fork from PhotoViewer
PhotoViewer is a JS plugin to view images just like in windows.
If you want to support IE8, please goto Magnify.
- Vanilla JS
- Modal draggable
- Modal resizable
- Modal maximizable
- Image movable
- Image zoomable
- Image rotatable
- Keyboard control
- Fullscreen showing
- Multiple instances
- Browser support IE9+
- RTL support
You can install the plugin via npm
$ npm install imagepdfviewer --save
Differences between photoviewer
support pdf
// source
// add a new render to pdf
build(imgsrc) {
// Create ImagepdfViewer HTML string
let imagepdfviewerHTML;
imagepdfviewerHTML = this.pdfRender();
imagepdfviewerHTML = this.render();
pdfRender() {
const btnsTpl = {
minimize: `<button class="${NS}-button ${NS}-button-minimize" title="${this.options.i18n.minimize}">
maximize: `<button class="${NS}-button ${NS}-button-maximize" title="${this.options.i18n.maximize}">
close: `<button class="${NS}-button ${NS}-button-close" title="${this.options.i18n.close}">
zoomIn: `<button class="${NS}-button ${NS}-button-zoom-in" title="${this.options.i18n.zoomIn}">
zoomOut: `<button class="${NS}-button ${NS}-button-zoom-out" title="${this.options.i18n.zoomOut}">
prev: `<button class="${NS}-button ${NS}-button-prev" title="${this.options.i18n.prev}">
next: `<button class="${NS}-button ${NS}-button-next" title="${}">
fullscreen: `<button class="${NS}-button ${NS}-button-fullscreen" title="${this.options.i18n.fullscreen}">
actualSize: `<button class="${NS}-button ${NS}-button-actual-size" title="${this.options.i18n.actualSize}">
rotateLeft: `<button class="${NS}-button ${NS}-button-rotate-left" title="${this.options.i18n.rotateLeft}">
rotateRight: `<button class="${NS}-button ${NS}-button-rotate-right" title="${this.options.i18n.rotateRight}">
// ImagepdfViewer base HTML
const imagepdfviewerHTML = `<div class="${NS}-modal">
<div class="${NS}-inner">
<div class="${NS}-header">
<div class="${NS}-toolbar ${NS}-toolbar-head">
${this._createBtns(this.options.headToolbar, btnsTpl)}
<div class="${NS}-stage">
<iframe class="${NS}-image ${NS}-iframe" src="" alt="" />
return imagepdfviewerHTML;
Quick Start
Step 1: Include files
add css/ scss
add js
Step 2: Initializing
The usage of photoviewer is very simple, the PhotoViewer
constructor has 2 argument.
- Array with objects of image info.
- Options
// build images arrayvar items = src: 'path/to/image1.jpg' // path to image title: 'Image Caption 1' // If you skip it, there will display the original image name(image1) src: 'path/to/image2.jpg' title: 'Image Caption 2' ; // define options (if needed)var options = // optionName: 'option value' // for example: index: 0 // this option means you will start at first image; // Initialize the pluginvar viewer = items options;
Step 3: Binding Event
At last, binding click event on a button element at initializing.
Code Contributors
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [Contribute].
Financial Contributors
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MIT License