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jira-node-client - A node client to easily get data from Jira

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jira-node-client is a node module providing a function to easily get data from Jira with pages aggreation and retries features.


  • executes provided Jira rest api and return response
  • if response includes several pages (total > maxResults) all pages optionally retrieved and aggregated in the response
  • In case of specific errors (5xx, ECONNRESET, ENOTCONN or if the body of the error is 'timeout exceeded'), several attempts are done with a timeout between each ones (5 attempts, 1 second timeout)


npm install jira-node-client

How to use?

First, make sure credentials are set as environment variables:

To check if credentials are set
const jira = require('jira-node-client');
jira.areJiraCredentialsMissing(); // returns true if any of the 2 credentials is not set


Default behavior is basic authentication, meaning that user and password is set in the header of each request to Jira. But you can also enable cookie based authentication, meaning that a first login will retrieve a cookie that will be added to all further api calls. If you application runs long enough to reach cookie expiration, this is detected and a new cookie is automatically retrieved. This will so remain transparent. To enable cookie based authentication

const jira = require('jira-node-client');
jira.config.authentication = 'cookie'; // enable cookie based authentication
To get data
const jira = require('jira-node-client');
jira.execJiraQuery('https://www.myjirainstance.com/jira/rest/api/latest/search?jql=project = PROJKEY and issuetype not in (Epic,subTaskIssueTypes()) and resolution != Unresolved', true)
  .then((response) => { // response is the JSON object returned by the api
    let nbIssues = response.total;
    let firstIssueKey = response.issues[0].key;
  .catch((error) => {
    // error is an object including 2 properties: code and message

Note: Jira REST Apis and JSON format can be found at https://docs.atlassian.com/jira/REST/cloud/.

To configure

You can configure retry behavior

const jira = require('jira-node-client');
jira.config.maxRetry = 10 // On server errors, retries to execute the api 10 time; default is 5
jira.config.retryTimeout = 5000 // wait 5000ms between each retry; default is 1000ms

Running tests

To run the tests suite, first install devlopment dependencies:

npm install

Then run the tests:

npm test

To check code coverage, run:

npm run cover

To do

  • provide function to check that credentials are set in environment
  • provide cookie based authentication
  • base url is configured once
  • make timeout and number of retries configurable



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