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1.1.3 • Public • Published


Some HP printers include the webscan protocol. This client can be used to interact with this protocol and request scans from a printer on your local network.

Only tested with HP Envy 6432e.

Setup your printer

In my case, the webscan function of my printer had to be enabled in the webinterface.

For the HP Envy 6432e the setting is located at Settings > Security > Administrator Settings. Check the box next to "Webscan from EWS" and save the changes.


npm install hp-webscan-client


import { WebScan } from "hp-webscan-client";

// Create a new WebScan instance
const client = new WebScan({
    ip: "PRINTER_IP",

// Start scanning process and save file to output.pdf
    color: true,
    output: {
        format: "application/pdf",
        path: "output.pdf",

// Start scanning process and return document as buffer
const buffer = client.scanToBuffer({
    color: true,
    format: "application/pdf",



Key Type Description Required Default
color boolean Set to true for a color scan and false for grayscale yes none
source string Choose between "Platen" and "Feeder" where Platen is the glass scanning surface and Feeder is the automatic document feeder no Platen
output IScanOutput Specified the content type and path yes none
resolution int Sets the resolution of the scanned document. Lower will be faster. Fixed to 85 when Feeder is set as source. no 300
brightness int The brightness of the scan false 1000
contrast int The contrast of the scan false 1000


Key Type Description Required Default
color boolean Set to true for a color scan and false for grayscale yes none
source string Choose between "Platen" and "Feeder" where Platen is the glass scanning surface and Feeder is the automatic document feeder no Platen
format string Specified the content type. Choose between "application/pdf" and "image/jpeg" yes none
resolution int Sets the resolution of the scanned document. Lower will be faster. Fixed to 85 when Feeder is set as source. no 300
brightness int The brightness of the scan false 1000
contrast int The contrast of the scan false 1000


Key Type Description Required Default
format string Specified the content type. Choose between "application/pdf" and "image/jpeg" yes none
path string Path that the scanned document will be saved at yes none

WebScan Class


  • scanToFile
scanToFile(options: IScanDocumentOptions): Promise<void>

This function will initiate a scan and save the scanned document to a local file.

  • scanToBuffer
scanToBuffer(options: IScanDocumentBufferOptions): Promise<Buffer>

This function will initiate a scan and return the scanned document as a buffer.

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npm i hp-webscan-client

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