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0.10.2 • Public • Published


This package contains a jazz band that is able to accompany your playing!


Key Features

  • Grooves that reflect different playing styles

  • Instruments such as Synthesizer or Sampler

  • Musicians: Pianist, Bassist and Drummer

  • Band with Metronome countin

  • iReal parser

  • Modular by design

  • Uses tonal and WAAClock


npm install jazzband --save

Quick Start

Hello 251

import { Trio } from 'jazzband';
const context = new AudioContext();
const band = new Trio({ context });
band.comp({ chords: ['D-7', 'G7', 'C^7', 'C^7'] }, { bpm: 120 });

The above snippet will setup the default Trio which is a Robot Rhythm Section playing only Synthesizers 🤖 🎹.


If you want better sound, try the Sampler Instrument:

import { piano } from 'jazzband/samples/piano';
import { drumset } from 'jazzband/samples/drumset';
// create keys from piano samples with correct offset
const keys = new jazz.Sampler({ samples: piano, midiOffset: 24, gain: 1, context });
// create drums from drum samples
const drums = new jazz.Sampler({ samples: drumset, context, gain: 0.7 });
// pass samplers to trio as instruments
const band = new Trio({context, piano, bass:piano,drums});
band.comp(['D-7', 'G7', 'C^7', 'C^7'], { bpm: 120 });


The first argument of the comp method accepts an array of measures. If you want multiple chords per measure, you can just use arrays:

// comps two bars


util contains many functions that extend the tonal library by some handy harmony functions.


  • invertInterval(interval): inverts interval, e.g. 2M yields -7m
  • forceDirection(interval,direction): yields interval that goes in the given direction, e.g. forceDirection('-7M','up') returns '2m' (The target note is the same but the direction is forced)
  • minInterval: Returns the smallest and simplest interval.
  • renderIntervals(intervals,root): Render all intervals on the given root


  • getNearestNote(from,to,direction?): returns the nearest note (with octave).
  • getTonalChord(chord) throw in non tonal chords (like -7) => get tonal readable chord


A Range is an array with the lowest note and highest note that can be played.

  • isInRange(note,range): returns true if the note is inside the given range (array with min max)
  • transposeToRange(notes, range): will transpose the given notes inside the given range
  • getRangePosition(note, range): Depends on where the note is inside the given range. e.g. returns 0 for first note 0.5 for middle note and 1 for top note.


Extend intervals with widely used steps/degrees. The interval to step mapping is:

    '1P': ['1', '8'],
    '2m': ['b9', 'b2'],
    '2M': ['9', '2',],
    '2A': ['#9', '#2'],
    '3m': ['b3'],
    '3M': ['3'],
    '4P': ['11', '4'],
    '4A': ['#11', '#4'],
    '5D': ['b5'],
    '5P': ['5'],
    '6m': ['b13', 'b6'],
    '6M': ['13', '6'],
    '7m': ['b7'],
    '7M': ['7', '^7', 'maj7']

The first being the more common name.

  • getStep(step): Returns unified step string. You can pass a number that will be flattened if negative e.g. -2 will output 'b9'.
  • getIntervalFromStep(step): Returns the interval that leads to the given step.
  • getStepInChord(note,chord,group?): e.g. getStepInChord('F#','C') yields #11
  • renderSteps(steps, root): Renders all steps on the given root.


A Degree is just a number describing a rough step (no matter if flat/sharp/augmented/diminished). This concept can be helpful to e.g. generate patterns over all kinds of chords (See Patterns).

  • findDegree(degree, intervals): Returns the given degrees step. e.g findDegree(2,['1P','2m','3M']) is '2m'
  • hasDegree(degree, intervals): Returns true if the given degree is represented by the intervals.


Symbols collect all tonal symbols (chords and scales) to map additional information to them:

  • short: the chord symbol that should be shown (e.g. △ for M)

  • long: long name, like humans say it.

  • groups: groups that the symbol is member of. The groups are provided for all kinds of classification.

  • scaleNames(group): Returns all scale names that have the given group

  • chordNames(group): Returns all chord names that have the given group

  • groupNames(): Returns all group names


  • getChordScales(chord,group): Returns all scales that contain the given chord (can be filtered by a Symbol group)


  • getPatternInChord
  • getDigitalPattern
  • renderDigitalPattern
  • getGuideTones


  • formatChordSnippet
  • minifyChordSnippet
  • parseChordSnippet

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  • felixroos