1.0.1 • Public • Published
UnityEngine.Vector2 written in JavaScript
Name |
Description |
down |
Shorthand for writing Vector2(0, -1) . |
left |
Shorthand for writing Vector2(-1, 0) . |
one |
Shorthand for writing Vector2(1, 1) . |
right |
Shorthand for writing Vector2(1, 0) . |
up |
Shorthand for writing Vector2(0, 1) . |
zero |
Shorthand for writing Vector2(0, 0) . |
Name |
Description |
magnitude |
The length of this vector (read only). |
normalized |
This vector with a magnitude of 1 (read only). |
magnitudeSquared |
The squared length of this vector (read only). |
x |
The X component of the vector. |
y |
The Y component of the vector. |
Name |
Description |
add |
Adds another vector to the vector. |
addScalar |
Adds scalar to the vector. |
ceil |
Ceils the vector's components to the nearest integer greater than or equal to the value. |
clone |
Creates a new instance of a vector and assigns it the x and y of the current vector. |
divide |
Divides the vector by another vector. |
divideScalar |
Divides the vector by scalar. |
equals |
Returns true if the given vector is exactly equal to this vector. |
floor |
Floors the vector's components to the nearest integer less than or equal to the value. |
multiply |
Multiplies the vector by another vector. |
multiplyScalar |
Multiplies the vector by scalar. |
negate |
Negates the vector's components. |
normalize |
Makes the vector have a magnitude of 1 . |
round |
Rounds the vector's components to the nearest integer. |
set |
Sets the vector's components. |
setLength |
Makes the vector have a given magnitude. |
setScalar |
Sets the vector's components to the same scalar value. |
subtract |
Subtracts another vector from the vector. |
subtractScalar |
Subtracts scalar from the vector. |
toString |
Returns a string with this vector's components. |
Name |
Description |
addVectors |
Returns an addition of two vectors. |
angle |
Gets the unsigned angle in degrees between two vectors. |
distance |
Returns the distance between two vectors. |
distanceSquared |
Returns the square distance between two vectors. |
dot |
Computes the dot product of two vectors. |
lerp |
Linearly interpolates between two vectors by interpolant clamped to the range [0; 1]. |
lerpUnclamped |
Linearly interpolates between two vectors without clamping the interpolant. |
max |
Returns a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors. |
min |
Returns a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors. |
moveTowards |
Moves a current vector towards target vector. |
perpendicular |
Returns the 2D vector perpendicular to this 2D vector. The result is rotated 90-degrees in a counter-clockwise direction. |
reflect |
Reflects a vector off the vector defined by a normal. |
scale |
Multiplies two vectors component-wise. |
subtractVectors |
Returns a subtraction of two vectors. |
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