Here's Something I Prepared Earlier (via detached child-process)
I borrowed this idea by seeing how update-notifier operates.
The ideal use case is when you have a time-consuming asynchronous task (e.g. baking a cake, making an HTTP request, scanning a disk, etc), and you'd like to continue executing, even when those results are not ready yet. You assume that during a future execution of your script, you'll have access to the results of that previous run.
putInOven(options: OvenOptions, ...args: any[])
type OvenOptions = { bakePath: string, cakeName: string, interval?: number} type Cake = { lastBaked?: number, [id:string]: any}
bakePath is a path to a module that exports a BakeFunction named "bake"
cakeName is a unique identifier for the background work, and scripts that use the same results can share this
interval is the milliseconds to wait after a successful baking, to throttle your time-consuming task (default = 1 day)
type BakeFunction = (...args: any[]) => Promise<Cake>type BakeOptions = { cake: Cake}
has access to the previousCake
, which could be useful for more-efficient / partial baking -
resolves with yourCake
, and we automatically set "lastBaked" value in theCake
for you (used when checking interval)
getCake(options: CakeOptions) => Cake
type CakeOptions = { cakeName: string}
cakeName must be the same cake that you
earlier -
returns your Cake if it's ready (you'll have to check)
index.js / cli.js (your entry-point):
const path = const Conf = const getCake putInOven = const cakeName = 'strawberry-shortcake' // start baking our strawberry-shortcake // try to continue on, in case we already started baking last timeconst cake = const flavour = cakeflavour if flavour // yay, we must have prepared something earlier // TODO: eat cake, enjoy flavour else // ah, this must be our first time through here // better luck next time! // TODO: do something that doesn't require eating delicious cake
{ // e.g. something that can take a while to finish return { }} moduleexports = bake
npm install --global flow-typednpm installflow-typed installnpm test