This package helps you to make dynamic conversations with hubot. It allows you to collect information from a user based on some model questions
Currently, the v0.1.4 of the hubot-rocketchat does not properly support attachment. To add the attachment support use my fork of the hubot-rocketchat.
Change the version number of hubot-rocketchat in your package.json to: or use
Check the for more information.
DynamicConversation = require 'hubot-dynamic-conversation'dynamic = robot robotrespond /problem/i robotloggerinfo 'hello' msgreply "OK, I can make a maintenance report for you, just answer some questions..." maintenanceRequestModel = abortKeyword: 'quit' onAbortMessage: 'You cancelled the conversation.' onCompleteMessage: 'Thanks for reporting this. I\'ll notify @bm immediately.' conversation: question: "Is it in a [public]or [private]area?" answer: type: "choice" options: match: "public" valid: true response: "OK you said *public*, next step..." value: "public" match: "private" valid: false response: "Sorry, you will have to find a contractor for private maintenance" required: true error: "Sorry, I didn't understand your response. Please say [private] or [public] to proceed." question: "Please describe the issue." answer: type: "text" required: true error: "Sorry your response didn't contain any text, please describe the issue." question: "Please attach a photo of the issue if you have one." answer: type: "attachment" required: false error: "Sorry the message didn't contain an attachment, please try again." dialog = dynamicstart msgmaintenanceRequestModel if err robotloggererror err else data = dialogfetch robotloggerinfo data# dialog is an instance of an EventEmitter # It emits an `end` event when the dialog with the user is done