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1.1.5 • Public • Published

MIT License



Node Graph Editor in React!
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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. License
  5. Contact

About The Project

A Node Graph Editor written in React.

Each Node has Inputs and Outputs (called Sockets), which can be connected to each other. A Socket can have an interface component, used for displaying and editing the current value.
Users can then select Nodes from a catalogue, combining them into a graph, constructing more complex logic in the process.

At its core, it uses Emil Widlund's Nodl for the Node logic, but with a completely new UI and some other new features.

  • Nodes can be defined with accent color and a neat icon, and Sockets can have their own UI components
  • The UI is themable, using classnames and css variables, and even customized rendering of connections (see Styling)
  • Nodes can be (de-)serialized, allowing for saving and loading of graphs
  • Better UX:
    • Node can be copied and pasted, even across different instances of the editor
    • When connecting Nodes, the connection snaps to compatible Sockets
    • Built-in Node Browser
    • Nodes can be dragged not just by their title bar
    • And more improvements

Built With

Deno React

Usage without React

Getting Started


  • React
  • npm or deno



import { Catalog, EditorStore, NodeEditor } from ""


npm install ingooutgo
import { Catalog, EditorStore, NodeEditor } from "ingooutgo"

Usage without React


Basic Usage

See the Nodes Readme for info on how to create Nodes.

// See example/src/app/page.tsx for full example
import { useState } from "react"
import { DemoWrapper } from "./styles"
import { Catalog, EditorStore, NodeEditor } from "ingooutgo"
import { mathCatalog, stringCatalog } from "ingooutgo-example-nodes"

const nodeCatalog: Catalog = {
  nodes: [],
  subcategories: {
    mathNodes: mathCatalog,
    stringNodes: stringCatalog,

const App = () => {
  const [store] = useState(new EditorStore(nodeCatalog))

  // ------- Render -------
  return (
          onConnection: (connection) => console.log("NEW CONNECTION", connection),
          onConnectionRemoval: (connection) =>
            console.log("REMOVED CONNECTION", connection),
          onNodeRemoval: (node) => console.log("REMOVED NODE", node),
          onSelectionChanged: (nodes, connections) =>
            console.log("SELECTION CHANGED", { nodes, connections }),

Editor Store

The manager which is responsible for the editor state. It has the following structure:


Property name Type Description
nodes IngoNode[] The associated Nodes
connections Connection<any>[] The associated Connections
selectedNodes IngoNode[] The currently selected Nodes
selectedConnections Connection<any>[] The currently selected Connections
nodeCatalog Catalog The Catalog containing NodeRegistrations
mousePosition MousePosition Current mouse position within the Canvas surface


Method signature Description
addNode(node: IngoNode, position: {x: number, y: number}) Used to add a Node at the given position
removeNode(nodeId: IngoNode['id']) Removes a Node from the store
setNodePosition(nodeId: IngoNode["id"], position: { x: number; y: number } Sets the position of a Node
connectSockets(a: ConnectionIds | undefined, b: ConnectionIds | undefined) Connects two sockets (each defined as [nodeId, socketId])
removeConnection(connectionId: Connection<any>["id"]) Removes a Connection from the store
checkConnectionCompatibility(connectIdsA?: ConnectionIds, connectIdsB?: ConnectionIds): [Output<any>, Input<any>] | false Checks for compatibility between nodes, and if compatible, returns them ordered as [Output, Input]
setSelectedNodes(nodes: IngoNode[]) Selects the given Nodes
setSelectedConnections(connections: Connection<any>[]) Selects the given Connections
deleteSelection() Deletes the currently selected Nodes & Connections
clear() Deletes all Nodes and Connections


I expose two utility functions for (de-)serializing the editor.

Utility Description
serializeNodes: (nodes: IngoNode[], positionsForNodes: Record<IngoNode["id"], Position | undefined>) => SerializedNode[] Serializes nodes into a storable format
serializeAllNodes(store: EditorStore): SerializedNode[] Serializes all nodes in a given store
loadSerializedNodes: (store: EditorStore, serializedNodes: SerializedNode[]) => void Loads serialized nodes into a Store
  • Note that when serializing a Node without its position, it will be set to {x: 0, y: 0}.
  • When loading a serialized a Node into an EditorStore, the EditorStore needs to have a matching NodeRegistration. Otherwise, it will be ignored.

Usage without React

You can also use the editor without React, by using the EditorStore directly. See deno-sandbox/serialization-tests.ts as an example.
One usecase would be to automate inputs, once you have built a graph that you are happy with.
You can build a graph using the React UI, serialize it by selecting and copying the nodes, and then paste it into a script.


Custom Path Function

If you want, you can customize the path function used to render connections. It should return a string that can be used as the d-attribute of an SVG-Path.

// To render the path as a straight line between the sockets.
const customPathFunction = (from: Position, to: Position) => {
  return `M ${from.x} ${from.y} L ${to.x} ${to.y}`

Custom Styles

You can customize the theme using css variables, or by using exposed classnames. This was not tested extensively, please report any issues you encounter.

CSS variables

These are the available css variables and their default values:

.ingo {
  --color-text: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);
  --color-editor-background: #343a40;
  --color-browser-divider: #343a40;
  --color-browser-background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
  --color-browser-entry-highlight: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
  --color-node-background: #212529;
  --color-node-divider: #343a40;
  --color-node-background-lighter: #464c51;
  --color-node-icon-background: #464c51;
  --color-node-socket: #ffffff;
  --color-connection: #ffff;
  --color-selection: rgba(253, 126, 20, 1);
  --color-connection-selection: rgba(253, 126, 20, 1);
  --color-selection-shadow: rgba(253, 126, 20, 0.2);
  --color-input-border: #343a40;
  --color-input-background: #464c51;
  --color-input-background-lighter: #464c51;

CSS classes

And these are the classnames for the components:

Classname Target
.ingo All components
.connection-g A connection between sockets
.browser-search The Search-field for the node browser
.browser-divider The divider in the node browser
.browser-entry An entry in the node browser
.browser-entry-label The label for an entry in the node browser
.node-browser The node browser itself
.node-card The whole node card
.node-title-bar The title bar of a node
.node-title-label The title label of a node
.node-title-icon The icon of a node
.node-divider The divider in the node card
.node-field A field inside a node
.node-field-label The label of a field
.node-field-type The type-text of a field
.node-field-socket The socket of a field
.node-field-hover-zone The hover zone of a field
.node-field-component-wrapper The wrapper around a component for a field
.editor-wrapper The wrapper around the whole editor
.nodes-container The container of the nodes


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

Usage without React


PetrosiliusPatter -

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Usage without React

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  • petrosiliuspatter