Homebridge XGimiTv Plugin
A plugin on Homebridge to bring XGimi Smart Projector to HomeKit.
If you like this plugin, don't hesitate to "Star".
sudo npm i -g homebridge-xgimi-tv@latest
Configuration on Config UI X is NOT YET supported.
Please subscribe for future updates.
That being said, be sure to edit config.json
before add TV into Home app.
Example BASIC config
"bridge": {
"name": "Homebridge ED57",
"username": "0E:C6:1D:3E:ED:57",
"port": 51995,
"pin": "193-78-630"
"accessories": [],
"platforms": [
"name": "Config",
"port": 8581,
"platform": "config"
"platform" : "XGimiTeleVisionPlatform",
"devices": [
"name": "XGimi TV",
"host": "",
"inputs": [
"name" : "iQiyi",
"type" : "APPLICATION",
"package" : "com.gitvjimi.video"
"name" : "YouTube",
"type" : "APPLICATION",
"package" : "com.liskovsoft.videomanager"
"manufacturer": "XGimi",
"model": "H2",
"serialNumber": "DSXXXXXXXXXX",
"firmwareRevision": "1.0.0"
To get the package attribute, you can visit:
Tested On
- iOS 14
- Apple Home
- Homebridge 1.1.6
If you have any issue, contact me(f.tu@me.com) or just submit an issues.