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0.12.4 • Public • Published


This library provides simple mock methods for aws-sdk in Jest testing.

SDK references are here.

AWS SDK for Javascript Version 2
AWS SDK for Javascript v3
DynamoDB Data Mapper

Latest version is 0.12.4
npm version .
See npm.
This library is compatible with AWS-SDK v3 version v3.517.0.

[Important Note]

Version 0.8.0 has a breaking changes from previous version.

Breaking changes

  • [AWS-SDK-V3] mockSesV2 was deprecated. use mockSESv2 instead.
  • [AWS-SDK-V2] mockAcm was deprecated. use mockACM instead.
  • [AWS-SDK-V2] mockSes was deprecated. use mockSES instead.
  • [AWS-SDK-V2] mockSesV2 was deprecated. use mockSESV2 instead.
  • [AWS-SDK-V2] mockEcs was deprecated. use mockECS instead.
  • [AWS-SDK-V2] mockSsm was deprecated. use mockSSM instead.
  • [AWS-SDK-V2] mockKms was deprecated. use mockKMS instead.

Supported AWS-SDK

  • @aws/dynamodb-datamapper
  • aws-sdk(version 2)
  • @aws-sdk(version 3)



yarn add jest-aws-simple-mock --dev


npm install jest-aws-simple-mock --save-dev

Exported modules

export * from './mocks_v2' // For AWS-SDK version 2
export * as V3 from './mocks_v3' // For AWS-SDK version 3
export * from './chain' // Mock chaining Utility


  1. All modules have been named as "mock + [AWS SDK Client Name]"
    For example, if you want to mock ACM module, mock name is "mockACM".

  2. All methods has 3 types of mock behavior("OneShot", "Entire", "Rejection")

    • OneShot type mocks only the call.
    • Entire type mocks all calls.
    • Rejection type mocks as Promise.reject.

For example, If you want to mock S3.putObject, You can use 3 following mocks.

  // This is OneShot mock method. Would be mocked only at the call.
  putObject: (result:any, mock?: jest.SpyInstance): jest.SpyInstance => {
    return attachMock('putObject', 'S3', Promise.resolve(result), true, mock)
  // This is Entire mock method. Would be mocked all calls.
  putObjectAll: (result:any, mock?: jest.SpyInstance): jest.SpyInstance => {
    return attachMock('putObject', 'S3', Promise.resolve(result), false, mock)

  // This is Rejection mock method. Promise.reject would be rose. 
  putObjectThrow: (result:any, mock?: jest.SpyInstance): jest.SpyInstance => {
    return attachMock('putObject', 'S3', Promise.reject(result), true, mock)


All modules are along with AWS-SDK module name except DynamoDB Data Mapper.

AWS-SDK version 3 modular style

import { PutObjectCommand, S3Client } from '@aws-sdk/client-s3'
import { V3 } from 'jest-aws-simple-mock'

async function mockS3PutObject () {
  const spy = V3.mockS3.send({}) // Mocking response of putObject as {}

  const client = new S3Client()
  const command = new PutObjectCommand(...)
  const res = await client.send() // The res would be return {}

AWS-SDK version 3 previous version compatible style

import { S3 } from '@aws-sdk/client-s3'
import { V3 } from 'jest-aws-simple-mock'

async function mockS3PutObject () {
  const spy = V3.mockS3.putObject({}) // Mocking response of putObject as {}

  const s3 = new S3({region: '.....'})
  const res = await s3.putObject() // The res would be return {}

AWS-SDK version 2

// AWS-SDK version 2
import { S3 } from 'aws-sdk'
import { mockS3 } from 'jest-aws-simple-mock'

async function mockS3PutObject () {
  const spy = mockS3.putObject({}) // Mocking response of putObject as {}

  const s3 = new S3()
  const res = await s3.putObject(...).promise() // The res would be return the {}

DynamoDB DataMapper

use mockDynamo module

import { mockDynamo } from 'jest-aws-simple-mock'
import { DataMapper } from '@aws/dynamodb-data-mapper'
const dataMapper = new DataMapper({Client: new DynamoDB()})

// Mock DataMapper.query method
mockDynamo.query([{a}, {b}])

// Run DataMapper method
const q = dataMapper.query(...)

let res = []
for await (const data of q) res.push(data)

// Result: would be the one that have been mocked. ==> [{a}, {b}]
return res

Chaining Utility

For complex mocking, You can use mock chaining object.

Let you make concern these example.


function a () {
    const res1 = Lambda.invoke(...)
    const res2 = DynamoDB.getItem(...)
    const res3 = DynamoDB.updateItem(...)
    const res4 = Lambda.invoke(...)


import { MockChain } from 'jest-aws-simple-mock'

const chain = new MockChain()
  .append('spyLambdaInvoke', mockLambda.invoke, {}) // (1): mock for 1st lambda invoke
  .append('spyDynamoGet', mockDynamoDB.getItem, {}) // (2): mock for dynamodb getItem
  .append('spyDynamoUpdate', mockDynamoDB.updateItem, {}) // (3): mock for dynamodb updateItem
  .append('spyLambdaInvoke', mockLambda.invoke, {}) // (4): mock for 2nd lambda invoke (by specify the same name of the (1))
const spy = chain.spies.spyLambdaInvoke


All mocks have been generated from mock generator.
If you'd like to make some changes to mocks, Consider to change generator.
The generator also has been included in the generator folder.

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