Simple columns helpers for Inuitcss framework.
With npm
npm i inuit-columns
With Yarn
bower add inuit-columns
You can download the latest version or checkout all the releases here.
It generate helper clasess, e.g.:
By default, it apply half of columns count on tablets and below. You can change this below. Depends on Sass-mq.
By default, it apply simple columns until mobile. You can change this below. Depends on Sass-mq.
If we’re using Sass-MQ, automatically generate responsive helpers for each of our defined breakpoints, and give them a Responsive Suffix, e.g.:
You can imagine the other variations.
You can import this plugin into a project sample code like this:
You can override settings with writing your custom definitions before import plugin.
A list of columns count that get generated as helper classes:
The utility apply half of columns count on tablets and below. If you desire more control you can set it to false. Depends on Sass-mq.
For the function 'apply half of columns count on tablets': type of Sass round: ceil (rounds a number up to the next whole number) or floor (rounds a number down to the previous whole number).
The utility apply simple column until mobile. If you desire more control you can set it to false. Depends on Sass-mq.
Widths of gaps modifiers
Optionally we can use the Inuitcss global spacing units
The contributions are very welcome.