A drop in extension replacing error labels from jQuery Validation plugin with Twitter Bootstrap tooltips
- jQuery
- jQuery Validation
- Twitter Bootstrap (Tested with v2.3.2, v3.3.5 and v4.1.2. v5 is reported to work as well)
Tooltip options are given either through an element's data attributes or as objects set during validate initializing. An example would be:
rules: {
thefield: { digits:true, required: true }
tooltip_options: {
thefield: { placement: 'left' }
ASP MVC developers
There is an equivalent project that caters to jQuery Validation Unobtrusive, johnnyreilly/jQuery.Validation.Unobtrusive.Native and also provides tooltip errors
- 0.11.0 - Reported to work with v5 and update version check. Thanks to jeffreywalters
- 0.10.3 - Update dependencies
- 0.10.2 - Use Boostrap defined defaults. Thanks to fernandoluizao
- 0.10.1 - Add missing dispose for Bootstrap 4.0.0 alpha. Thanks to p34eu
- 0.10.0 - Merged flickerfix and Bootstrap 4.0.0 alpha update into single script.
- 0.9.1 - Corrected 'all' option in flickerfix version.
- 0.9.0 - Corrected selector data parameter Thanks to QN-Solutions
- 0.8.0 - Properly remove error class when valid
- 0.7.1 - Created flickerfix version for Bootstrap 3.3.0 and up Thanks to luis226. Linted.
- 0.7 - Added ability to apply options to all elements. Thanks to thiagof
- 0.6 - Corrected default selector option
- 0.5 - Fixed missing highlight/unhighlight calls
- 0.4 - Fixed missing toggle of error/valid class on input element
- 0.3 - Fixed IE 7/8 error caused but the rouge trim function
- 0.2 - Added extra error check and added minified version.
- 0.1 - Inital release.
Demo or it didn't happen
Special Thanks to dennysfredericci
Who's gist (found here)was the basis of this extension.