Welcome to use the rotating image verification code component. This component is written for React
Warehouse address: https://github.com/wangchuaichuai/react-image-verification-rotation
This component uses "clip-path" CSS properties, which may result in incompatibility with lower versions of IE browsers
If the overlay setting for compatible IE browsers is false, do not use this property
Develop the canvas version later on
At the same time, all relevant attributes of div can also be used
Welcome to raise questions for improvement
Parameter Introduction
interface ImageVerificationProps extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> {
src?: string
offsetAngleTemp?: number
onSuccess?: Function
onFailer?: Function
overlay?: boolean
imgShow?: boolean
width?: number
height?: number
imgWidth?: number
deviationAngle?: number
successText?: string
failText?: string
initText?: string
CustomButton?: React.ReactNode
- The above are optional parameters
- src is the address of the rotated image. If it is not passed in, use the image link I provided
- offsetAngleTemp is the initial angle. You can provide the initial angle yourself or use the built-in random angle without passing in this parameter
- onSuccess is a method that triggers when validation passes
- onFailer is a method that triggers when validation fails
- overlay overlay images to create small traps and large circles
- imgShow is a boolean value that displays the original image when it is true, and not when it is false
- width is the width of the component
- height is the height of the component
- imgWidth is the width and height of the image
- deviationAngle is the deviation value of the verification angle, with a default deviation of 5 degrees
- successText is the copy that has been successfully verified
- failText is the copy that failed validation
- initText is the prompt text
- CustomButton allows you to customize the style of the reset button by defining an element and passing it in
- you can use
npm install image-verification-rotation
yarn add image-verification-rotation
- This library uses the ES6 module export, so when used
import Verification from 'image-verification-rotation'
- There is already a. dts declaration file in the file, so there is no need to import @ types/image verification annotation
- use
<Verification />
// or
style={{ margin: '200px auto' }}
export default function Example() {
const Btn: React.FC = () => {
return <button>sadas</button>
return (
style={{ margin: '200px auto' }}
onSuccess={() => console.log('success')}
onFailer={() => console.log('failer')}
CustomButton={<Btn />}
- imgShow = false && overlay = true
export default function Example() {
const Btn: React.FC = () => {
return <button>sadas</button>
return (
style={{ margin: '200px auto' }}
onSuccess={() => console.log('success')}
onFailer={() => console.log('failer')}
CustomButton={<Btn />}
- imgShow = true && overlay = true
export default function Example() {
const Btn: React.FC = () => {
return <button>sadas</button>
return (
style={{ margin: '200px auto' }}
onSuccess={() => console.log('success')}
onFailer={() => console.log('failer')}
CustomButton={<Btn />}