
7.3.5 • Public • Published

For more details, see: izy-proxy-help-article

Deployment Setup


You need npm > 3.10.6. The npm install behavior is different in earlier versions. The tool requires that all the node dependencies be installed in flat node_modules subdirectory. If you happen to use an older version of npm, the work around is shown below:


To build an artifact for cloud deployment (i.e. docker container), in any clean subdirectory use:

mkdir ~/srv/<type>/_version_ (or any location you would like have izyware tools deployed to)
cd ~/srv/<type>/_version_
npm init -f; npm install --save izy-proxy; mkdir -p node_modules/configs/izy-proxy;

If you are using npm < 3.10.6, you must also do:

cp -r node_modules/izy-proxy/node_modules/* node_modules/;


To update, just rebuild a new side by side version. This will allow you to roll back to an older version in case there is a failure.


When upgrading or deploying a node (ec2-node or a docker container), you should deep clone the directory as a backup and switch back/forth with pm2 until things work:

mkdir ~/izyware_backup; cp -r ~/izyware/* ~/izyware_backup/
pm2 stop 1
pm2 start 2
.... update ~/izyware/ ...

Notice that you should put your containers behind a load balancer (i.e. AWS elb) to avoid ending up with broken connections.

Nano services

The framework supports implementation of nano services that can be hosted inside cloud containers, browser pages, mobile apps etc.

The compose tool allows defining and managing multi-service applications. You use a compose JSON file to configure all the nano services and then you can create, configure, start and stop the nano services from your application.

The service lifecycle can be managed by


This is the equivalent of

 ['//inline/service?compose', queryObject.serviceComposeId],

For better control, a mini services architecture will use the following:

User interface component will setup the service compose and subscribe to the services it is interested in:

['//inline/service?compose', serviceCompose],
['service.subscribeTo', 'shell'],
modtask.onservice = function(queryObject) {
    const { serviceName, notification } = queryObject;
    // ....

After the user enters the values and picks config the user interface component will call the service:

[`//service/shell?onConfig`, { cmd, verbose: true }]

Note that

  • the framework is interface agnostic and does not need to use onConfig.
  • services are lazy initiazed and wont be activated until a service interface (e.g. onConfig) is called.

On the service side, when the interface is called, the framework will inject datastreamMonitor and the service instance singleton available to the service implementation:

modtask.onConfig = function(queryObject, cb, context) {
    const {
    } = modtask;
    const {
    } = context;
    datastreamMonitor.log({ msg: {
        action: 'updateConfig',

And service can then notifiy the subscribers by:

    chain(['//inline/service?notifySubscribers', {
        source: modtask.__myname,
        notification: {
            id: 'speakerAudioContextIsReadyNotification'

The event management layer allows communication across nano services using a publish subscribe pattern which leads to great flexibility and scalability.

The monitoring layer allows monitoring and logging activity for the services. It provides useful features for streaming services that can measure streaming parameters (flow through, frequency, etc.). datastreamMonitor.log will be the primary interface.

For a referece implementation refer to the portforwarding sample in the apps directory and the white paper avilable in your enterprise dashboard. You may also refer to the open source tools available in automation-desktop. For detailed architectural considerations and metrics schema definition and customization refer to Unified Metrics Stream Pipeline in the help docs.

Picking the correct configuration

The samples directory contains sample configuration files that you can use for tcpserver, taskrunner, ... modes:

cp node_modules/izy-proxy/samples/taskrunner_production_config.js node_modules/configs/izy-proxy/taskrunner.js
cp node_modules/izy-proxy/samples/tcpserver_production_config.js node_modules/configs/izy-proxy/tcpserver.js

Note that some configurations may require additional local packages. For example pkgloader/dbnode, depends on components/pkgman/dbnode being locally present. Make sure to include the relevant components locally and add a search path reference under modtask/config/kernel/extstores/file.js to the appropriate location.

Checking The Package Import Configuration For your Service Dependencies

Package import configuration issues may not come up at service start up but may be caused if your service is referencing a package that is not locally available.

To ensure that the package import configuration is setup correctly for service and the credentials are valid, try importing a the service handler package from the cli, using your config file:

node cli.js method chain chain.action "//inline/myservice:handler" chain.queryObject.success true chain.relConfigFile ../configs/izy-proxy/taskrunner

node cli.js method chain chain.action "//inline/myservice:handler" chain.queryObject.success true chain.relConfigFile ../configs/izy-proxy/tcpserver

Manipulating __moduleSearchPaths

You should not reference modules by the full module (refer to the knowledge center for detailed case studies) path. This will cause the following issues:

  • It will break the platform neurality and portability nano services since non desktop (i.e. browser) environments do not use full file paths.
  • It will limit your ability to call package functionality directly in chain actions because packages are located using relates paths.

To workaround this problem, consider manipulating __moduleSearchPaths:

  • If your code is raw and outside a JSON/IO service handler context (i.e. app.js, bootstrap), use process.__izyProxyCliModuleSearchPaths.

  • If your code is inside a JSON/IO service handler, you can use:

      modtask.__Kernel.rootModule.usermodule.__moduleSearchPaths = [

Notice that for legacy build system using ./ldo.sh command syntax, the search paths may be customized inside thirdparty/config/kernel/extstores/file.js.

TCP Server Mode

cd node_modules/izy-proxy
node tcpserver/app.js (or if you are using pm2, do pm2 start tcpserver/app.js)

Make sure the the cwd for the server process is set to the location for the izy-proxy installation. This is important because the cwd is used in locating plugin, thirdparty modules and the configuration.

For testing your deployment, you can overwrite the default config options by launching the component in the interactive mode

node cli.js method tcpserver __chainProcessorConfig.runpkg.verbose true meta.action checkconfig
node cli.js method tcpserver __chainProcessorConfig.runpkg.verbose true

After the server is running, the following should work:

curl -v localhost:20080/izyproxystatus


<h1>OK, version=3.0</h1>

	"status": 200,
	"host": "localhost:20080",
	"url": "/izyproxystatus",
	"subsystem": "server"

Handling CORS

The serverObjs variable allows the plug-in modules to handle CORS. Note that to handle CORS a plug-in must:

  • Handle the OPTIONS request from the browser. A sample response is provided in the OPTIONS
  • Provide the Access-Control-Allow-XXX headers in each request

You should customize the Access-Control-Allow-XXX headers for your own business needs.

TaskRunner Mode

You may also run the tool in the task runner configuration.

Make sure to edit ../configs/izy-proxy/taskrunner.js. At a minimum the following values need to be set:

  • pkgloadermodconfig.auth
  • izyware_runtime_id
cd node_modules/izy-proxy
node taskrunner/app.js  (or if you are using pm2, do pm2 start node taskrunner/app.js)

For testing your deployment, you can overwrite the default config options by launching the taskrunner in the interactive mode

node cli.js method taskrunner taskrunnerProcessor.verbose true taskrunnerProcessor.readonly true taskrunnerProcessor.loopMode false meta.action checkconfig

node cli.js method taskrunner taskrunnerProcessor.verbose true taskrunnerProcessor.readonly true taskrunnerProcessor.loopMode false

See the configuration reference for taskrunner for the list of command line options.

Periodically Running Dynamic Code

The task runner will run the following chain command:


where taskParameters is defined in the Izy Cloud Dashboard. This will allow for flexibility in terms of what/where to run the tasks:

To run mypackage:mymodule as JSONIO API Interface (what), inline (transport), inside the context of the izy-proxy process (where), simply set the taskParameters to:


To run mypackage:mymodule as JSONIO API Interface (what), over HTTPS (transport), inside the context server.com (where), simply set the taskParameters to:


To run mypackage:mymodule as a chain (what), inline (transport), inside the context of the izy-proxy process (where), simply set the taskParameters to:


Clustering and Autoscaling

Starting with version 6, clustering support has been added to support the following applications:

  • high performance
  • computationally intenstive
  • high availablability and realiability.

We recommend that you enable clustering for better reliability for your mission critical apps.

You may enable clustering by either doing:

node tcpserver/app.js master|standalone|slave

If you specify the cluster configuration in your config file, the default startup mode would automatically become 'master'.

	cluster: {
		healthCheckIntervalSeconds: 2,
		slaveMaxAllowedMemoryMB: 400,
		slaveTTLSeconds: 1000,
		verbose: {
			healthCheck: true,
			masterSlaveMessages: false,
			restartSlave: true

Testing and QA

Since the izy-proxy contains a heterogeneous set of component, full testing will entail running each test piece seperately.

Core Unit Tests

These will test core functionality for module management, chains and integration layer.

npm run test

Networking, Run Package, and API Integration tests

Test chains, runpkg and API plug-in -- require localhost connection.

/* for localhost connection just run node tcpserver/app.js on a seperate terminal */
npm run test all

CLI, RPC and Performance Management Tests

node cli.js method chain chain.action "//inline/izy-proxy/test/chain:module_setting_the_outcome" chain.queryObject.success true chain.queryObject.testKey testValue chain.relConfigFile ../configs/izy-proxy/taskrunner

/* memory management tests */
node --inspect tcpserver/app.js standalone
node cli.js call "test/performance/memtest?test"

/* running the socket handler module directly without going through the TCP/IP stack */
node cli.js method socket socket.path izy-pop3/proxypkg:directdb socket.testmod izy-pop3/proxypkg/test/android socket.verbose.pipe.s1data true socket.verbose.pipe.s2data true socket.verbose.pipe.teardown true socket.verbose.mock false socket.user user  socket.pass 'password!'

/* Test remote servers over TCP/SSL */
node cli.js method socket socket.path pop3.izyware.com socket.port 110 socket.testmod izy-pop3/proxypkg/test/android socket.verbose.pipe.s1data true socket.verbose.pipe.s2data true socket.verbose.pipe.teardown true socket.verbose.mock false socket.user user  socket.pass 'password!'

Test TaskRunner

From the dashboard, select the "izy-proxy smoke tests" task and run it on your node by

node cli.js method taskrunner taskrunnerProcessor.verbose true taskrunnerProcessor.readonly true taskrunnerProcessor.loopMode false meta.action checkconfig

Test Automation

Data Library

Enterprise customers can take advantage of thousands of data samples for testing. Data samples include real world data for:

  • Mobile devices interacting with standard protocol stacks
  • User browsing history analytics data
  • ...

The mock library

You can use the mock library for simulating raw sockets, protocols (HTTP, etc.), databases, browser extension environments, etc.

You can use the mock libraries in conjuction with the data library to improve your test coverage.

The assertion library

You can use the assertion library to to quickly write integrate tests for your service endpoints:

['chain.importProcessor', 'izy-proxy/test/assert:chain'],
['net.httprequest', { url: 'https://myservice/endpoint' }],
['assert.value', {
    /* optional */
	__verbose__: {
		testCondition: true,
		testeeObj: true
   /* optional */
   __contextName__: 'Provide the explanation and contet when an assertion failure is reported',
   /* Optional */
  __operators__: {
    success: 'equal',
    status: 'equal'
    // reason: 'contain'
    // counter: 'greater than'
    // str2: 'notcontain'
  success: true,
  status: 200

the system will deserialize the api.queryObject.* into a JSON queryObject that gets passed into the JSONIO api handlers.

Continious Testing Via Tasks

It is recommended the you test the live deployment for configuration and infrastructure issues using the task engine and the following module:


Using the CLI (Commandline Interface) for launching and testing components

While enterprise gold customers have access to Izyware Studio, the standard users can still use the command line for launching and debugging components that may be launched in the taskrunner context or in the TCP server context.

node cli.js method api api.path <path/to/api/module> api.queryObject.key1 value1 ...
node cli.js call [//cloud/]<invokeString> queryObject.key1 value1 ...
node cli.js method socket ...
node cli.js method taskrunner ...
node cli.js method chain ... 

Of all the methods, the chain is the most powerful, because it will allow you to any chain command (remote, local, etc.) while composing an arbitrary JSON queryObject

node cli.js method chain chain.action "//inline/izy-proxy/test/chain:module_setting_the_outcome" chain.queryObject.success true chain.queryObject.testKey testValue

will show

{ success: 'true', testKey: 'testValue' }

of course you could use it for remote connections, i.e.

node cli.js method chain chain.action "//service/accountmanager:api/forgotpassword?send" \
 chain.queryObject.email xxx@yourizywaredomain.com

If your subscription enables access to Automation Projects studio, you can recreate these launch configurations in the UI and use the console for interactive exploration of your app functionality. Logging, monitoring and automation will also be supported. You must select the authentication strategy that best suits your use case (Open, hoAuth, SAML, etc.) even in the minimal service configuration option. For example:

        port: { http: 17800 },
        plugins: [{
            name: 'apigateway',
            __moduleSearchPaths: [__dirname + '/'],
            cli: 'oAuth2'

Passing Around Configuration Objects

The CLI uses flatToJSON to convert flat serialized command line strings to an in memory JSON key/values using the standard modtask flatToJSON method. If you need to parse the string values into objects, you should use expandStringEncodedConfigValues

let cmdline = { 'queryObject.param.key1' : 'val', test: 'json:["domain_manager"]' };
const { flatToJSON, expandStringEncodedConfigValues } = require('izy-proxy/izymodtask');
/* will result */
{ success: true, data: { queryObject: { param: { key1: 'val' } }, test: ['domain_manager'] } }

the serialized syntax for expandStringEncodedConfigValues is consistent with data URIs which was defined in Request for Comments (RFC) 2397.


The tool has an extensive and powerful plugin system that allows you to very easily break your application up into isolated pieces of business logic, and reusable pieces.

Creating a plugin

Create a plugin by cloning the default subfolder under the plugin directory. You must also register the plugin in the config file.

To automatically test the plug-ins below, send a GET request and expect 200 status code.

The plug-ins may use the sessionObjects to share states and parsed information across the canHandle and handle stages. This will allow for writing high performance plug-ins.


To test this plug-in, try:





There is an optional plug-in called logging. If you would like to remotely view the internal server logs (or view the entries from your your dashboard), you must enable it in the config:

	name: 'logging',
	reloadPerRequest: false,
	ipwhitelist: ['']

Due to security requirements, you must whitelist the IP address in order to access the logging feature.

Integrated Monitoring

Monitoring feature is an improved layer of functionality and surpasses logging. It supports built in metrics collection which can be useful when building streaming solutions. The following features are currently supported:

  • Granular management and verbose flag
  • Filtering and querying by service, component, ...
  • Aggregate metric calculations (Datarate, Sampling Frequency, ...)

While its possible to do ['chain.importProcessor', 'lib/monitoring', {}] inside each handler, it is recommended that to define the monitoring and logging strategy per service instance. Notice that the following component lifecycles:

  • runpkg chainprocessor handler: per process, shared across services. The handler is a singleton which will share the lifetime of the application.
  • chains available for method calls: notice that unless a chain is instantiated using newChain action, it will share its context across method calls so newChain can be utilized to contextualize the chains per service.

Using the strategy above, the service entrypoints, should be launched using a newChain, and the methodCallContextObjectsProvidedByChain and monitoringConfig need to be specified.

This will guarantee that the proper objects are instantiated and made available within the context of each method call during the service lifetime. The service instantiation cli uses this technique to setup the property logging per service end-point. See service code samples sections for examples.

Creating TCP/UDP services using the socket plug-in

You can use the socket plug-in for creating non HTTPs application layer services (SMTP, POP, SOCKS, etc.) that can be deployed from the IzyCloud environment. To configure a node add the following to the plug-ins config:

module.exports = {
	plugins: [
		name: 'socket',
		customRequestHandler: true,
		items: [
			{ port: 20110, handlerPath: ':test/socket' }
		__chainProcessorConfig: __chainProcessorConfig

See the testing instructions above (under Testing) for howto test the service handler directly from the command line. The following verbose flags (and the default values) are available

    socketwhile: false,
    writes: false,
    ondata: false,
    connect: false,
    terminate: true,
    error: true,
    close: false,
    end: false,
    datacopy: false,
    detectStandardOK: false,
    authenticate: false
    mock: false

Data Streaming and QOS

Use the streamproto1 with the socketReader/Writer nodes to enable QOS monitoring.

As the first step, setting the enableQOSMetrics flag to true for the streamproto1 object, will trigger a call to the qosWriter method everytime an audio packet is recieved. A QOSMetrics object will be generated and passed on to the the qosWriter method. The object will have the following properties:

  • head: the header that was immediately preceding the audio packet
  • qosTimestamp: unix timestamp

A typical implementation may be found in service/audiooutput:

(xcast) audio source => IzySocketWriterNode => metadata packet(getMetaDataStrFunction) + audio packet => (peer) => IzySocketReaderNode => audio sink
(xcast) updateQOSForUser <= socket.on('data') <= Stringify(QOSMetrics) (peer) <= enableQOS?qosWriter
  • peer: qosWriter method serialize the QOSMetrics, and write it back to the xcast
  • xcast: the connection.client.QOSMetrics property will be populated by JSON.parsing the incoming data from the socket, and will be aggregated based on user.id into the QOSSocketWriterData storeLib variable.

Eventually, service/mixeradmin will push the QOSSocketWriterData back to the admin using socketWriterNode.getMetaDataStrFunction:

  • xcast: socketWriterNode.getMetaDataStrFunction will pick up the QOSSocketWriterData alongside other xcast state objects and serialize them.
  • peer: socketReaderNode.readMetadataPacket will set storeLib.set('readMetadataPacket') value which is then consumed by dashboard/userinput/qos/api to populate the QOS dashboard.

Handling Domain Based Requests

Use the http plug-in to handle the domain based requests. The http plug-in will use cloudservices data base to configure the raw http handlers.

Platform Features

Uniform Local And Cloud Module Access

If you wish to access izy modules from the file system, you may customize the module path resolution rulesets defined in:


Please refer to the comments in the file to understand how to reference external modules.

Chain Processing

Even-though chain processing is optional, we recommend that it is used when heterogeneous development across multiple platforms is needed. Not only will this enable cross language and cross platform interoperability, it will also simplify building dashboards and command line tools more quickly and rapidly.

Your application units of functionality may be componentized either as a chain action (CA) or as a JSONIO end-point. The former would enforce execution of your application code in context while sharing the objects passed in and out while the latter would serialize the objects and would execute your application code in an isolated environment. The following considerations are important when making a decision about the component type:

  • Security: JSONIO
  • Performance: CA
  • Clustering and Scalability: JSONIO
  • Parallel Processing: JSONIO

Note that when setting up a new chain special attention must be paid to chainAttachedModule and context object. context object gets accessed when doing $chain.get, $chain.set. In some settings (for example FE components) it may make sense to set both the context and chainAttachedModule to the same object (i.e. modui) while in some other contexts it does not make sense to do so.

CAs are implemented via a chain handler module (CHM) while JSONIO end-point are implemented as a JSONIO module (JM). JMs always proffer the doChain method with its context object set to the JM. On the other hand, CHMs do not have the standard doChain processor as JSONIO modules do because they can share context and be called from other chains. In order to process a chain inside a CHM, the $chain parameter proffers the following functions:

  • newChainForModule: Allows running a new chain by running it in the context of a module.

      $chain.newChainForModule(module, cb, context
          ['//service/endpoint', { data }]
  • newChainForProcessor: Allows running a new chain by running it in the same context of the processor it is being called from.

      $chain.newChainForProcessor(processorModule, next, {}, [
          ['//service/endpoint', { data }]

To run chain actions, several options are available:

  • By default, modtask.doChain is enabled inside the current context module: this is the most common usecase for UI components. The advantage of using this option is that any non-success outcome will be captured by the modtask which can be routed to the UI error div. This will allow implementation of error handling at component level (not application level) without writing extra code. It is available inside async functions as well, but its usage is discouraged. If your service monitoring config has warnAsyncDoChainUsage enabled you will recieve a warning for using it.
  • If non-success outcome needs to be captured, the ['newChain', ... CA can be used with modtask.doChain.
  • For new environments (i.e. nodeJS > 7.6) with async capabilities, you can try the following options:
    • const run = require('izy-proxy/asyncio')(modtask|module).run: This option will only run a single CA (no chain arrays). The non-success outcome will be thrown (not captured by modtask). when using module, the relative paths for CA references will not work.
    • modtask.newChainAsync: similar to modtask.doChain, except that the non-success outcome will be thrown. Note that this option is only available inside async functions.

Standard Built-In Chain Commands reference

['net.httprequest', {
    verbose: {
        logRequest: true,
        logResponse: true,
        logEvents: true
    url: '',
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {},
    body: 'string',
    /* when set to false, it will allow https connections to self-signed certificates */
    rejectUnauthorized: false,
    /* when an error would have triggered an unsuccessful outcome, setting this would return a success outcome with outcome.status set to myNumbericalValue and responseText set to outcome.reason */
    resolveErrorAsStatusCode: 'myNumericalValue',
    /* optional */
    responseType: 'text',
    /* optional: if you already have a tcp or web socket that you would like to use for multiplexing use requestOverExistingConnection by providing the connectionId */

Package Runner (runpkg) and using invokeString over the JSONIO APIs

You can leverage this feature to create and consume service components that send/recieve JSON objects across service level boundaries. The advantages are:

  • No need to manage the HTTP metadata and headers
  • JSONIO api security context can be 'transported' and simulated by the IDE, thus making implementation very very easy.
  • The end-points can be directly consumed from chains anywhere in the cloud.

Notice that when settings up the runpkg chain processor, one of the configuration parameters is sessionMod which will be used to carry the authorization info when packages are run:

* When calls use the inline signature, the { ownerId, ownerType } is 'trusted' and used from the sessionMod
* When calls are over http (even local environment), the authorizationToken will be used from the sessionMod and used as the bearer token for the HTTP authorization method.

The difference between the context object for non JSONIO calls (i.e. plugin/http/handle newChain method) and the context object for JSONIO calls that gets setup inside the chain gets constructed for //inline/ or //cloud/ calls could sometimes get confused. It is worth remembering that non JSONIO calls (i.e. http handler) do not have built in authentication schemas and the implemtation is up to the user.

We will review the legacy and current implementations and call signatures below

Version 5

The following schema is supported

  • forcepackagereload: will force a cloud import for the pkg:module, overriding file system or any other cached copies. This will have a performance hit but will ensure freshest and latests code.
  • methodnotfoundstatus: normally if module does not implement module (see rules for V3 below) the outcome will not be success. with this feature, the outcome will be successful and status meta key will be set to statuscode.

Version 3

starting with V3, new signature added to specify method in the invokeString


to maintaine backward compatibility with V2, the following procedure is followed:

  • if method is defined, it will try to find it on modtask. and modtask.actions and if found, will launch with the following signature

      function(queryObject, cb, context) 
  • if method is not defined, it will probe for modtask.processQuery and if that is found it will launch. Otherwise, it will try to run the entire module as a chain, with the following context object preset:

      context: {
        queryObject: queryObject,
        context: context

    the values can easily be access via $chain.get('queryObject'), ...

V1 and V2

A typical implementatin would look like:

var modtask = function() {}
modtask.__apiInterfaceType = 'jsonio';
modtask.processQueries = function(queryObject, cb, context) {
        ['frame_getnode', modtask],
        ['frame_importpkgs', ['sql/jsonnode']],
        ['frame_importpkgs', ['ui/node']],
        ['frame_importpkgs', ['encodedecode']],
        function(_push) {

This can be consumed from anywhere in the cloud via chaining, i.e:

	['//cloud_cluster_addr/path/to/packge:module/handler', payload, modtask],
	function(_push) {

Case Study: Bridging and consuming resources across different networks

Bridging and consuming resources across different networks can be difficult. A common scenario is to integrate DBMS, files, etc. that are only accessable to the intranet or just the local computing resources (for example localhost) inside thirdparty web apps or SASS services. Izyware Proxy Component (izy-proxy) simplifies this process by exposing the heterogeneous resources via standard api gateway.

Benefits Of Using the API Gateway

The major benefit is that by exposing the functionality as an api access point, it can then be pulled in any thirdparty app while controlling permissions and session management tasks automatically via the Izyware Framework.

Recommended Configuration

The following solution is recommended:

  • A running instance of izy-proxy INSIDE the intranet with access to the resources.

  • A DNS entry that would resolve to the INTRANET IP ADDRESS of izy-proxy resource. e.g.

  • SSL certificates corresponding to the DNS resources above: In most cases is not needed for the public facing izy-server instances where the HTTPS connections are handled by a load balancer. But in this scenarios, the izy-proxy instance should handle the HTTPS connection directly (see server.js):

  • domain config: you can pass in specific domain level config to the module. for example:

      { handlerMod: 'apps/bridge/...', domain: 'mydomain', config: { 
              transportAgent: 'socks5://ip:port',
              verbose: {
                  transportAgent: true


It is recommended that the functionality be organized and packaged as an izyware app. This approach will have the following benefits:

  • A boilerplate app can be created (by cloning an existing one) which would immediately provide dashboard, toolbar, etc. features that can be accessed in the UI
  • The app can be immediately used and integrated inside existing business workflows either via the api access points or via the frames/slides UI automation framework.

To make cloning and reusability easier, it is further recommended that the bridge functionality be implemented as a subpackage using the following scheme:


For example, the http bridge app included with izy-proxy uses:


This would result in the route:


Which can then be further used to perform configuration tasks from the CLI, Dashboard Interface or more generally a JSON API call:

npm run apps/brige/api?setconfig queryObject.agent socks5://ip:port

Extending existing node apps

izy-proxy supports both a CLI (command line interface) and a referencable library. There are a few typical usecases for using those.

1. Launching JSONIO components using the CLI

You launch your components by:

node node_modules/izy-proxy/cli.js call|callpretty path/to/handler?theAction queryObject.param1 ...

if you would rather, use npm run, add this to the scripts section of package.json file:

"theAction": "node node_modules/izy-proxy/cli.js call|callpretty path/to/handler?theAction"

this way, you can just call the action by doing:

npm run theAction queryObject.param1 ...

If you need to make these available from the terminal from anywhere, place the call clause inside a seperate js file and link it to the package.json bin property. You can use the link command (or install -g), which will symlink the scripts in under the bin section to the prefix directory

npm prefix -g

Create a file as the global entry point to your package:

#!/usr/bin/env node
require('izy-proxy/lib/cli').pipe(['callpretty', ...]);

Make it executable

chmod +x bin/izy.js

And finally reference it in the bin section of package.json. It can be used by npm install or by linking it:

npm link

If npm link does not work, you can manually link

ln -s `npm prefix -g`/bin/izy.xxx` `pwd`/bin/izy.js

Afterwards, instead of

cd myApp;npm run theAction ...

You could do this from anywere

izy.myApp theAction ....

See the samples folder for more information.

Quick Object Loading

Use the loadById for the source data schema:

const proxyLib = require('izy-proxy').basePath;

// json
chain([`//inline/${proxyLib}/json?loadById`,{ id }]);
// yaml
chain([`//inline/${proxyLib}/yaml?loadById`,{ id }]);
// xml
chain([`//inline/${proxyLib}/xml?loadById`,{ id }]);

Output Formatting

The following formats are currently supported out of the box.

  • tsv (tab seperated values): useful for cut/pasting results into spreadsheets, etc.
  • ssv (space seperated values): Useful for viewing in a terminal, but may not work well for cut/pasting into other apps.
  • json: pretty json

You can consume these in chains by calling the format modules direcly:

const proxyLib = require('izy-proxy').basePath;
chain([`//inline/${proxyLib}/format?serialize`, {
    format: 'tsv'

Adding Search Path

If you would like to have a more flexible path resolution, you must first setup external path resolution so that when you call the CLI, it can correctly interpret and locate your modules:

mkdir -p modtask/config/kernel/extstores
cp ./node_modules/izy-proxy/modtask/config/kernel/extstores/file.js modtask/config/kernel/extstores/

You should then edit the modtask/config/kernel/extstores/file.js and add the hard coded and relative paths for the location of your repositories.

You can also use the following chain command for adding module search paths:

var repoRoot = process.env.HOME + '/plat/p/';
    ['chain.moduleSearchPathAdd', repoRoot],
    chain => console.log(chain.get('outcome'))

2. Launching JSONIO components from legacy code in your app

In this case, call the newChain method:

      chainItems: [
        ['chain.importProcessor', 'lib/chain/sql', {
            config: {}
        ['//inline/module?fn', {}]
      callerContextModule: module
    }, outcome => console.log(outcome.reason)

/* or more compact */

], failoutcome => {});

To provide easier interoperability with newer versions of Python that support Asynchronous I/O you can use the async version. See python-asyncio for details:

const run = require('izy-proxy/asyncio')(module).run;
let { status } = await run('net.httprequest', {
    url: 'http://bad.url.o.r.g',
    resolveErrorAsStatusCode: -1

3. Build server functionality for RPC access

  verbose: {
    WARNING: true,
    INFO: true,
    ERROR: true

  port: {
    http: 20080

  plugins: [{
      name: 'http',
      domains: [
        { handlerMod: 'mypath/myhandler', domain: 'testdomain.com' }
      __chainProcessorConfig: {
        import: {
          pkgloadermodname: 'samples/pkgloader/izycloud'

Integration with Popular Frameworks

The frameworks folder provides support for quick and easy integration with popular frameworks.


Express is a back end web application framework for Node.js. It provides the app object and defines routing by app.METHOD(PATH, HANDLER) syntax.

const __moduleSeachPaths = null; /* optional, defaults to [`${__dirname}/`]; */
const izyhandle = require('izy-proxy/frameworks/express').handle(__moduleSeachPaths);
app.all('/path/to/module', izyhandle);


Hapi is popular for enterprise level back end development.

const __moduleSeachPaths = null; /* optional, defaults to [`${__dirname}/`]; */
const izyhandle = require('izy-proxy/frameworks/hapi').handle(__moduleSeachPaths);
    method: 'GET',
    path: '/',
    handler: izyhandle


You can package your components into AWS infrastructure pieces. As an example, you can package a JSONIO interface into a lambda function simply by following these steps:

  • package your project into a lambda and upload it into aws lambda. e.g. when using a zip package:

      docker run --rm -it -v $HOME:/root -v $(pwd):/izyhostdir amazon/aws-cli lambda update-function-code --function-name  "arn:aws:lambda:..." --zip-file fileb:///izyhostdir/pkg.zip
  • enter the following string in AWS > Lambda > Runtime Settings > Handler

  • (optional) pass on the CLI arguments to your JSONIO component in AWS > Lambda > Configuration > Environment variables as AWS_LAMBDA_CLI_STRING. For example if you are using the following to launch your component from the CLI:

      npm run lib/mytest?mytask queryObject.p1 hello

    then, create the following environment variable

      AWS_LAMBDA_CLI_STRING=lib/mytest?mytask queryObject.p1 hello


for more details, visit izyware

Known Issues


  • customers have requested that service test runner integration into the izy-proxy library.


  • pkg/run consolidate extraInfoInLogs into the monitoring infrastructure and verbose flags

  • importPackageIfNotPresent does not currently take advantage of strict mode optimizations

    • add option to convert inlinestore item from raw to function for faster looped iterations.
    • an optional improvement would be to use /tmp folder cache to generate the function to skip the first raw evaluation
  • provide a new JSON/IO compatible package loader

    • this will enable distributing the pkg server across a cluster.
    • make 2 versions and 1 for V2?
  • default path resolution call/callpretty needs to allow '..' for izy-proxy children

      node node_modules/izy-proxy/cli.js callpretty test/test
      /* fails -- needs to work. works when called from izy-proxy root */
      ['chain.importProcessor', 'izy-proxy/test/assert:chain'],
      /* works */
      ['chain.importProcessor', 'test/assert:chain'],
  • runpkg needs to gracefully handle a '?fn' call in a chain without a chainAttachedModule set

    • the workround is to pass the full path i.e. '//inline/path?myFn'

    • this scenario can happen for example when it calls directly from a node module

            chainItems: [
              chain => {
  • remove the kernel folder from root and include in izymodtask?

  • runWithMethod is duplicated across apigateway/cli and g_cli. consolidation of configuration options is needed.

  • allow relative paths in package names. this will help using the currenct context version for determining package names. so

      ['chain.importProcessor', 'izywaretoolbar/5/extension/api:chainprocessor']
      will become 
      ['chain.importProcessor', 'rel:../extension/api:chainprocessor']
  • treat leading './' and '../' to imply 'rel:'.

Service Consumption

  • the node service (features/v2/node/generic) still depends on legacy /apps/izyware/index
    • some of the sql access, session management for legacy systems gets routed
    • the session management relies on some of the data structure in legacy /apps/izyware/index

Feature Requests

  • networking
    • net.http needs to allow for passing a transport agent
      • support HTTP, HTTPS, and SOCKS options
      • for browser context require toolbar.
  • context
    • domains need to become part of the context
    • APIs is not domain aware. need to add that
      • perhaps after we have added domain to context add a config option to the api-plugin
      • the API implementor would still be able to do this but might be simpler to filter at the service level
    • pass the IP address and headers metadata to the { sessionObjs } already present in HTTP handler as well as the RAW APIS
      • does it make sense to consolidate the model for RAW APIs and HTTP handlers?
      • note that in the node environment, req.connection.remoteAddress return if you are behind a proxy
      • for customers using ngin-x proxy, utilize request.headers['X-Forwarded-For'] to pass this down
      • Is this a valid point? may be not: this information will NOT be avilable in JSON/IO apis. The point of JSON/IO apis is transport independence and doing this will introduce the trainsport specific concept into it.


  • (bug) single action chain items with top level module fail:

      /* only happens when called from frameworks */
      req.path = '/path/to/mymodule';
        chainItems: [
          ['//inline/' + req.path, (req.method.toUpperCase() === 'POST' ? req.body : req.query)],
        __chainProcessorConfig: {
      }, outcome => {
        delete outcome.__callstack;
        delete outcome.__callstackStr;
  • (bug) raw APIs (non JSONIO) do not have the correct context for modtask.doChain module

    • ['//inline/rel:api'] resolves to kernel\extstores\api
  • (feature) chainify socket and jsonio: its is essentially sending session (user) and what to call (action). this will be consistent with the service //service/mixeradminclient?getDeviceId

  • (feature) support compact syntax in the framework. Currently apps/accountmanager/5/sessionfeature:chainprocessor implements locally

      ['chain.importProcessor', 'apps/accountmanager/5/sessionfeature:chainprocessor']
  • runpkg, forces a path resolution dependency on __moduleSearchPaths as currentdir + '/node_modules/izymodtask/'

    • otherwise FAIL, loadObject2, Does not exist: kernel/mod. The module for the chain handler is: node_modules/izy-proxy/features/v2/chain/processors/runpkg
    • turns out the failure is coming from modtask.ldmod('kernel\selectors').objectExist line in runpkg



  • 73000014: update samples using async blocks
  • 73000013: use streaming for transfering body payload for better performance
  • 73000012: implement request origin F2B rule as the default behavior
  • 73000011: implement response location B2F rule as the default behavior
  • 73000010: use nano-service framework for monitoring http proxy
    • utilize service-compose.json for configuration options
    • use datastreamMonitor for monitoring
  • 73000009: reset samplerate monitoring window every 10seconds


  • 7200004: catch error when callerContextModule is not specified
  • 7200003: update README. fix typos
  • 7200002: implement logEvents for http request
  • 7200001: implement support for custom module systems via jsModuleSystem for chains
    • this will allow integration with CommonJS, AM, RequireJS, etc.


  • 7100005: monitoring - improve async code to suppress warnAsyncDoChainUsage feature and add more logging
  • 7100004: add warnAsyncDoChainUsage feature
  • 7100003: cli - allow customization of moduleSearchPaths
  • 7100002: cli - implement generic piping for JSONIO scripts globally
  • 7100001: cli - provide library for running JSONIO scripts globally


  • 7000014: monitoring - extend to other nano services inside the module
  • 7000013: apps - portforwarding
    • implementation of portforwarding app using nano services compose pattern
  • 7000012: add support for nano services inside application space
    • support for service compose/call/notify pattern cycle
    • similar to OS level support for services changeServiceConfig(windows), reload (unix)
    • similar pattern to docker compose for compose
    • This will start the service, if not started on first interaction
    • the service "uniqness" is resolved by the name it has in the compose file
    • support for observables to the service context
  • 7000011: monitoring - have the chain logger default to service context
  • 7000010: monitoring - implement createForStreamMonitoring, improve log signature flexibility, implement fieldsSchema for logs.
  • 7000009: chains - add spawnChildService mode for newChain context
  • 7000008: chains - bugfix for newChain not capturing the full outcome properties in the parent chain outcome property
  • 7000007: monitoring - implement outcomeMonitoring and syntax highlighting
  • 7000006: monitoring - implement ability to filter by invokeString
  • 7000005: async - convert non outcome return values to success outcome object
  • 7000004: monitoring - implement ability to filter by service
  • 7000003: monitoring - implement ability to have syntax highlighting in logs via useANSIColors
  • 7000002: implement detectModuleReuseAcrossChains and canBeInstantiatedAcrossChainContexts
  • 7000001: implement newChain object sharing and scoping via methodCallContextObjectsProvidedByChain. add support for monitoringConfig.monitoringIngestionService


  • 6900002: implement newChainAsync. improve async error handling
  • 6900001: bridge/http - pass on request metadata to prerequest modules interceptors


  • 6800004: add lib/monitoring library from streaming server
    • customers have requested that logging tools for streams be provided at the base server level
    • useful for granular logging control and live streaming properties (data frequency, QOS) monitoring
  • 6800003: add proper error handling for json parser
  • 6800002: runpkg new feature - support specifying the full network url.
    • service reference schema now supporting [http[s]:]//localhost[:port]/${path}/${action}
    • without this feature, rpc applications (i.e. selenium) will be forced to run on port 80 and can only use //localhost/${path}/${action}
  • 6800001: improve support for net.httprequest service
    • send actionable feedback when requestObject is null or not provided


  • 6300025: implement support for requestOverExistingConnection and add json responseType for net.httprequest
    • returns null when malformed json is present


  • 6200002: implement responseType for net.httprequest
    • customer feedback needed to support modern XMLHttpRequest options
  • 6200001: implement rejectUnauthorized for net.httprequest
    • allows making https requests to end-points with self-signed certificates
    • useful for testing


  • 56000001: implement 'newChain' command for basic chain processing.
    • this will enable handling errors gracefully for event driven apps without throwing the main chain.


  • 55000008: fix assertion library bug by treating null values as special objects

  • 55000007: improve error handling for moduleSearchPathAdd

  • 55000006: chain.importProcessor needs to support 'rel:xxx'

    • This will be more consistent with the package launcher // schema.

    • This is important to avoid collusion where the package is being launched when installed as dependency inside node_modules and the parent context also has a chain module with the same name:

         /* ambigious -- chain could be found in a lot of different places */ 
          ['chain.importProcessor', 'chain']
         /* unambigious -- chain must be in the same path as the current module*/ 
         /* would be like modtask.ldmod('kernel/path').rel('chain') */
          ['chain.importProcessor', 'rel:chain']
  • 55000005: prioritize usermodule.getModuleSearchPaths over default Kernel search paths

    • customers had reporting module path resolution conflict for rel:build with internal build components.
  • 55000004: remove izymodtask packge dependency

  • 55000003: update aws framework libraries

  • 55000002: implement net.httpproxy

  • 55000001: implement runpkg.intercept


  • 54000026: fix import config processor bug
  • 54000025: improve node module simulation for chainAttachedModule and leverage Kernel postLoadModule functions.
    • this will fix the issue where 'rel:' is used in package runner.
  • 54000024: make moduleSearchPaths optional for framework libraries
  • 54000023: implement runpkg/import/izynode__chainProcessorConfig for dynamic setting of the processors
  • 54000022: implement forceRequireOnLoadFromFile
  • 54000021: runpkg support ?fnName syntax and default to inline
    • this will support a more compact syntax
  • 54000020: add chain.moduleSearchPathAdd
  • 54000019: add new tools to the assertion lib
  • 54000018: provide package name when importing fails
  • 54000017: enforce application/json content type
  • 54000016: (security) allow POST requests for hapi and express frameworks templates
  • 54000015: implement Flaviu Cristian clock sync algorithm
  • 54000014: (security) cleans the pkgloader url
  • 54000013: support custompackageloader for 3rd party modules and package publishers
  • 54000012: allow url customization for cloud pkgloader
  • 54000011: provide callstack when outer exception is thrown for newChain
  • 54000010: security - reallocate node and import proccessors on each load
    • concurrent threads might be able to get access to execution contexts when common module address space is used
  • 54000009: enforce source code tracking for samples
  • 54000008: getRootModule should always return new object
  • 54000007: add forcemodulereload feature
    • enables object construction delegation to the module load phase
  • 54000006: reorganize and clean up tests
  • 54000005: add reference to Kernel and module store per module
  • 54000004: support self loading izymodtask
    • this will allow module consumption via require and ldmod
  • 54000003: add support for direct assertions on string and numbers
  • 54000002: enforce source code tracking using izy-loadobject tag
  • 54000001: implement strict mode
    • better performance
    • added package running space isolation


  • 53000482: replicate runWithMethod in the apigateway

  • 53000481: Increase test coverage for izymodtask

  • 53000480: Serialize frameworkresponse for backward compatibility

  • 53000479: improve expandStringEncodedConfigValues

  • 53000478: provide replacement for izymodtask/encodedecode/uri with izymodtask/uri

  • 53000477: fix formatting issue for integers

  • 53000476: add support for YAML format.

  • 53000406: add flexible config loader for JSONIO components:

    • when id is a path it will use the file system
    • when id is an object it will parse and verify
    • when id is a service address, the service gets contacted.
  • 53000405: add output format options for cli.

  • 53000404: add flexible npm launch options for better console management.

  • 53000403: expose basePath from index.js

    • cleaner syntax for referencing direct modules
  • 53000402: Support minimal config design service

    • fix apigateway hardcoded paths

    • consume __moduleSearchPaths to locate mod?fn relative to app.js (see below)

    • app.js below

        curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST  "http://localhost:17800/apigateway/mod?fn" -d '{}' 
            port: { http: 17800 },
            plugins: [{
                name: 'apigateway',
                __moduleSearchPaths: [__dirname + '/']
  • 53000401: fix getRootModule data corruption bug

  • 53000400: move bootstrap into izy-proxy

  • 80001333: add logging to net.httprequest

  • 80001332: show user feedback when proper url string is not provided.


  • assert.value: verbose option for testeeObj
  • process taskrunner inside izy-proxy. use API configurable task iterator and recorder
  • Will allow custom task iterators.
  • Decouples the hosting environment from the apps/tasks/___ packages
  • move memtest suit to test directory
  • send masterMetrics to slaves for monitoring
  • support for clustering and autoscaling


  • add support for resolveErrorAsStatusCode to net.httprequest
  • make body string mandatory for POST/PUT net.httprequest
  • add support for ip:port scheme to net.httprequest
  • remove dependencies to components/net/http:chain
    • implement http functionality using feature/v2/http.universalHTTP
    • add http chain net.httprequest
  • set JSON/IO content-type to application/json
  • do not send back outcome.__callstackStr in JSON RPC
    • low risk security issue exposing the callstack to an attacker
  • assert.value should accept hierarchy of operators
    • to support probing for scenarios like headers: { location: 'contain' }
  • add default __moduleSearchPaths to CLI to allow out of the box functionality without external path resolver
  • for pkgrunner implement methodnotfoundstatus
    • now supporting ///pkg:module?method&forcepackagereload=1&methodnotfoundstatus=statuscode
    • allow probing for existance of methods
  • add support for __chainProcessorConfig.__moduleSearchPaths
    • doChain would only be able to locate module dependencies path resolver from root/modtask/... which is not practical
  • set outcome to the loaded module on chain.ldmod/ldpath
    • this will allow loading of modules directly from the initial chain without having access to modtask.ldmod
  • allow local definition for modToPkgMap in the runpkg.__chainProcessorConfig
    • without this, modtask.ldmod('kernel/path').toInvokeString will fail for locally located modules (i.e. on disk imported vs. cloud imported)
    • the package names are used extensively for access control and customization. therefore we cannot assign arbitrary names to the packages
  • leverage izy-loadobject nodejs-require feature and replace relRequire calls.
  • add dontUseDefaultRelConfigFile per customer feedback
    • customers have been requesting to get rid of warning message when config not present
  • implement runpkg.setSession
    • this will allow chains for each session for properly set current user for the sesssion.
  • runpkg: strip out method call params when determining invokeString from rel package name
  • izynode: add support for non node environments
  • add sessionMan documentation
  • add explicit depencies in building the bootstrapers or statically linked components
  • pkgloader/izycloud: remove dependency to Kernel http module and use proxy universal http
  • allow chain context to be function or object


  • remove nodejs dependency to izy-circus

  • http plugin: pass in the full object to the http handler

  • add test for delay/replay combo

  • explicitly disallow /// launch strings

  • add interactive configuration for tcpserver through meta.action in the cli

  • pass in { sessionObjs } as context to the http handler

    • not a good idea to mix sessionObjs up with serverObjs because sessionObjs can be used to share info across plug-ins and session handling
    • this scheme is consistent with call signature for jsonio calls
  • pass in __chainProcessorConfig.runpkg to http and socket handlers to allow debugging issues

  • add parameter checking to importPkgs

  • add the ability to encode json objects at the commandline, i.e.

      node cli.js method chain chain.action '//../...' chain.queryObject.provisioningConfig.type json:[\"domain_manager\"] chain.queryObject.provisioningConfig.userids json:[\"@userlastinsertid\"]
  • open the universal HTTP library (in runpkg)

    • can be consumed by all subsystems
    • standard signature for handling errors, non 200s, etc.
    • single lib working in all scripting environments
  • Explicitly send in the utf-8 character set in the HTTP headers

  • Added the new IzyNode type "izy-proxy" that uses hex encoding

    • This will work in environments that use older encodings on some areas of the stack (i.e. the HTTP server or Scripting)
    • removes the dependency to ui/node/* libraries
  • When the query has the non latin unicode and encryption is turn on it happens

    • In consistent between front-end and backend.
  • fix bug in izyNode config is not correctly transffered to getNode

  • add more tests coverage for parity across //network/ and //local/

    • added tests to ensure that parameter types are being serialized and deserlized correctly across context boundaries
  • improve error reporting and diagnostics

  • make sure pkgloader is configured correctly for socket handler loader

  • add chain.relConfigFile option to chain cli

  • improve socket.pipe to copy cached data

    • this will allow the developers to write socket chains without worrying about timing bugs, etc.
  • fix JSON encoding bug where outcome.__callstack would call circular referencing error

  • retire decodeBase64Content

  • allow ldPkgMan to work even when no pkgloadermodname is provided (features/v2/chain/processors/import.js)

    • this will allow the system to function as long as long modules are available locally
    • used to fail before even trying to check if modules were present locally
  • add handlerWhenChainReturnCBThrows to newChain

    • needed in settings where making doChain available for pkgruns (example rawhttp APIs, etc.)
  • add test/all.js

  • add test/runpkg, testing for runpkg across //inline/ and //network/

  • add test/api making sure that API system still supports JSONIO agnostic with mod.handle for generic purposes

  • fix the customer reported issue where for JSON/IO luanches, //inline/ should be 100% consistent with //network/ for all combinations.

    • Prior to V3 the the API plug-in wont deliver consistency because if modtask.jsonio is not defined -- will think its a raw API and expects mod.handle.
    • This will make it harder for customer to create cloud components that can be deployed reliably to different cloud environment.
    • updated the API system use the same parser for uri that runpkg offers
      • moved the rawhttp, mod.handle interface with chain enabled into its own module within the api plug-in
  • clean app the server module.

    • now clients can create server apps with embedded configrations
    • made the certificate paths optional
  • add ability to define http domains as inline parameters.

    • this will allo non connected apps to work local
  • fix bug with cloud import auth

    • when auth is not defined, the cloud import will not hit the izycloud
  • deprecated noReimportIfAlreadyLoaded since the forcepackagereload=1 for pkgrun

  • new features chain.deportPkgs and forcepackagereload=1

    • for pkgrunner string you can do ///pkg:module?method&forcepackagereload=1
    • this will force a chain.deportPkgs before importpkgs
    • it will allow flexibility for customizing how the remote tasks can be updated
    • it will work well with importpkgs and caching layer there
      • INLINESTORE, Minicore, Kernel is scoped per rootmode (thus so will ldonce)
      • the __importCache is scoped per import processor
  • socket plugin and processor was upgraded to allow for an easier and more intuitive interface

    • using socketIds to communicate between the processor and clients. this should allow for embedded socket applications
    • added socket.mock ajd socket.pipe features
  • updated most chain processors to

    • use the new outcome reporting model (immediate chain exit on failure)
    • ditch doChain in favor of newChainForProcessor
  • the following cotext and callback pattern specific utility wrappers around newChain have been introduced

    • newChainForProcessor: while handling an item in a $chain will run a new chain in a new context, and on failure will exit the $chain. when success it will do next (move on to the next item in the $chain). The new running context will be tied to the processor module and the resulting callstack in case of a failure will trace to the processor.
    • newChainForModule: runs a chain in a new running context tied to the given module and context object. The new running context will be tied to the processor module and the resulting callstack in case of a failure will trace to the module. The callback will have to decide whether to exit the $chain on failure or just report it as an output.
  • deprecated $chain.doChain

    • this would 'share' the running context (callbacks and context) across $chain and the new chain which will lead to maintaince issues
  • updated //inline/ to support '//inline/pkg:module?processQueries' call pattern with optional package and module paths

    • useful for calling internal methods in a module from a chain without writing code
    • '//inline/' call pattern would either call processQueries or run the entire module as chain
    • '//inline/?actionName' will run modtask.actions.actionName(...)
  • updated //inline/ to support pure chain interfaces in addition to processQueries

    • the 'queryObject' and 'context' will be passed as chain keys
    • unified running JSONIO type modules with chains enabled by adding runJSONIOModuleInlineWithChainFeature to pkg/run
    • all other subsystem, including the APIs should be using this
  • deprecated //chain/ launch method in favor of //inline/

    • //chain/ was sharing context across chains which can lead to problems
  • modified the outcome reporting and error handling model for the chain finalCallback to immediately terminate and report as opposed to shoving the outcome in chain.

    • if there is a system level chain failure it will be reported as the finalCallback(outcome)
    • if the system level is successful, $chain.get('outcome') will be reported
    • without this it would require everyone to add a ['return'] to the end of every chain or add ['ROF'] after every call to pump the outcome to the CB which is annoying. It will also make error reporting less useful because the call stack will be at ['ROF'] or ['return'] instead of the previous expression that caused it.
  • deprecated the the explicit

  • added the ability to attach running contexts to modules

    • chainAttachedModule is added to $chain and chainName will refernce the module name
    • this will provide valuable information when reporting failures and construcing stack traces
  • runpkg: deep clone the inline launch parameters

    • this will ensure that the execution contexts are seperate and the data will not be leaked or corrupted
    • will allow for running packages in parallel without the fear of packages stepping on each others data
  • added tracing and callstack for chains

    • this will great aid the end user in creating and maintain complex chain based services Error Handling:
    • locating the error is typically the hardest thing to do which this feature will help accomplish
    • error reporting should give back modules, and where in the modules, and the path (stack trace) that got things there
      • type of errors
        • syntax error inside a dynamic function
        • dynamic/statuc chain calling invalid commands, etc.
        • source code errors when loading
  • fixing command line bug and adding meta.action checkconfig for allowing quick configuration testing on deployments and testing

  • bugfix: make sure importPackage tests the existence of pkgName/package.js


  • cloudservice: allow handling of wildcard for subdomains

  • implement universalHTTP transport layer to allow reusing izy-proxy components in the browser and other environments.

  • add support for relative paths in the pkgrunner luanch string

      ['//izyware.com/rel:modname', {}, mod]
  • add dontDefaultToHttpWhenServiceNameUnrecognized flag to pkgrunner

  • Pass in authorization token as part of the session object to the pkgrunner

    • The token might be used for making HTTP based (not inline) calls
  • Pass in the current session when making inline requests.

  • New impementation of Authorization header security

    • Accept Bearer autorization tokens sent via the HTTP headers
    • Updated the OPTIONS response to indicate that authorization headers are accepted when making cross domain calls.
  • added test/cloudwatch/base for running service tests on a live version

    • this will enable an automated task for doing tests on the live service from the IzyCloud enterprise dashboard
    • The following plug-ins are covered
      • APIs
      • http
      • circus
  • added assertion library to enable simple smoke tests

    • consolidated from toolbar and other libraries
  • added options for cacheImportedPackagesInMemory and noReimportIfAlreadyLoaded to the runpkg, and import chains to allow dynamic remote updating of the modules in the task runner.

    • If this is not turned on, the module updates will only be picked up on taskrestarts which is not desirable.
  • restructured the taskrunner component and added sample config file for standalone deployment of the taskrunner.

    • added apiExecutionContext to taskrunnerProcessor config for remote and local configurations and deployments.
    • added samples/pkgloader/izycloud that uses POST ui/ide:cloudstorage/api with auth token to do package loading inside the Chains (i.e. when using the taskrunnder)
  • added the ability to configure chain processors

  • added the ability to 'replay' a chain and thus looping through easy

    • this is important for processing data sets:

        ['newChain', {
          chainName: modtask.__myname + '.loop',
          chainItems: [
            function(chain) {
              if (offset >= maxOffset) {
                return chain([
                  ['log', 'ran ' + maxOffset + ' sets of queries'],
                  ['set', 'lastOutcome', {
                    data: queryResults,
                    success: true
                ['log', (offset+1) + ' of ' + maxOffset]
  • the seperation of contexts, ability to import and doChain/newChain will enable the apps/tasks/api feature

    • The taskprocessor will define procesor commands (apps/tasks/api/chain) and will be imported
      • process seqs.onNewTask and capture the outcome if error without CONTAMINATING itself
    • The task itself will have a chain seqs.onNewTask (see izy-proxy/taskrunner/main.js)
      • pre import relevant processors (task.*)
  • improved doChain so that it will create the context (dataspace, callbacks) on the fly so that the chain processors can also have doChain internally and the 'finally' part can be optionally localized (similar to how the try/catch works. The layer that has the catch will work).

    • This will allow us to have nested chains, and subchains, etc.
  • pass the $chain to the chain handler that would allow access to chain context as well as doing doChain, newChain, etc.

    • being able to doChain internally is important because the chain handlers may need to utilized other commands inside the current context.
    • having newChain is also important to be able to isolate a set of commands (for example the task manager running an external module).
    • virtually, doChain/newChain will allow differentiation on the following:
      • will it have a new context or will it share the context with parent?
      • will it have an outcome handler or will it go to parent?
  • improved chain management so that we can 'importProcessor' processors, since chain 'actions' will be 'processed' by processors.

    • this will open up implementation by chain.
    • if a handler is redeclared, it will process instead of the parent context

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  • izyware
  • alex.wong
  • christoffdimitar
  • evgheniantropov