🐶 Migrate husky from 4 to 9.
npx husky-4-to-5
Alternatively, there's typicode/husky-4-to-8 (requires npm 7+).
Install with npm:
npm install --global husky-4-to-5
Install with yarn:
yarn global add husky-4-to-5
If the CLI is installed globally, you can execute it in the command-line:
Otherwise, you can install and execute the CLI like so:
npx husky-4-to-5
The script:
- updates
scripts:- prepends
- prepends
- installs devDependency:
Finally, the script adds the hooks from one of the config files:
The config file will be removed and changes to the repository will be committed.
Hooks may need to be manually updated to be run via the package manager. For example:
jest → npx jest
→ yarn jest
jest && eslint → npx jest && npx eslint
→ yarn jest && yarn eslint
commitlint -E HUSKY_GIT_PARAMS → npx commitlint --edit $1
→ yarn commitlint --edit $1
Lint files:
npm run lint
Fix lint errors:
npm run lint:fix
Release and publish are automated with Release Please.