A hubot script that checks to see if raw sewage is being dumped into Chicago rivers right now. Data is sourced from
See src/
for full documentation.
In hubot project repo, run:
npm install hubot-chicago-sewage --save
Then add hubot-chicago-sewage to your external-scripts.json
Sample Interaction
user1>> hubot sewage
hubot>> There is no raw sewage being dumped into Chicago rivers.
user2>> hubot sewage 09/18/2015
hubot>> There was raw sewage dumped into Chicago rivers on 09/18/2015!
North Branch of Chicago River: Confluence with the North Shore Channel to Wolf Point
Grand Calumet River: From confluence with the Little Calumet River to the Indiana state line
Little Calumet River: Indiana state line to the Calumet-Sag Channel
Calumet-Sag Channel: No details