A powerful and fast jQuery treeview plugin
Big Upgrade 2021/06/01
The hummingbird-treeview has been upgraded extensively. If you have used the treeview only interactively, no changes are needed. However, if you have used it programatically with respective methods, you have to change your syntax and concept!
We now fully support mass assignements, i.e. the methods expect now arrays of nodes for manipulation. Thus now you can e.g. check many nodes simultaneously by simply sending an array of id's to the respective method. The same concept is now valid for all methods.
Under the hood we have a complete new implementation of the tri-state logic, i.e. setting parent nodes to "indeterminate" if at least one, but not all children nodes are checked etc. This speeds up the processing massively and together with the new array concept makes the treeview super-fast.
The new functionalities allow new useful methods like e.g. saveState and restoreState, which can be used to permanently save a treeview state (remembering of all checked, unchecked, indeterminate checkboxes) and restore it at any time.
So then, have fun with the new hummingbird-treeview !
- Display hierarchical tree structures.
- Based on simple pseudo HTML lists or full HTML structures.
- Tri-state logic.
- Save and restore full treeview state
- Interactively check, uncheck, collapse, expand.
- Programmatical mass assignments to check, uncheck, collapse, expand, etc.
- Supports disabled nodes, checked or unchecked.
- Get checked/unchecked items programmatically.
- Hide, show, or add and remove nodes dynamically.
- Filter nodes.
- Supports HTML5 data-* attribute to embed custom data.
- Supports Font Awesome icons.
- Search function.
- ... and much more
- jQuery v3.1.1
- font-awesome v4.7.0 and font-awesome v5.8.1
The hummingbird-treeview is tested with these versions, other versions work most probably as well.
Getting started
Install via npm
$ npm i hummingbird-treeview
or download manually here on GitHub or integrate via CDNs (see below).
Add the following resources for the hummingbird-treeview to function correctly:
<!-- Required Stylesheets -->
<link href="/path/to/font-awesome.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="/path/to/hummingbird-treeview.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- Required Javascript -->
<script src="/path/to/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/hummingbird-treeview.min.js"></script>
Or integrate the resources via CDNs:
Important: newest release is v3.0.5 !!!
<!-- Required Stylesheets -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- Required Javascript -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
or include font-awesome v5.8.1 instead of font-awesome v4.7.0:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
The treeview input data can have two different formats, a very simple pseudo HTML list or a real HTML list structure. The simple pseudo HTML list can be extended with height and scroll options as well as id and data-id attributes, thus essentially we have three different ways to embed the treeview data into the page.
1. Simple pseudo HTML
<div class="hummingbird-treeview-converter">
<li>Warner Bros.</li>
<li>--Robert De Niro</li>
<li>--Joe Pesci</li>
<li>-The Shawshank Redemption</li>
<li>--Tim Robbins</li>
<li>--Morgan Freeman</li>
<li>-The Untouchables</li>
<li>--Robert De Niro</li>
<li>--Kevin Costner</li>
<li>-Forrest Gump</li>
<li>--Tom Hanks</li>
<li>--Robin Wright</li>
The hyphens indicate the level of indenting. It is important to note that down the tree the next node can maximal be indented by one level, i.e. it can only have one hyphen more than the node before (e.g. from Goodfellas to Robert De Niro). In contrast up the treeview, arbitrarily large jumps of indention are possible, i.e. the next node can have much less hyphens than the node before (e.g. from Morgan Freeman to Paramount).
Internally this pseudo HTML list is converted to a real HTML
structure. The treeview is embedded into a <div>
container with
id="treeview_container". The treeview itself is given the
id="treeview". The unique ids of the items/nodes (Warner Bros.,
Goodfellas, ...) follow this schema: id="hum_1", id="hum_2", etc. The
data-ids are given the name of the nodes, i.e. data-id="Warner Bros.",
data-id="Goodfellas", etc.
Set options, e.g.: (detailed description of all options below)
$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.collapsedSymbol = "fa-arrow-circle-o-right";
$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.expandedSymbol = "fa-arrow-circle-o-down";
$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.checkDoubles = true;
For using Font-Awesome 5.* add SymbolPrefix="fas" or SymbolPrefix="far". Use e.g.
$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.SymbolPrefix = "fas";
$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.collapsedSymbol = "fa-hand-point-right";
$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.expandedSymbol = "fa-hand-point-down";
Initialize hummingbird-treeview within a $(document).ready() block:
$(document).ready(function() {
Congratulations, you are done, your pseudo HTML list has now treeview functionality.
Multiple treeviews on one page
Using the simple pseudo HTML list with the class="hummingbird-treeview-converter" the id of the treeview will be automatically set to "treeview". Additional pseudo HTML lists on the same page will receive the ids treeview2, treeview3, etc. Similar to above the unique ids of the items/nodes now follow the schema: id="hum2_1", id="hum2_2", ... for the second treeview, id="hum3_1", id="hum3_2", ... for the third treeview, etc. Thus initialization of every treeview is needed. Options can be set before each initialization.
$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.checkboxesGroups= "disabled";
$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.checkboxesGroups= "enabled";
2. Simple pseudo HTML plus height, scroll, id, data-id, data-css, data-str, data-nonHoverColor, data-nonHoverColor_bg, data-HoverColor, data-HoverColor_bg
<div class="hummingbird-treeview-converter" data-height="100%"
data-scroll="false" data-id="_movies" data-css="overflow-x:scroll; background-color:coral;">
<li id="item_1" data-id="Studio_1">Warner Bros.</li>
<li id="item_2" data-id="Movie_1">-Goodfellas</li>
<li id="item_3" data-id="Actor_1" data-nonHoverColor="#25610b" data-nonHoverColor_bg="yellow" data-HoverColor="red" data-HoverColor_bg="blue">--Robert De Niro</li>
<li id="item_4" data-id="Actor_2">--Joe Pesci</li>
<li id="item_5" data-id="Movie_2">-The Shawshank Redemption</li>
<li id="item_6" data-id="Actor_3">--Tim Robbins</li>
<li id="item_7" data-id="Actor_4">--Morgan Freeman</li>
<li id="item_8" data-id="Studio_2">Paramount</li>
<li id="item_9" data-id="Movie_3" data-str='data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="auto" title="1987"' >-The Untouchables</li>
<li id="item_10" data-id="Actor_1">--Robert De Niro</li>
<li id="item_11" data-id="Actor_5">--Kevin Costner</li>
<li id="item_12" data-id="Movie_4">-Forrest Gump</li>
<li id="item_13" data-id="Actor_6">--Tom Hanks</li>
<li id="item_14" data-id="Actor_7">--Robin Wright</li>
Set the height of the treeview element "relative" with data-height="100%" or "absolute" with data-height="350px" and make it fully scrollable with data-scroll="true". Additionally it is possible to set custom ids and data-ids. Set a data-id (e.g. to "_movies") to the div class="hummingbird-treeview-converter" to address the treeview via the id "treeview_movies". Leave it empty to use the standard id "treeview". The example above uses a dynamical (relative) height and only scolling in x direction. Add more custom functionality to the nodes by injecting the "data-str", see node "The Untouchables" above. The "data-str" has custom commands enclosed in single quotes, which can be used e.g. by other JavaScript methods. In this example we use Bootstraps tool-tips to show the production year of the movie in a tool-tip. Use data-css to inject arbitrary CSS, except text colors and background colors. Because those change dynamically on hover. Therefore use data-nonHoverColor, data-nonHoverColor_bg, data-HoverColor, data-HoverColor_bg as in the example above with "Robert De Niro". Note that these options don't work with hoverMode="bootstrap", only with the default hoverMode, i.e. hoverMode="html"
Set options, e.g.: (detailed description of all options below)
$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.collapsedSymbol= "fa-arrow-circle-o-right";
$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.expandedSymbol= "fa-arrow-circle-o-down";
$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.checkDoubles= true;
Initialize hummingbird-treeview:
Or if you have left the data-id of the div class="hummingbird-treeview-converter" empty use the standard initialization:
Congratulations, you are done, your pseudo HTML list has now treeview functionality.
3. Full HTML structure
Create treeview structure/data:
<div id="treeview_container" class="hummingbird-treeview" style="height: 230px; overflow-y: scroll;">
<ul id="treeview" class="hummingbird-base">
<li data-id="0">
<i class="fa fa-plus"></i>
<input id="xnode-0" data-id="custom-0" type="checkbox" /> node-0
<li data-id="1">
<i class="fa fa-plus"></i>
<input id="xnode-0-1" data-id="custom-0-1" type="checkbox" /> node-0-1
<input class="hummingbird-end-node" id="xnode-0-1-1" data-id="custom-0-1-1" type="checkbox" /> node-0-1-1
<input class="hummingbird-end-node" id="xnode-0-1-2" data-id="custom-0-1-2" type="checkbox" /> node-0-1-2
<li data-id="1">
<i class="fa fa-plus"></i>
<input id="xnode-0-2" data-id="custom-0-2" type="checkbox" /> node-0-2
<input class="hummingbird-end-node" id="xnode-0-2-1" data-id="custom-0-2-1" type="checkbox" /> node-0-2-1
<input class="hummingbird-end-node" id="xnode-0-2-2" data-id="custom-0-2-2" type="checkbox" /> node-0-2-2
Use here exactly the class="fa fa-plus" and change Symbols via the options functionality.
The data-id of the group <li>
tags indicates the level or depth of that group. It starts at 0. This is
needed for the option singleGroupOpen.
Only change the following:
Treeview structure and node properties
div id
The<div id="treeview_container"
... can be chosen arbitrarily, but of course must be referred to consistently. -
ul id
The<ul id="treeview"
... can be chosen. -
ul class="hummingbird-base"
The baseul
must be assigned to the "hummingbird-base" class:<ul id="treeview" class="hummingbird-base">
input id's and data-id's
The input id's and data-id's e.g.<input id="xnode-0" data-id="custom-0"
... can be set. The data-id can be any text. -
input class="hummingbird-end-node"
Add this to every node, which is not a parent, i.e. which has no children or nodes below.
Do not change the "fa fa-plus", do this via the options (see below).
Change font-size, line-height, checkbox width and height directly in the hummingbird-treeview.css. Additionally, the hummingbird-base class disables line breaks of nodes. To change that, edit again directly the hummingbird-treeview.css.
As you have seen above, options can be adjusted by calling
$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.option= value;
Following options are available:
String, set this to "fas" or "far" if you are using Font-Awesome 5.*. Note that the modes "fas" and "far" cannot be mixed for the collapsed and expanded symbols. Only one mode for all is supported. -
String, default="fa-plus". This can be any icon from the Font Awesome icons. -
String, default="fa-minus". This can be any icon from the Font Awesome icons. -
Boolean, default=true. On initialization, all nodes are collapsed. Change this to false to expand the nodes on initialisation. -
String, default="enabled". Checkboxes are used per default. Set this to "disabled" to get a treeview without checkboxes. -
String, default="enabled". Set this to "disabled" to disable all checkboxes from nodes that are parents, i.e. which have child nodes. Set this to "disabled_grayed" to also apply a "grayed" font color to the node text. Note that disabling parent nodes means that they are not clickable, but still provide tri-state functionality. Thus, if a child of a disabled parent has been checked, the parent node is set to the indeterminate state to indicate that a child has been checked. -
Integer, default=-1. Set this to an integer greater -1 to enable the functionality to allow only one group of a defined level to be opened at a time. The number provided defines the level to which the function should be applied (starting at 0). For instance, if singleGroupOpen=0 (which is the typical used level) it means that at level 0 of the tree only one group can be opened at a time. As soon as another group of this level is opened, all others will be closed. -
Boolean, true or false. This option enables a visual mouse hover effect, i.e. on hover on an item the background color of this item is changed and also the text color is changed. The default colors for background and text on hover are "#6c757c" and "white". And "white" and "black" on non hover. -
This relates to the hoverItems option and sets the background color on hover, default is "#6c757c". It accepts html color names, HEX or RGB (e.g. "rgb(255,0,0)"). -
Same as above for non hover. Default "white". -
Set text color on hover, default is "white". -
Set text color on non hover, default is "black". -
This options relates as well to the hoverItems option. Default is the string "html". If this is set to "bootstrap", bootstrap colors can be used. Be aware that this only works if you have included the bootstrap libraries in your sourcecode. For setting the colors you have to use the option below. -
Default is "bg-secondary text-white". Use any bootstrap color for bg and text. -
String, default="disabled". Set this to "enabled" to add collapse and expand functionality to a click on a parent node name.
More data-* attributes
Changes the font of all parent nodes to bold font.
<div class="hummingbird-treeview-converter" data-height="230px"
data-scroll="true" data-id="_movies" data-boldParents="true">
<li id="item_1" data-id="Studio_1">Warner Bros.</li>
Add custom functionality to a node.
<div class="hummingbird-treeview-converter" data-height="230px"
data-scroll="true" data-id="_movies">
<li id="item_8" data-id="Studio_2">Paramount</li>
<li id="item_9" data-id="Movie_3" data-str='data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="auto" title="1987"' >-The Untouchables</li>
<li id="item_10" data-id="Actor_1">--Robert De Niro</li>
<li id="item_11" data-id="Actor_5">--Kevin Costner</li>
Add more custom functionality to the nodes by injecting the "data-str", see node "The Untouchables" above. The "data-str" has custom commands enclosed in single quotes, which can be used e.g. by other JavaScript methods. In this example we use Bootstraps tool-tips to show the production year of the movie in a tool-tip.
Add on options and functionality
Combining different options, methods, events and using additional logic, advanced treeview functionalities can be achieve.
Pre-check some nodes by adding "id's" or "data-id's" to the items, e.g.... <li data-id="1">--Morgan Freeman</li> <li>Paramount</li> <li>-The Untouchables</li> <li>--Robert De Niro</li> <li data-id="2">--Kevin Costner</li> ...
Then add the following snippet after treeview initialization:
var pre_check = [1,2];
$("#treeview").hummingbird("checkNode",{sel:"data-id",vals: pre_check});
For some applications it makes sense to allow only to select one single node. Therefore we first disable checking of folders, i.e. parent nodes using the respective option before initializing the treeview. On the CheckUncheckDone event we uncheck all previously selected nodes, initialize the List again and get again the checked node. It's important to use the skipCheckUncheckDone method prior to unchecking, to prevent the event to be fired on the unchecking.
$.fn.hummingbird.defaults.checkboxesGroups= "disabled";
var List = {"id" : [], "dataid" : [], "text" : []};
$("#treeview").on("CheckUncheckDone", function(){
//uncheck all previously selected nodes
if ( != "") {
//initialize List freshly
List = {"id" : [], "dataid" : [], "text" : []};
//get all checked nodes
This functionality is in an experimental state, I've tested it not fully, thus please be aware. This add on functionality can be used to allow selected nodes only within one group. You can select whole groups or nodes within groups, but not end-nodes across groups. The approach is to store all selected nodes in and below the group, where the last node was selected. Then uncheck all nodes and following again check all the before stored nodes in that group and below.
var ListGroup = {"id" : [], "dataid" : [], "text" : []};
var ListGroupOld = {};
var List = {"id" : [], "dataid" : [], "text" : []};
$("#treeview").on("CheckUncheckDone", function(){
//get all checked nodes below this one
ListGroupOld = ListGroup;
if ( != "") {
//initialize List freshly
List = {"id" : [], "dataid" : [], "text" : []};
ListGroup = {"id" : [], "dataid" : [], "text" : []};
//get all checked nodes
$(document).on("reCheckGroup", function(){
//check all from group
if ( != "") {
Methods are used to interact with the treeview programmatically. Following methods are available:
Checks all nodes including full support for disabled nodes.
Unchecks all nodes including full support for disabled nodes.
Collapses all nodes.
Expands all nodes.
checkNode(sel, vals)
This method checks nodes. sel must be either "id", "data-id" or "text" to define the selector. vals is an array containing the respective nodes.
$("#treeview").hummingbird("checkNode",{sel:"id", vals:["hum_1","hum_2","hum_3"]});
$("#treeview").hummingbird("checkNode",{sel:"text", vals:["Goodfellas","Tom Hanks"]});
uncheckNode(sel, vals)
This method unchecks nodes. sel must be either "id", "data-id" or "text" to define the selector. vals is an array containing the respective nodes.
$("#treeview").hummingbird("uncheckNode",{sel:"id", vals:["hum_1","hum_2","hum_3"]});
$("#treeview").hummingbird("uncheckNode",{sel:"text", vals:["Goodfellas","Tom Hanks"]});
Expand nodes, which are identified by their id's or data-id's, which has to be defined in the sel parameter. The vals array holds the names of the id's or data-id's. Set optionally expandParents to false, if the parents of this node should not be expanded. Default of expandParents is true.
Collapses nodes, which are identified by their id's or data-id's, which have to be defined in the sel parameter. The vals array holds the names of the id's or data-id's. Set optionally collapseChildren to false, if the children of this node should not be collapsed. Default of collapseChildren is true.
Disables expand and collapse functionality of nodes, which are identified by their id's, data-id's or text which have to be defined in the sel parameter. The vals array holds the names of the id's or data-id's.
Disables nodes, which are identified by their id's, data-id's or text, which has to be defined in the sel parameter. The vals array holds the names of the id's, data-id's or text's. Set state to true if the nodes should be disabled and checked, set it to false if the nodes should be disabled and unchecked. Optionally set disableChildren to false or true, default is true.
$("#treeview").hummingbird("disableNode",{sel:"id",vals: ["hum_5", "hum_13", "hum_14", "hum_15"],state:false,disableChildren:true});
Enables former disabled nodes, which are identified by their id's, data-id's or text, which has to be defined in the sel parameter. The vals array holds the names of the id's, data-id's, or texts. Set state to true if the nodes should be enabled and checked, set it to false if the nodes should be enabled and unchecked. Optionally set enableChildren to false or true, default is true.
$("#treeview").hummingbird("enableNode",{sel:"id",vals: ["hum_5", "hum_13", "hum_14", "hum_15"],state:false,enableChildren:true});
Hide nodes, which are identified by their id's, data-id's or text, which has to be defined in the sel parameter. The vals array holds the names of the id's, data-id's, or text.
$("#treeview").hummingbird("hideNode",{sel:"id",vals: ["hum_5","hum_6"]});
Show previously hidden nodes, which are identified by their id's, data-id's or text, which has to be defined in the sel parameter. The vals array holds the names of the id's, data-id's, or text.
$("#treeview").hummingbird("showNode",{sel:"id",vals: ["hum_5","hum_6"]});
As long as the node is collapsed, it is disabled, and as soon as the node is expanded, the node will be enabled. If state=false this function will be disabled on that node. Default is state=true.
$("#treeview").hummingbird("disableParentNodeOnCollapse",{sel:"id",vals: ["hum_5","hum_6"],state:true});
All parameters are arrays. Add nodes at pos = ['before','before','after'...] already existing nodes. The existing nodes are called here anchor. To identify the anchor nodes define the anchor_sel as id, data-id or text. The parameter anchor_vals are then the respective names of the anchor_sel. Next define the text of the new nodes, the new id's (the_id) and the new data_id's. Note that we use data-id with hyphen and data_id with underscore. By default a hummingbird-end-node is added, i.e. end_node:true, shown below. IMPORTANT: The treeview must be initialized again after adding nodes.
text:['New Node1','New Node2'],the_id:['new_id1','new_id2'],data_id:['new_data_id1','new_data_id2']});
If you want to add a node including children, end_node must be set to false and an array containing children objects must be passed to the method with name children: In this example we create two new nodes each having two children.
var new_children = [
Warning: Be careful by using URL query parameters, cookies, or form inputs to create nodes, because this can introduce cross-site-scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. Remove or escape any user input before adding content to the document.
Remove a node, which is identified by sel equal id, data-id, or text.
Get checked nodes. Retrieve the id, data-id and text of the nodes. Set onlyEndNodes to true if you want to retrieve only that nodes identified by class="hummingbird-end-node", i.e. those nodes without children, so to speak the last instance. Default is false, which means that all checked nodes are retrieved. Set onlyParents to true ( and onlyEndNodes to false) to get only parents nodes. Set fromThis to true to only retrieve nodes from the current group and below (default is false). Define an object, List, for the output of this method. It is important to name the arrays exactly like in the example below. Finally this List array can be bound to a DOM element and it is also straight forward to do other stuff with the arrays, e.g. retrieving the length of it.
var List = {"id" : [], "dataid" : [], "text" : []};
var L =;
Get unchecked nodes. Retrieve the id, data-id and text of the nodes. Set onlyEndNodes to true if you want to retrieve only that nodes identified by class="hummingbird-end-node", i.e. those nodes without children, so to speak the last instance. Default is false, which means that all unchecked nodes are retrieved. Set onlyParents to true ( and onlyEndNodes to false) to get only parents nodes. Define an object, List, for the output of this method. It is important to name the arrays exactly like in the example below. Finally this List array can be bound to a DOM element and it is also straight forward to do other stuff with the arrays, e.g. retrieving the length of it.
var List = {"id" : [], "dataid" : [], "text" : []};
var L =;
Get indeterminate nodes. Retrieve the id, data-id and text of the nodes. Define an object, List, for the output of this method. It is important to name the arrays exactly like in the example below. Finally this List array can be bound to a DOM element and it is also straight forward to do other stuff with the arrays, e.g. retrieving the length of it.
var List = {"id" : [], "dataid" : [], "text" : []};
var L =;
A typically occuring situation is that it is needed to save the state of the treeview for later rebuilding. This can be accomplished by using the saveState and restoreState methods. First save the state in the object treeState and restore it later. A good point for saving the state is after receiving the CheckUncheckDone event.
var treeState = {};
Restore the before saved state from the object treeState.
In addition *restoreState* can be used to create any arbitrary states created by custom methods. Therefore the *treeState* object must look like the following:
var treeState = {"checked":{}, "indeterminate":{}};
treeState.checked = checked;
treeState.indeterminate = indeterminate;
where the objects *checked* and *indeterminate* contain the respective node ID information:
var checked = {"id" : []};
var indeterminate = {"id" : []};
This is the function, which controls the tri-state functionality. Use it if you have changed the treeview by external procedures to achieve a consistent tri-state.
Skip firing the CheckUncheckDone event in the following call. This method can be called before any other method to skip firing the CheckUncheckDone event in the followed method.
Removes all nodes which NOT match a search pattern. Use "|" as a seperator of search strings. The filter method uses the OR logic. For instance if str=".txt|.jpg|test" then only nodes which contain .txt or .jpg or test are shown in the treeview. Optional setting:
Use box_disable: true to not remove the nodes, but disable them. Use caseSensitive: true to restrict searches to exact case-match, the deafult filter criteria is case-insensitive. To apply the filter only to nodes, which have no children, i.e. those of class="hummingbird-end-node" use onlyEndNodes:true. Set filterChildren:false to NOT remove children of a node that is not filtered out.
$("#treeview").hummingbird("filter",{str:".txt|.jpg|test", caseSensitive: false, box_disable:false, onlyEndNodes:false, filterChildren:true});
search(treeview_container,search_input,search_output,search_button,{scrollOffset, onlyEndNodes, dialog, EnterKey, enter_key_1, enter_key_2})
If the treeview is embedded in a scrollable (css option: overflow-y: scroll;) container, this container must be identified here as the treeview_container (using the id). Otherwise treeview_container should be set to "body". The search_input parameter depicts the id of the input element for the search function. The search_output defines an element to bind the search results on (like the ul in the example below). The search_button is simply the button for the search. A scrollOffset in pixels (negative or positive) can be defined to adjust the automatic scoll position. The best value must be observed by testing. onlyEndNodes is per default false, thus set this to true if the search should include also parent nodes. The optional parameter dialog is per default empty (""). This parameter can be used for special cases, to bind the treeview to a dynamical created object like a bootstrap modal (pop-up). In such a case this parameter would be dialog:".modal-dialog". Three other optional parameters, EnterKey, enter_key_1 and enter_key_2 are available. EnterKey is per default true and can be set to false. If true the search_button can be triggered with the Enter key. To avoid interference of the Enter key functionality it can be restricted and only be executable if enter_key_1 == enter_key_2. These two parameters can be chosen arbitrarily.
$("#treeview").hummingbird("search",{treeview_container:"treeview_container", search_input:"search_input", search_output:"search_output", search_button:"search_button", scrollOffset:-515, onlyEndNodes:false});
As an example, the search functionality is here implemented using Bootstrap. Other implementation are possible.
<div class="dropdown">
<div class="input-group stylish-input-group">
<input id="search_input" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search" onclick="">
<span class="input-group-addon" style="border-left:0">
<button type="submit" id="search_button">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu h-scroll" id="search_output">
.stylish-input-group .input-group-addon{
background: white !important;
.stylish-input-group .form-control{
box-shadow:0 0 0;
.stylish-input-group button{
.h-scroll {
background-color: #fcfdfd;
height: 260px;
overflow-y: scroll;
Events are fired on changes of the treeview state so that your application can respond:
This event is fired if a node has been checked and can be catched like this:
$("#treeview").on("nodeChecked", function(){
do something ...
This event is fired if a node has been unchecked and can be catched like this:
$("#treeview").on("nodeUnchecked", function(){
do something ...
This event is fired if a node has been checked or unchecked and all treeview functionality is completed. This comprises checking / unchecking parents, children, checking for n-tuples and disabled etc.
$("#treeview").on("CheckUncheckDone", function(){
do something ...
This event is fired if a parent node has been collapsed and can be catched like this:
$("#treeview").on("nodeCollapsed", function(){
do something ...
This event is fired if a parent node has been expanded and can be catched like this:
$("#treeview").on("nodeExpanded", function(){
do something ...