TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

23.0.0 • Public • Published

Copyright 2017-2024, Caleb Evans
Released under the MIT license

jCanvas is a jQuery plugin that makes the HTML5 canvas easy to work with. For more details on what it can do, visit the website.

jCanvas requires jQuery 1.9 or newer, and supports both desktop and mobile browsers.

If you are using a build pipeline, you can install jCanvas like so:

npm install jquery
npm install jcanvas
npm install -D @types/jquery # Only needed for TypeScript

Please search the online documentation before emailing me any questions you may have. If something in the documentation isn't clear, feel free to email me for clarification.

If you are reporting a jCanvas bug, please include the following information in your report:

  • The version of jCanvas you used
  • A complete code sample that reproduces the issue
  • What you expected to happen
  • What happened instead

jCanvas is available as a free and open-source library under the MIT license.

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  • caleb531