JOS : Animation Library
A simple & easy to use animation library for web developers
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Playground Demo
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About This Project
JOS-Animation, Javascript On Scroll Animation library is a simple & easy to use animation library package to instantly add professional animation to your website. It was built to make my life easier while developing websites & comes with tons of features and is fully customizable. It is lightweight & has a very small footprint. The best part of all is that it has no (*minimum) toll on performance.
- Open source, no download or tiring setup, just add a script tag (Embed).
- Includes Preset and expert custom animation options.
- Works with all major browsers & Platforms.
- Fast, light and small with no/min toll on performance.
- Simple & easy to setup for both beginners & experts.
- Customize animation settings and build your own scroll invoked functions
- And lots more stuff... explore it yourself.
This project is currently being developed by me & the dev community, So you can expect more features and updates quite often..
Was inpired by GSAP, AOS libraries. I wanted something easier to use, with great performance and wanted to make the implementation better. So I worked on this project from scratch.
Feel free to report an issue or request a feature in this repository :)
& for more information, Check out the JOS Webpage.
rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow"
style="max-width: 100%;"
Video Tutorial
JOS V0.6 Cubes (Outdated | Latest : v0.9.1)
11 Nov 2023
Jesvi Jonathan
Built With
- Add the
inside the<head>
tag : (this step is not required fromv0.9
- Add the
right after the<body>
tag :
<script src=""></script>
You can add minified version of the script by replacing jos.js
with jos.min.js
in the above script tag.
for basic. -
for production use. -
for debugging along with some other function
From v0.9
onwards, by default jos.js
does not require you to add the stylesheet jos.css
, it will be exported along with the script. But you can still add the stylesheet if you want to for some reason.
Version Tags
- Latest :
- Stable :
- Beta :
So it would be
(embed) for the latest version. or jos-animation/@0.8.8/dist/jos.js
(npm install) for a specific version.
- Use
to initialize the library with default settings.
<!-- Initialize JOS with default settings -->
- (Or) Use
to overide the default settings with your custom settings.
<!-- Global Parameters -->
// disable: false, // Disable JOS gloabaly | Values : 'true', 'false'
debugMode: true, // Enable JOS debug mode | Values : 'true', 'false'
passive: false, // Set the passive option for the scroll event listener | Values : 'true', 'false'
once: false, // Disable JOS after first animation | Values : 'true', 'false' || Int : 0-1000
animation: "fade", // JOS global animation type | Values : 'fade', 'slide', 'zoom', 'flip', 'fade-right', 'fade-left', 'fade-up', 'fade-down', 'zoom-in-right', 'zoom-in-left', 'zoom-in-up', 'zoom-in-down', 'zoom-out-right', 'zoom-out-left', 'zoom-out-up', 'zoom-out-down', 'flip-right', 'flip-left', 'flip-up', 'flip-down, spin, revolve, stretch, "my-custom-animation"
// animationInverse: "static", // Set the animation type for the element when it is scrolled out of view | Values : 'fade', 'slide', 'zoom', 'flip', 'fade-right', 'fade-left', 'fade-up', 'fade-down', 'zoom-in-right', 'zoom-in-left', 'zoom-in-up', 'zoom-in-down', 'zoom-out-right', 'zoom-out-left', 'zoom-out-up', 'zoom-out-down', 'flip-right', 'flip-left', 'flip-up', 'flip-down, spin, revolve, stretch, "my-custom-animation"
timingFunction: "ease-in-out", // JOS global timing function | Values : 'ease', 'ease-in', 'ease-out', 'ease-in-out', 'linear', 'step-start', 'step-end', 'steps()', 'cubic-bezier()', 'my-custom-timing-function'
//mirror : false, // Set whether the element should animate back when scrolled out of view | Values : 'true', 'false'
threshold: 0, // Set gloabal the threshold for the element to be visible | Values : 0-1
delay: 0, // Set global the delay for the animation to start | Values : 0,1,2,3,4,5
duration: 0.7, // Set global the duration for the animation playback | Values : flota : 0-1 & int : 0,1,2,3,4,5
// startVisible: "true", // Set whether the element should animate when the page is loaded | Values : 'true', 'false' || MS : 0-10000
// scrollDirection: "down", // Set the scroll direction for the element to be visible | Values : 'up', 'down', 'none'
//scrollProgressDisable: true // disable or enable scroll callback function | Values : 'true', 'false'
// intersectionRatio: 0.4, // Set the intersection ratio between which the element should be visible | Values : 0-1 (automaticaly set)
// rootMargin_top: "0%", // Set by which percent the element should animate out (Recommended value between 10% to -30%)
// rootMargin_bottom: "-50%", // Set by which percent the element should animate out (Recommended value between -10% to -60%)
// rootMargin: "0% 0% -50% 0%", // Set the root margin for the element to be visible | Values : _% _% _% _% (automaticaly set)
- Set
to the element you want to animate :
<!-- JOS class is required to animate the element -->
<div class="jos"></div>
- Set
*attributes to customize the element you want to animate,
(although these attributes are optional and will work without them) :
<!-- JOS attributes are optional and will work without them (class="jos" is mandatory). these attributes can be used to customize the animation of the element -->
data-jos_rootMargin="0% 0% -50% 0%"
See JOS Props for full information regarding the animation, attributes, and options.
Custom Animation
- Create a custom animation by adding the following code to your stylesheet :
/* Custom animation class name starts with 'jos-' keyword followed by the animation name*/
.jos-my-custom-animation {
/* Set the initial state of the element */
- Use your cutom animation by setting the
attribute tomy-custom-animation
<div class="jos" data-jos_animation="my-custom-animation"></div>
Example : Custom Animation
Custom Inverse Animation
- Create a custom inverse animation by adding the following code to your stylesheet :
/* Custom inverse animation class name starts with 'jos-' keyword followed by the animation name*/
.jos-my-custom-animation-inverse {
/* Set the initial state of the element */
- Use your cutom inverse animation by setting the
attribute tomy-custom-animation-inverse
<div class="jos" data-jos_animationInverse="my-custom-animation-inverse"></div>
This is especially useful when you want to animate an element when it is scrolled out of its rootMargin, this gives more customizability for beautiful animations.
You can also use a combination of both data-jos_animation
("none", "static", no-transition, etc) & data-jos_animationInverse
attributes to create a custom animation.
Example : Custom Inverse Animation
Playable Animation
- Create a playable animation by adding the following code to your stylesheet :
/* Custom playable animation class name starts with 'jos-' keyword followed by the animation name*/
/* My Custom Playable Animation */
.jos-my-custom-animation {
transition: 1s;
animation: jos-my-custom-animation 1s ease-in-out infinite;
transform: translateX(100px);
/* Add Keyframes */
@keyframes jos-my-custom-animation {
0% {
opacity: 1;
50% {
transform: translateX(-100px);
- Use the playable animation by setting the
attribute tomy-custom-animation
attribute tomy-custom-animation-play
Here the data-jos_animationinverse
attribute is set to static
to prevent the element from animating out of view & to keep it in the final state. The Playable animation is triggered and starts playing when the element is scrolled into view.
Example : Playable Animation
Custom Timing Function
- Create a custom timing function by adding the following code to your stylesheet :
/* Custom timing function attribute name starts with 'data-jos_timing_function' keyword & a custom name of your choice */
[data-jos_timing_function="myCustom-timingFunc"] {
/* Set the timing of the element */
transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.2, 0.5, 0.2, 0.5) !important;
- Use your cutom timing function by setting the
attribute tomy-custom-timing-function
<div class="jos" data-jos_timing-function="myCustom-timingFunc"></div>
Example : Custom Timing Function
Anchors to trigger animation
- Create an element that you want to use as an anchor & add an
to it :
<!-- My reference anchor element -->
<div id="myElement"></div>
- Create an element that you want to animate & add the
attribute to it, with the id starting with suffix#
<!-- My animated element -->
<div class="jos" data-jos_anchor="#myElement"></div>
This triggers the animation when the myElement
element is scrolled into view.
This feature is useful especially when you want to animate an element which is in a fixed position.
Example : Anchor
Direction Based Animation
- Create an element that you want to animate & add the
attribute to it :
<!-- My animated element -->
<div class="jos" data-jos_scrollDirection="down"></div>
This triggers the animation when the element is scrolled into view from the up to down
& you can do the same for down to up
This is partciluarly useful when you want to animate an element when it is scrolled into view from a particular direction.
Example : Direction Based Animation
Start Visible
- Create an element that you want to have a visible state when the page is loaded & add the
attribute to it :
<!-- My animated element -->
<div class="jos" data-jos_startVisible="true"></div>
This sets the element to be visivle when the page is loaded. you can add a delay to it by setting the value in ms
<!-- My animated element that is visivle with a given timer/delay in ms-->
<div class="jos" data-jos_startVisible="3000"></div>
This sets the element to be visivle when the page is loaded after 3000
ms or instantly if the value is 0
(or) true
This feature is useful especially when you want an element which is in a fixed position, or is present in the landing page to be at initially in a visible state with no animation .
Example : Start Visible
Create Custom Function
- Create a custom function by adding the following code to your script :
// Create a custom function
function myCustomFunction() {
// Do something
- Use your cutom function by setting the
attribute tomyCustomFunction
<div class="jos" data-jos_invoke="myCustomFunction"></div>
This triggers the myCustomFunction() function when the element is scrolled into view.
You can use data-jos_invoke_out
attribute to trigger the function when the element is scrolled out of view.
Example : Custom Function
Scroll Progress Callback
- Create an element that you want to animate & add the
attribute to it :
<div id="elem1" class="jos" data-jos_scroll="your_callbackFunction">
Scroll Trigger Element
- Create a custom function by adding the following code to your script :
your_callbackFunction = (element) => {
// windowScrollProgress : element scroll pixel
console.log(, element.jos.windowScrollProgress);
// scrollProgress : 0-1 = element.jos.scrollProgress;
// rootScrollProgress : +-0 to +-1 = element.jos.rootScrollProgress;
This triggers the your_callbackFunction() function when the element is scrolled. This way you can handle the scroll progress of the element.
Example : Custom Function
Staggering Animation
- Create an parent element that you want to animate & add the
attribute to it along withjos
class :
class="jos parent_elem"
data-jos_stagger_rootMargin="0% 0% -50% 0%"
<!-- data-jos_stagger="true" # this attribute along with 'jos' class in parent element is Required/Must to enable staggering -->
<!-- data-jos_stagger_anchor="true" # auto sets parent element's id & uses it as a anchor's -->
<!-- Element 1 -->
<div class="child_elem"></div>
<!-- Element 2 -->
<div class="child_elem"></div>
<!-- Element 3 -->
<div class="child_elem"></div>
<!-- Element n -->
The data-jos_stagger
attribute along with jos
class in parent element is Required/Must to enable staggering even if you are using other attributes.
would auto asign id for parent element & use it as a anchor for child elements. -
would use the given id as a anchor for child elements. - not using
make the element independent of the parent element.
is used to set the delay between each element in the sequence (to trigger one after other) whereas data-jos_stagger_delay
total delay for each element as a whole.
Example : Staggering Animation
JOS Attributes
Attribute | Type | Default | Description | Values |
data-jos_animation | string | fade | Set the animation type for the element. |
fade , slide , zoom , flip , fade-right , fade-left , fade-up , fade-down , zoom-in-right , zoom-in-left , zoom-in-up , zoom-in-down , zoom-out-right , zoom-out-left , zoom-out-up , zoom-out-down , flip-right , flip-left , flip-up , flip-down , rotate , rotate-right , spin , spin-right , revolve , revolve-right , stretch , stretch-vertical , my-custom-animation
data-jos_animationInverse | string | static | Set the Inverse animation type for the element. |
fade , slide , zoom , flip , fade-right , fade-left , fade-up , fade-down , zoom-in-right , zoom-in-left , zoom-in-up , zoom-in-down , zoom-out-right , zoom-out-left , zoom-out-up , zoom-out-down , flip-right , flip-left , flip-up , flip-down , rotate , rotate-right , spin , spin-right , revolve , revolve-right , stretch , stretch-vertical , my-custom-animation
data-jos_once | boolean | false | Set whether the element should animate only once. |
true , false
data-jos_delay | int | 0 | Set the delay for the animation to start. |
(float: 0-1) & (int: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
data-jos_duration | float | 0.4 | Set the duration for the animation playback. |
(float: 0-1) & (int: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
data-jos_timing-function | string | ease | Set the timing function for the animation playback. |
ease , ease-in , ease-out , ease-in-out , linear , step-start , step-end , steps(1, start) , steps(1, end) , cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.7, 1.0, 0.1) , my-custom-timingFunc
data-jos_invoke | string | null | Set the function to be invoked when the element is scrolled into view. |
function , myCustomFunction
data-jos_invoke_out | string | null | Set the function to be invoked when the element is scrolled out of view. |
function , myCustomFunction
data-once | boolean & int | false | Set whether the element should animate only |
(boolean: true, false) & (int: 0-infinity)
data-jos_rootMargin | string | 0% -10% 0% -50% | Sets the margin for an element to animate on in a viewport when scrolled. | (string: "right% top% left% bottom%") |
data-jos_rootMargin_top | string | 0% | Sets the margin for an element to animate on the top of a viewport when scrolled. | (string: "top%") |
data-jos_rootMargin_bottom | string | 0% | Sets the margin for an element to animate on the bottom of a viewport when scrolled. | (string: "bottom%") |
data-jos_scrollDirection | string | down | Sets the direction for an element to animate on ina viewport when scrolled. | (string: "up", "down", "none") |
data-jos_startVisible | boolean & int | false | Set whether the element should start at the final state when the page is loaded (also works with delay). |
(boolean: true, false) & (int: 0-10000 ms)
data-jos_anchor | string | null | Sets the anchor element for an element to animate on in a viewport when scrolled. | (string: "#elementID") |
data-jos_scroll | string | null | Sets the callback function for an element to animate on in a viewport when scrolled. |
function , your_callbackFunction
data-jos_stagger | string | fade | Sets the stagger animation for an child stagger element to animate on in a viewport when scrolled. |
string , fade
data-jos_staggerinverse | string | static | Sets the stagger inverse animation for an child stagger element to animate on in a viewport when scrolled (play animation). |
string , fade-play
data-jos_stagger_anchor | string | null | Sets the anchor element for an child stagger element to animate on in a viewport when scrolled. |
string , #elementID
data-jos_stagger_seq | float | null | Sets the sequence delay for an child stagger element to animate on in a viewport when scrolled. |
float , 0-1
data-jos_stagger_delay | float | null | Sets the delay for an child stagger element to animate on in a viewport when scrolled. |
float , 0-1
data-jos_stagger_duration | float | null | Sets the duration for an element to child stagger animate on in a viewport when scrolled. |
float , 0-1
data-jos_stagger_timing-function | string | null | Sets the timing function for an child stagger element to animate on in a viewport when scrolled. |
string , ease
data-jos_stagger_mirror | boolean | null | Sets the mirror animation for an child stagger element to animate on in a viewport when scrolled. |
boolean , true , false
data-jos_stagger_rootMargin | string | null | Sets the margin for an child stagger element to animate on in a viewport when scrolled. | (string: "right% top% left% bottom%") |
data-jos_stagger_scrollDirection | string | null | Sets the direction for an child stagger element to animate on ina viewport when scrolled. | (string: "up", "down", "none") |
data-jos_stagger_startVisible | boolean & int | null | Set whether the child stagger element should start at the final state when the page is loaded (also works with delay). |
(boolean: true, false) & (int: 0-10000 ms)
data-jos_stagger_once | boolean | null | Set whether the element should animate only once or n count. |
true , false , int
data-jos_stagger_scroll | string | null | Sets the callback function for an child stagger to animate on in a viewport when scrolled. |
function , your_callbackFunction
data-jos_stagger_invoke | string | null | Set the function to be invoked when the child stagger element is scrolled into view. |
function , myCustomFunction
data-jos_stagger_invoke_out | string | null | Set the function to be invoked when the child stagger element is scrolled out of view. |
function , myCustomFunction
JOS Methods
Method | Description | Parameters |
init() | Initialize/Reset JOS | options = {} (refer JOS.Init(options) ) |
refresh() | Refresh JOS | none |
stop() | Stop/Pause JOS | state = (0 - Stop at final state, 1 - Stop at initial state, -1 - Pause at current state) |
start() | Start/Resume JOS Service | state = (0 - Normal/Full start, -1 - Resume from current state) |
destroy() | Destroy JOS Instance | state = (0 - Destroy JOS instance excluding stylesheet, 1 - Full Destroy along with JOS-stylesheet) |
Bundling JOS
Once you are done and have finished developing a version of JOS, you can bundle it using the following command from project root :
# JOS-Animation-Library
# |-dev
# |-dist
# |-bundler
# |-config
# |-export <-- Check this folder for the output files
# |-jos.css
# |-jos.js
# |...
# |-original
# | <-- Run this file to bundle JOS
# ...
# Change/Move to bundler directory
cd ./bundler
# Bundle the project
# View the output files
ls ./export
Bugs and Issues
Moved to issues
- Fork it from main branch
- Add your useful feature or fix a bug
- Commit your changes
- Create a pull request
Maybe even bundle it and test it out before sharing it with the world ;
- JOS is licensed under the MIT License.
Used In
(Ping Me If you have a demo)
Why use JOS ?
- Performance, JOS has a implementation, different from others.
- Easy to use, you can use it in your projects with very minimal effort.
- JOS is lightweight (<2kb)
- Customizable with own attributes and animation.
- Open sourced and free to use