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ip-location-api npm version

Fast and customizable nodejs api to get geolocation information from ip address. ip-location-api make a fast lookup by using in-memory database.

This api is created for server-side javascript like Node.js. If you need client-side javascript which works in BROWSER, please try to use @iplookup/country or @iplookup/geocode.


import { lookup } from 'ip-location-api'
// or CJS format
// const { lookup } = require('ip-location-api')

var ip = ""
var location = lookup(ip)
// If you use Asynchronouns version which is configured with smallMemory=true,
// var location = await lookup(ip)

  country: 'FR',
  region1: 'NOR',
  region1_name: 'Normandy',
  region2: '27', 
  region2_name: 'Eure',
  city: 'Heudicourt',
  // metro: Defined only in US (Aug.2024)
  timezone: 'Europe/Paris',
  eu: 1,
  latitude: 49.3335,
  longitude: 1.6566,
  area: 5,
  postcode: 27860,
  country_name: 'France',
  country_native: 'France',
  phone: [ 33 ],
  continent: 'EU',
  capital: 'Paris',
  currency: [ 'EUR' ],
  languages: [ 'fr' ],
  continent_name: 'Europe'


I make a benchmark for making comparison with intel 12700 (2.1GHz), SSD, nodejs v20. You can change the memory usage or lookup time, by customizing location information.

benchmark type in-memory db startup lookup ipv4 lookup ipv6
country 6.9 MB 3 ms 0.362 μs/ip 0.708 μs/ip
country 2.9 MB 2 ms 243 μs/ip 255 μs/ip
ip-location-api city 62.9 MB 14 ms 0.751 μs/ip 1.064 μs/ip
city 15.6 MB 5 ms 267 μs/ip 271 μs/ip
geoip-lite city 136 MB 54 ms 1.616 μs/ip 3.890 μs/ip
city 0MB 4 ms 1714 μs/ip cannot lookup


$ npm i ip-location-api


ip-location-api has two modes which are synchronous and asynchronous. Synchronouns one load all data in-memory at startup time, thus it makes fast lookup. Asynchronouns one load smaller data in-memory at startup time, and the other data is loaded from the hard drive for each lookup.

type memory usage startup lookup
Synchronouns Large Slow Fast
Asynchronouns Small Fast Slow

If you have a enough memory, I recommend to use synchronouns one because lookup is over 300 times faster than asynchronouns one.

Field description

Note that as far as possible, the same field names as in geoip-lite are used, but some different field names are used.

ip-location-api geoip-lite database description
country country MaxMind "2 letter" country code defined at ISO-3166-1 alpha-2
region1 region MaxMind region code which is short code for region1_name ISO 3166-2
region1_name ❌️ MaxMind first sub division name (multi language)
region2 ❌️ MaxMind region code which is short code for region2_name ISO 3166-2
region2_name ❌️ MaxMind second sub division name (multi language)
city city MaxMind city name (multi language)
metro metro MaxMind Geolocation target code from Google
eu eu MaxMind true: the member state of the European Union, undefined: for the other countries. This needs "country" field.
timezone timezone MaxMind time zone associated with location
latitude ll[0] MaxMind approximate WGS84 latitude
longitude ll[1] MaxMind approximate WGS84 longitude
area area MaxMind The radius in kilometers around the specified location where the IP address is likely to be. maxmind blog
postcode ❌️ MaxMind region-specific postal code near the IP address
❌️ range MaxMind We removes range information for optimization
country_name ❌️ Countries country name
country_native ❌️ Countries country name in native language
continent ❌️ Countries continent short code
continent_name ❌️ Countries continent name
capital ❌️ Countries capital name
phone ❌️ Countries international country calling codes
currency ❌️ Countries list of commonly used currencies
languages ❌️ Countries list of commonly used languages

Setup the configuration

You can configure the api by 3 way.

  • CLI parameters: ILA_FIELDS=latitude,longitude
  • Environment variables: ILA_FIELDS=latitude,longitude
  • Javascript: await reload({fields: 'latitude,longitude'}) .

The name of CLI prameter and environment variables are same.

Conf key in reload(conf) is named with "LOWER CAMEL", CLI or ENV parameter is named with "SNAKE" with adding "ILA_" (come from Ip-Location-Api).

reload(conf) CLI or ENV default description
fields ILA_FIELDS country You can change the fields to be retrived from MaxMind. When you set "all", all fields are displayed.
addCountryInfo ILA_ADD_COUNTRY_INFO false "true" make to add the country information from Countries. This needs "country" field.
dataDir ILA_DATA_DIR ../data Directory for database file
tmpDataDir ILA_TMP_DATA_DIR ../tmp Directory for temporary file
apiDir ILA_API_DIR .. Directory for ip-location-api
smallMemory ILA_SMALL_MEMORY false false: synchronouns, ture: asynchronouns
smallMemoryFileSize ILA_SMALL_MEMORY_FILE_SIZE 4096 Max file size for asynchronouns data (no change is recommended)
licenseKey ILA_LICENSE_KEY redist By setting MaxMind License key, you can download latest version of database from MaxMind server. By setting to "redist", you can download the database from node-geolite2-redist repository which re-distribute the GeoLite2 database.
ipLocationDb ILA_IP_LOCATION_DB When you need only "country" field, you can use ip-location-db data
downloadType ILA_DOWNLOAD_TYPE reuse By setting to "false", "tmpDataDir" directory is deleted every update. "reuse" dose not delete "tmpDataDir" and re-use "tmpDataDir"'s database if the database file dose not update.
autoUpdate ILA_AUTO_UPDATE default By setting to "false", it dose not update automatically. "default" updates twice weekly. You can set CRON PATTERN FORMAT which is provided by cron with UTC timezone (For example, ILA_AUTO_UPDATE="0 1 * * *" for daily update).
multiDbDir ILA_MULTI_DB_DIR false If you use multiple "dataDir", please make this value to "true"
series ILA_SERIES GeoLite2 By setting to "GeoIP2", you can use premium database "GeoIP2"
language ILA_LANGUAGE en You can choose "de", "en", "es", "fr", "ja", "pt-BR", "ru", "zh-CN". By changing, the language of "region1_name", "region2_name", "city" fields are changed
silent ILA_SILENT false true: deactivate unnecessary console.log

Update database

npm run updatedb


import { updateDb } from 'ip-location-api'
await updateDb(setting)

There are three database update way.

  • ILA_LICENSE_KEY=redist

When you set "ILA_LICENSE_KEY=redist" which is the dafault setting, it downloads GeoLite2 database from the redistribution repository node-geolite2-redist.

When you set "ILA_LICENSE_KEY=YOUR_GEOLITE2_LICENSE_KEY", it downloads GeoLite2 dastabase from the MaxMind provided server. YOUR_GEOLITE2_LICENSE_KEY should be replaced by a valid GeoLite2 license key. Please follow instructions provided by MaxMind to obtain a license key.

When you set "ILA_IP_LOCATION_DB=YOUR_CHOOSEN_DATABSE", it downloads from the ip-location-db (country type only). You can "YOUR_CHOOSEN_DATABSE" from ip-location-db with country type. For example, "geolite2-geo-whois-asn" is wider IP range country database which is equivalent to GeoLite2 database result for GeoLite2 country covered IP range and geo-whois-asn-country for the other IP range. The other example, "geo-whois-asn" is CC0 licensed database, if you are unable to apply the GeoLite2 License.

After v2.0, the database is created automatically at initial startup, and updated automatically by setting ILA_AUTO_UPDATE which updates twice weekly with default setting.

How to use with an example

When you need only geographic coordinates, please set "ILA_FIELDS=latitude,longitude". You need to create a database for each configuration. After v2.0.0, the database is created at initial running (which takes some seconds), and auto update with ILA_AUTO_UPDATE which update twice weekly with default setting.

The database is created by following CLI

$ npm run updatedb ILA_FIELDS=latitude,longitude


$ ILA_FIELDS=latitude,longitude # set environment variable
$ npm run updatedb

or you can create database with 'create.js' which includes the following.

await updateDb({fields:['latitude', 'longitude']})

The CLI command for using app.js which uses ip-location-api is necessary to start with following CLI parameter

$ node app.js ILA_FIELDS=latitude,longitude

or environment variable

$ ILA_FIELDS=latitude,longitude # set environment variable
$ node app.js

or you can write down configuration in reload function of app.js as

await reload({fields:['latitude', 'longitude']})
// or await reload({fields:'latitude,longitude'})

If you need all the data in above field table, setting "ILA_FIELDS=all" and "ILA_ADD_COUNTRY_INFO=true" is the one.

benchmark in-memory db startup lookup ipv4 lookup ipv6
longitude,latitude 46.5 MB 10 ms 0.428 μs/ip 0.776 μs/ip
all 76.4 MB 18 ms 1.054 μs/ip 1.348 μs/ip

For module bundler (webpack, vite, next.js, etc)

Some module bundlers cannot work with original database system. If module bundlers could not work with ip-location-api, please try to import module as following. It works almost same as original module.

import { lookup } from 'ip-location-api/pack'

It would be better to set directories for database files which have write permission. Without write permission directories, you cannot use this module.


Node.js version

This library supports Node.js >= 14 for ESM and CJS.

License and EULA

There are multiple licenses in this library, one for the software library, and the others for the datadata. Please read the LICENSE and EULA files for details.

The license for the software itself is published under MIT License by sapics.

The GeoLite2 database comes with certain restrictions and obligations, most notably:

  • You cannot prevent the library from updating the databases.
  • You cannot use the GeoLite2 data:
    • for FCRA purposes,
    • to identify specific households or individuals.

You can read the latest version of GeoLite2 EULA. GeoLite2 database is provided under CC BY-SA 4.0 by MaxMind, so, you need to create attribusion to MaxMind for using GeoLite2 database.

The database of Countries is published under MIT license by Annexare Studio.

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  • sapics