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1.1.0 • Public • Published

About jet-paths

Recursively formats an object containing strings, so that each string value is prepended with its containing objects prefix property.

  Base: '/api',
  Users: {
    Base: '/users',
    Get: '/all',

// Outputs
  Base: '/api',
  Users: {
    Base: '/api/users',
    Get: '/api/users/all',

In my expressJS server, I would generally store my routes in an object like so and pass them to express Router() objects:

// My object
const Paths = {
  Base: '/api',
  Users: {
    Base: '/users',
    Add: '/add',

// And express router object
userRouter.get(Paths.Users.Add, (res, rej) => {

This worked fine. But for my front-end and my .spec tests I needed the full path for each route. I didn't like having to do:

const ADD_USERS_PATH = `${Paths.Base/Paths.User.Base/Paths.Users.Add}`,
  GET_USERS_PATH = `${Paths.Base/Paths.User.Base/Paths.Users.Get}`,

over and over again. So I decided to write a recursive function that sets this up for me.


  • npm i -s jet-paths

How it works

The default import provides the function jetPaths(obj, prefix (optional, default is 'Base')). An object with the same keys is returned with the prefix added for the parent object and all nested objects.

Sample code:

import jetPaths from 'jet-paths';

const PREFIX = 'Root';

const Paths = {
  [PREFIX]: '/api',
  Users: {
    [PREFIX]: '/users',
    Get: '/all',
    Add: '/add',
    Update: '/update',
    Delete: '/delete/:id',
  Posts: {
    [PREFIX]: '/posts',
    Get: '/all',
    Add: '/add',
    Update: '/update',
    Delete: '/delete/:id',
    Private: {
      [PREFIX]: '/private',
      Get: '/all',
      Delete: '/delete/:id',
} as const;

console.log(jetPaths(Paths, PREFIX));

// The above code will print out

  Root: '/api',
  Users: {
    Root: '/api/users',
    Get: '/api/users/all',
    Add: '/api/users/add',
    Update: '/api/users/update',
    Delete: '/api/users/delete/:id'
  Posts: {
    Root: '/api/posts',
    Get: '/api/posts/all',
    Add: '/api/posts/add',
    Update: '/api/posts/update',
    Delete: '/api/posts/delete/:id',
    Private: {
      Root: '/api/posts/private',
      Get: '/api/posts/private/all',
      Delete: '/api/posts/private/delete/:id'

Oh yeah, whole thing is fully typesafe!

Happy web-deving :)

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  • seanpmaxwell1