A CLI app for taking simple notes without ever leaving the terminal.
jin allows you to take and organize simple notes without ever leaving the command line. Capture ideas, track tasks, and reference code snippets with straightforward and intuitive commands.
Table of contents
$ npm install --global jin-app
Add Note
# Add a new note to an existing notebook. # If the notebook does not exist, it will be created. $ jin add [notebook] <note># jin a [notebook] <note>
# Create a new, empty notebook. $ jin add [notebook]# jin a [notebook]
Note: a notebook name is required.
$ jin add nodejs "Use 'util.promisify()' to promisify a callback-style function." ✔ Added "Use 'util.promisify()' to promisify a callback-style function." to "nodejs".
List Notes
# List all notes in the given notebook. # Pass the --long|-l option to get detailed information. $ jin list [options] [notebook]# jin ls [options] [notebook]
# List all notebooks. # Pass the --long|-l option to get detailed information. $ jin list [options]# jin ls [options]
$ jin list nodejs nodejs Notes ---------------- 0 Use 'os.homedir()' to access the home directory. 1 Use 'util.promisify()' to promisify a callback-style function.
Edit Note
# Edit the contents of a note at the given index of a given notebook. $ jin edit <notebook> <index># jin ed <notebook> <index>
Remove Note
# Remove a note at the given index of a given notebook. $ jin remove [notebook] <index># jin rm [notebook] <index>
# Remove a given notebook. $ jin remove [notebook]# jin rm [notebook]
Note: You must pass in the
flag when attempting to remove a notebook that contains notes.
$ jin remove nodejs 0 ✔ Removed note at index 0 from nodejs notebook.
$ jin rm --force nodejs ✔ Removed nodejs notebook.
Export Notes
# Create an exports of the notes collection in the current directory. $ jin export# jin exp
The notes collection is stored in the user's home directory by default.
# Display general help output. $ jin --help# jin -h
# Display command-specific help output. $ jin [cmd] --help
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MIT © Christopher Murphy