TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.0.56 • Public • Published


idonttrustlikethat-fast-check is a plugin designed for fast-check. It convert idonttrustlikethat validators to fast-check arbitraries. Allowing the possibility to use idtlt validators with fast-check.

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Table of Contents


Run the following command in your terminal:

npm install idonttrustlikethat-fast-check       # npm

yarn add idonttrustlikethat-fast-check          # yarn

bun add idonttrustlikethat-fast-check           # bun

pnpm add idonttrustlikethat-fast-check          # pnpm

Basic usage

Creating a string fast-check arbitrary from a idtlt validator:

import fc from 'fast-check';
import { string } from 'idonttrustlikethat';
import { inputOf } from 'idonttrustlikethat-fast-check';

const stringArbitrary = inputOf(string);

fc.assert(, (v) => {
    // Examples of generated values: "JT>\"C9k", "h]iD\"27;", "S", "n\\Ye", ""…

    return string.validate(v).ok;

See playground


Here's a basic example demonstrating the usage of inputOf:

import fc from 'fast-check';
import { object, array, string, isoDate, boolean, union, literal } from 'idonttrustlikethat';
import { inputOf } from 'idonttrustlikethat-fast-check';

// Define a validator
const validator = array(
    id: string,
    article: array(
        id: string,
        author: string,
        created: isoDate,
        tag: union(literal('bunny'), literal('pony'), literal('fox')),
        content: string,
        published: boolean,

// Generate an arbitrary based on the validator
const arbitrary = inputOf(validator);

fc.assert(, (v) => validator.validate(v).ok));

Example of generated values:

    "id": "",
    "article": [
        "id": "5)zKi)\\",
        "author": "C_+]J/y<",
        "created": "-178555-05-21T08:34:36.335Z",
        "tag": "fox",
        "content": "}6f8z",
        "published": false
    "id": "pr",
    "article": [
        "id": ")s",
        "author": ":.p+G",
        "created": "+245858-09-13T13:56:40.856Z",
        "tag": "fox",
        "content": "19\\vYI.",
        "published": true
        "id": "{+<~o?$m",
        "author": " r",
        "created": "-171760-01-02T20:31:07.117Z",
        "tag": "bunny",
        "content": "dMY(sMG",
        "published": true
        "id": "!H:uO(",
        "author": ")]z9Z22;",
        "created": "-120713-12-31T15:25:27.309Z",
        "tag": "fox",
        "content": "j2cA,zb",
        "published": true
        "id": "w1+g",
        "author": "$",
        "created": "+239963-03-06T02:44:13.390Z",
        "tag": "fox",
        "content": "4p<n=V",
        "published": false
        "id": "jp,,/+W",
        "author": "4uj",
        "created": "-067112-09-29T19:48:43.189Z",
        "tag": "pony",
        "content": "LdH?",
        "published": false
        "id": "a5",
        "author": "l`( ",
        "created": "+014697-02-02T20:12:04.692Z",
        "tag": "fox",
        "content": "?Ry\"Y5CO",
        "published": true
        "id": "|_wJ=/{rP",
        "author": "5j{*\"`L~",
        "created": "-000763-05-03T22:01:18.003Z",
        "tag": "pony",
        "content": "<,^<8v",
        "published": true
        "id": "3g,v",
        "author": "3",
        "created": "+158617-10-22T18:09:03.570Z",
        "tag": "fox",
        "content": "MKt\\D@<1d",
        "published": true
        "id": "&@-P:",
        "author": "o{/CsZ",
        "created": "-090627-02-01T01:52:45.085Z",
        "tag": "bunny",
        "content": "DL=Y",
        "published": false
    "id": "bind",
    "article": [
        "id": "!",
        "author": "=MP_=2\\0M",
        "created": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.045Z",
        "tag": "pony",
        "content": "",
        "published": true
        "id": "{s'+",
        "author": "%5{#Q9y\"8",
        "created": "-128929-10-24T23:19:39.271Z",
        "tag": "pony",
        "content": "to",
        "published": false
        "id": "O5[:Y",
        "author": ")tj^\\*=",
        "created": "-087446-08-04T09:19:28.489Z",
        "tag": "pony",
        "content": "f(:oY-%",
        "published": true

In this example, arbitrary will be a randomly generated array that satisfies the specified validation rules.



Tuple validator only support primitive validator:

unknown, string, number, boolean, null, undefined

Unsupported validators

Despicte my will to support the following validators (I asked the idonttrustlikethat author to make change to make it possible, but had no responses… 😪), they are not supported:

- discriminatedUnion
- and
- then
- recursion
- minSize


We welcome contributions to idonttrustlikethat-fast-check! Here's how you can help:

Reporting Issues

If you find a bug or have a feature request:

  1. Search the issue tracker to ensure it hasn't been reported before.
  2. If not found, open a new issue, providing as much detail as possible.

Contributing Code

  1. Fork the repository and create your branch from main.
  2. Clone your fork and install dependencies:
    git clone
    cd idonttrustlikethat-fast-check
    pnpm install
  3. Make your changes, adding tests for new functionality.
  4. Ensure all tests pass:
    pnpm run test
  5. Run the build process:
    pnpm run build
  6. Commit your changes using a descriptive commit message.
  7. Push to your fork and submit a pull request.

Code Style

  • Follow the existing code style.
  • Use meaningful variable names and add comments for complex logic.
  • Write clear commit messages.

Running Tests

To run the test suite:

pnpm run test

For coverage report:

pnpm run coverage


Improvements to documentation are always welcome. This includes:

  • updates
  • Code comments
  • Examples in the examples/ directory


Feel free to open an issue for any questions about contributing.

Thank you for contributing to idonttrustlikethat-fast-check!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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npm i idonttrustlikethat-fast-check

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185 kB

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  • nielk