorSystem. so create on for per logic application.

create(name: string): ActorSystem

create an ActorSystem. Equal to new ActorSystem(name: string).

  • name. ActorSystem's name. in some scene will make sense.

eventStream: EventEmitter

the event stream of the ActorSystem. All actor should listen it.

tell(event: string, message: object): void

call emit on eventStream

  • event. actor name
  • message: Message object's entity

actorOf(actor: AbstractActor, name = generate()): ActorRef

is equal to ActorContext.actorOf

getRoot: ActorRef

ActorSystem implicitly initiate an rootActor that all user custom actor will mount under it. this method can get it.

stop(actorRef: ActorRef): void

is equal to ActorContext.stop.

terminal(): void

remove all listener and clear the children of the rootActor.


expose contextual information for your actor.

name: string

actor name

self: ActorRef

return reference of self.

system: ActorSystem

return the ActorSystem which the actor is using.

sender: ActorRef | null

return the reference of sender. if there no sender, it would be null.

scheduler: Scheduler

current scheduler of the actor.

parent: ActorRef

return parent actor reference

path: string

path is composed of parent path and actor name. because root path is /, so your first actor path is /firstname/.your child actor path is /firstname/childname/.and so on.

children: Map<string, ActorRef>

return children

actorOf(actor: AbstractActor, name = generate()): ActorRef

regist actor to parent actor use the given name. return the reference of your actor that have mounted under parent actor.

  • actor. which actor you want to mount under parent.
  • name. actor name.if name is undefined, it will be random.

child(name: string): ActorRef | null

recursively find child use the given actor name from current actor. this method just find children of given actor.

  • name. which actor name that you want to find

stop(actorRef = this.self)

this method can stop self and children actor. it will remove the listener of the stopped actor. and remove the reference from parent.

  • actorRef. which actor you want to stop.default is stop self.

become(behavior: Receive): void

change the Actor's behavior to become the new "Receive" handler.eg.

// create a new Receive object
const behavior = ReceiveBuilder.create().build()
// the actor will drop previous receive object and use new receive

isAlive(): boolean

return if the actor is listening.


abstract class that should be extended to create your actor.

class MyActor extends AbstractActor {
    public createReceive() {
        return this.receiveBuilder()
            .match(Greeting, greeting => console.log(greeting.message))

context: ActorContext

return context of the actor.

getSelf(): ActorRef

equal to this.context.self

getSender(): ActorRef | null

equal to this.context.sender

receiveBuilder: ReceiveBuilder

return new ReceiveBuilder

createReceive(): Receive

if this method have been implemented, it must return a Receive object. there's a convenient build-in method receiveBuilder to help your create an Receive object.

preStart() void

is called when actor is started

postStop() void

is called after ActorContext.stop() is invoked

postError(e: Error) void

is called after Receive got error. default rise error.


handle reference to an actor, whitch may reside on an actor.

getContext(): ActorContext

return the context of the actor

getActor(): AbstractActor

return the inside actor.

tell(message: object, sender?: ActorRef)

transfer message to specific actor.

  • message. message object.
  • sender.
targetActorRef.tell(new Greeting, this.getSelf())


a helper class to store logic and create receive object

match(message: Listener["message"], callback: Listener["callback"]): this

  • message. message class.
  • callback. if matched. pass the message object to the callback.

matchAny(callback: (obj: any) => void): this

just like the default in switch.

build(): Receive

return receive object.


mybe you would like to have a look at akka quickstart to get the intuitive sense. and contrast with official api




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