
0.5.0 • Public • Published

This pack contains various tools to work with JavaScript objects. It is created to help you avoid monotonous work such as extract data fields from JS object, transform values(trim, substring, replace, and etc..) and validate object schema fields. The idea to create these tools came after long work with MeteorJS & MongoDB.

How to install it?

  npm install isschematools

This pack of the three following modules:

  1. Core Module
  2. Transform Module
    • Methods:
      • transform
      • register
      • build
    • Properties:
      • transformers
        • trim / trimRight / trimLeft
        • substring / replace
        • toUpper / toLower
        • nullIfEmpty / default
        • toType
  3. Validation Module
    • Methods:
      • validate
      • register
      • messages
    • Existing validators
      • required
      • type
      • email
      • url
      • digits
      • maxLength
      • minLength
      • eqlLength
      • range
      • equalTo
      • belongsTo
      • regex

1. Core Module

matchTraverse & traverse functions are based on some variation of BFS algorithm, and they do not use recursion

This module has the following methods:

- Traverse Function

    var t = require('isschematools');
    t.traverse(someObject, callback);

The first param should be an object. The second param should be a callback function which will be invoked on each node of object

    * var t = ISSchemaTools; //in browser
    var t = require('isschematools');
    var someObj = {
        prop1: 'Some data',
        prop2: 'Some other data',
        prop3: {
            prop1: [
                    insideProp1Prop3: 'Data'
    t.traverse(someObj, function iterator(value, key, type, parentNode, isCircular) {
    // RESULT:
    //  'Some data' 
    //  'Some other data'
    //  {prop1: ...}
    //  [{insideProp1Prop3: ...}]
    //  {insideProp1Prop3: ...}
    //  'Data'


  • value - value of processing node
  • key - property name of processing node
  • type - type of processing node
    • 'node' - type of Object or Array
    • 'leaf' - any type except Object or Array
  • parentNode - reference on parent node (Object type). Has following props:
    • key - node key (property name)
    • value - node value (property value)
    • level - level of object (root level = 1)
    • path - array which consists of property keys from root object to current node
        //for object 
        var object = {
            node1 : {
                node2: 'value'
        //path for value in node2 will be ['node1', 'node2'];
    • parent - reference on parent node
  • isCircular - shows if value of this node is circular reference

- MatchTraverse Function

    * var t = ISSchemaTools; //in browser
    var t = require('isschematools');
    t.matchTraverse(someObject, pattern);

The first param is an object for traverse. The second param should be a pattern that describes expected structure of an object. matchTraverse allows to traverse an object using special pattern.

Pattern should describe desired structure of object. Each end node of pattern should be a Vertex or Rule. Rule can contain additional info about end node.

    * var t = ISSchemaTools; //in browser
    var t = require('isschematools'); 
    var pattern = {
        name: t.vertex(),
        surname: t.vertex(),
        nested: {
            nested: {
                value: t.vertex()
        * var t = ISSchemaTools; //in browser
    var t = require('isschematools');
    var model = {
        name: 'Sam',
        surname: 'Wartington',
        contact: {
            isPrimary: true,
            city: null,
            phones: ['+000 11 000 22 22'],
            address: [{
                street: 'Calouss',
                building: 9,
                room: 10
    var pattern = {
        name: t.vertex(),
        surname: t.vertex(),
        contact: {
            city: t.vertex(),
            phones: [t.vertex()],
            address: [{
                street: t.vertex(),
                building: t.vertex(),
                room: t.vertex()
    //returns array of nodes which are defined by pattern
    var nodeList = t.matchTraverse(model, pattern);
    var cleanNodeList = nodeList.filter(function (node) {
        return !(node.value === undefined || node.value === null);
    var result = (node) { return node.value; });
      result -> ['Sam', 'Wartington', '+000 11 000 22 22', 9, 10, 'Calouss']
      node has following structure: 
       * value: value of processed node,
       * key: property name of processed node,
       * level - level of object (root level = 1),
        * path - array which consists of property keys from root object to current node,
        * pattern - pattern describes current node (Vertex means empty pattern type)
    result =;
    result -> {
        name: 'Sam',
        surname: 'Wartington',
        contact: {
            phones: ['+000 11 000 22 22'],
            address: [{
              street: 'Calouss',
              building: 9,
              room: 10

- Rule Function

Pattern for the matchTraverse function can be defined by using rules. Rule is some kind of metadata which is describe a field, and can be used for your processing functions or other needs. You can declare rule by using t.rule function. You should pass in t.rule expected type of data, which is contained in node. Type of expected data is only one required param for t.rule function.

    t.rule({type: Array}); //type must be a Ctor function
    t.rule(Array); //Short declaration


    *   var t = ISSchemaTools; //in browser
    var t = require('isschematools');
    var model = {
        name: 'John',
        surname: 'Doe',
        contact: {
          city: 'Minsk'
    var pattern = {
        name: t.rule({
            type: String
        surname: t.rule({
            type: String
        contact: {
            city: t.rule({
                type: String
                mymetadata: ['My Meta'],
                mymeta: 'My Meta'
    var nodes = t.matchTraverse(model, pattern);
    nodes = nodes.filter(function (node) {
        return !!node.pattern.mymeta;
    var result =;
        result => {
            contact: {
                city: 'Minsk'

Besides type you can use following options(#reserved) inside a t.rule:

  • omit (Boolean | Function:Boolean)
  • name (String)
  • label (String)
  • type (Function)
  • transform (Array)
  • validation (Object)
  • allowNull (Boolean)
    var t = ISSchemaTools || require('isschematools');
    var tr = t.transform.transformers;
        omit: true, //More details in description of build function 
        name: 'Name', //Name of node (more details #Validation Module)
        label: 'LabelName', //Alias for field (more details #Validation Module)
        type: (String, Boolean, Function, Object, Array, Number, RegExp),  //Any named constructor function
        transform: [tr.trim],  //Array of transformer methods (more details will be pointed out in description for #Transform Module)
        validation: {  //Object with validation rules (more details will be pointed out in description for #Validation Module)
            required: true

- Build Function function provides ability to gather result of matchTraveres into new object. Lets try to find out how should we work with it:

    var t = require('isschematools');
    var listOfNodes = t.matchTraverse(__obj__, __pattern__);
    var result =, __options__);


  • listOfNodes - result of t.matchTraverse function
  • options
    • clean - can be true or false, if value is true then nodes which obey following rules will be excluded:
      • value is (NaN, Infinite, undefined, "" or null*)
      • type of value is incorrect
      • omit value for node is equal true, or omit function gives true
    • allowNull - global identifier which is used to save values with null in result object
    var t = require('isschematools'); //var t = ISSchemaTools;
    var listOfNodes = t.matchTraverse({
        name: 'slim',
        surname: 'shady',
        city: undefined,
        country: null
    }, {
        name: t.rule(String), // Short declaration of rule the same {type: String} 
        surname: t.rule(String),
        city: t.rule({
            type: String
        country: t.rule({
            type: String
    });; // => {name: 'slim', surname: 'shady', city: undefined, country: null}, {clean: true}); // => {name: 'slim', surname: 'shady'}, {clean: true, allowNull: true}); // => {name: 'slim', surname: 'shady', country: null}
    listOfNodes = t.matchTraverse({
        name: null,
        surname: null,
        password: '1234567',
        confirmPassword: '1234567'
    }, {
        name: t.rule({
            type: String
        surname: t.rule({
            type: String,
            allowNull: true
        password: t.rule({
            type: String
        confirmPassword: t.rule({
            type: String,
            omit: true,
            validation: {
                equalTo: 'password'
    });, {clean: true}); //=> {surname: null, password: '1234567'}
    listOfNodes = t.matchTraverse({
        name: 'Stringify',
        surname: 'Dodood'
    }, {
        name: t.rule({
            type: String
            omit: function (node) {
                return node.value === 'Stringify';
        surname: t.rule({
            type: String,
            omit: function (node) {
                return node.value === 'Dorbonsky';
    });, {clean: true}); // => {surname: 'Dodood'}

- Chain Function

Creates a Chain object that wraps value with explicit method chaining enabled. Returns Chain wrapper object.

    t.chain(model, pattern); // => `Chain object`


    var model = {
        filter: {
            name: 'Jo%%%%',
            surname: '%%urndina%%'
            age: {$lt: 18}
        order: {
            name: 1
    var pattern = {
        filter: {
            name: t.rule(String),
            surname: t.rule(String),
            age: t.rule(Object)
    t.chain(model, pattern).build({clean: true, allowNull: true});
            filter: {
                name: 'Jo%%%%',
                surname: '%%urndina%%',
                age: {$lt: 18}

- DefineExtensison Function

    t.defineExtension(extensionName, function providerFn (...) { ... });

Function defines module extension. Accepted params: 'module name', init function that returns (module) with methods.


    var t = require('isschematools');
    t.defineExtension('superduper', function (_) { // _ -> small set of utils (look at tests for core module)
        function superduper(opts) {
            _.each(this._nodes, function (node) {
                var metadata = node.pattern.superduper;
                if(_.isString(metadata)) {
                    node.value = [metadata, node.value, metadata].join('-');
            return this;
        this.addMethodToChain('superduper', superduper);
        return {
            superduper: function (model, pattern, opts) {
                return t.chain(model, patter).superduper(opts).build(opts);
    var model = {
        name: 'SomeName',
        surname: 'SomeSurname'
    var pattern = {
        name: t.rule({
            type: String,
            superduper: '@!!!@'
        surname: t.rule({
            type: String
    var result = t.chain(model, pattern).superduper().build({clean: true});
        result => {
            name: '@!!!@-SomeName-@!!!@',
            surname: 'SomeSurname'

2. Transform Module

3. Validation Module


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  • igor.shalimov