SmartSocket Server v1.0
v1, dec 2019, Johan Coppieters
- start the server on a specific port (and IP address)
- connect from a web app with a WebSocket
- add to the ws url /[url]:[port] of the target TCP Socket
- send/receive from the websocket as if it were a raw socket
v2, feb 2020, Johan Coppieters
- includes the Duotecno smartapp.
- added install instructions
v5, march 2020, Johan Coppieters -- merge with smartApp, align versions.
inherited versions of smartApp
- v1.0 - smartbox / 2019
- v2.0 - multiple masters / mei 2019
- v3.0 - include smappee / juli 2019
- v3.1 - include switches (only 1 type working) / september 2019
- v3.1.1 - added unit-macro cmd status changes / september 2019
v5.0.1, March 2020, Johan, first merge working
- new separate branch "v2.0"
v5.0.2, May 2020, Johan, working version of
- backup, restore
- store scenes and execute them on status changes
- add http switches (next to smappee - mqqt) like Shelly
v5.0.5, June 2020, Johan, feature release
- added "Condition" moods
- sort on logical unit address
- added: #, *, ! type modifiers
v5.0.6, .7, .8
- (6,7) Fixed small reported issues
- (8) Bug fixes for saving switches
- (8) added new app
- add nr-devices in webpage of services
- change display name (sfeer)
- feedback of plugs
- try not to start homekite too quickly (check length of cunit to active units)
- save power rules (copy to config)
- Added type of Door
- Homekit moods with # don't receive "off after 1,2 sec" -- or others if we receive a status update
- (b2-b6) small polishing, removing logging, etc...
- (b7) added 3 minute max timeout for create homekit accessories
- (b7) remove "don't turn moods off" when receiving status update
- (b7) user "display name" from units as "name" keeps on getting the "|" back ???!!!
- (b8) cosmetics / logging
- (b9) smaller QR code
- (b11) Change service DoorOpener -> Door
v5.1.0 - release
- better names
- correct services (GarageDoor=!, Door=$ and WindowCoverings)
v5.1.1 - smappee rules
- sorted and written to config file after delete
v5.2.0 - 23 june 2020 - new type: Lock (and unlocker)
- mood met * (is on/off) + $ = Lock met on/off
- mood zonder * (is on-1sec-off) + $ = Unlocker met on-1sec-off
v5.3.0/1 - 26/06/2020 - backups
- backup's with masterip+name on AkiWorks
- corresponding app version in v5.3.1
- added run.ts for server release
v5.4.0 - 27/07/2020 - modified types
- Extension on Duotecno's types
updown =>
if name contains $ => "garagedoor"
if name contains * => "door"
else => "window-covering"
mood =>
if name contains $ => "unlocker", locks again after 1.2 sec
if name contains * => permanent locked=on/unlocked=off
else => "mood" (turns of 1.2 seconds after being turned on)
switch =>
if name contains $ => "lock"
if name contains * => "switch" (also still works with "stk", "STK" and "Stk")
else => "lightbulb"
v5.4.1 - 07/08/2020 - bug fixing
- sending -1 to moods not 0/1 (we don't do long on/off in homebridge)
v5.5.0 - 18/09/2020 - Display names
- store displaynames and types in the config
- startup from config
- no platform if not all masters logged in
- (b2) read db info on startup
- (b2) have 10 QR codes on the server
- (b3) go from services directly to edit node.
v5.5.1 - 04/10/2020 - Audio
- return audio room config
- (b2) try fix for mood pushes
- (b3) new app build
- (b4) read lowercase files for backup & audio + new app
- (b5) new app version
- (b6) Fixed error in homebridge config (no soc- and smart-app at the same time)
v5.5.3 - 06/11/2020 - External devices (http switches et al)
- also respond to /tabs/control etc... from the ionic 5 app
v5.5.4 - 10/11/2020 - External devices v2
- added run9998/9999.ts files for server runs
- added stored nodenames in master config
- better support for status/value in ejs files
v5.6.0 - 15/11/2020 - Somfy Screens
- experimental up/down for Somfy
v5.6.1 - 15/11/2020
- added http up/down
- don't crash if the unit is not found
- added a "pm2 flush" in the update script
v5.6.2 - 17/11/2020
- added smappee info (channels, plugs, switches, config)
v5.6.3-5 - 19/11/2020
- better smappee plug support
- added stop to somfy controls
v5.6.7 - 23/11/2020
- added wait/busy in somfy gpio access
- moved a number of helper functions to types.ts
- removed: logicalReqNodeAddress (never used)
- removed test configs from repo
- trying to fix connection loss
- add heartbeat to master to prevent connection loss
- fix PIR and other stuff like values for virtual units / macro's
- added logging for files
- R2: added new version of the app v2.3.4 B2
- R3: keep heartbeat if socket closes unexpectedly
- R4: added not ready message
- R5: support for short url's /node/unit/value
- smappee channel rules now accept 3+2+7 format for a channel
- smappee now has "sun" rules: low == (production < consumption>)
- Added API calls /masters/list & services /units/set & get
- added extended type selection in master->node->unit->detail page (not yet tested !!)
- added stubs for openHAB switch/dimmer/updown
- added active / used unit flag, allowing more units in the gateway, only those "actice" are sent to Homebridge
- openHAB support for up/downs, dimmers en switches. copied from smartapp.js file of Pieter Becu
- added git to
- better upgrade to new config layout (used - active units)
- waiting for active config units (not total units)
- Extended saved type was not used on restart
v5.10.5 - R1/2/3
- Added $T (0-511) for bindings (Hue)
- trying to fix up/down - windowcovering
- trying to fix ready state (nr units in systems versus in config)
v5.10.5 - R4
- changed mood-press(true) to (-1)
v5.10.5 - R5 - 26/02/2021
- send "stop" to openHAB for status = 0
v5.10.5 - R6 - 27/02/2021
- app upgrade to 2.3.7
v5.10.6 - 08/04/2021
- delete spaces from backup names
- updated files on the server: for f in *\ *.json ; do mv "$f" ${f//\ /}; done
v5.11.0 - 04/06/2021
- fixed bug in sun/power selection of rule
- changed power rule functionality (now: compare channels with "sun-consumption")
v5.11.0 - R2 - 04/06/2021
- change name of master does not generate new master anymore
v5.11.1 - 04/06/2021
- turn of debug -> production
v5.11.2 - 04/06/2021
- Fixed Long standing rule editing bug: kEmptyRule included an array
v5.11.3 - 16/08/2021
- don't do request status of clicking an up/down in the web interface
- added extra logging for heartbeats
v5.11.5 - 17/08/2021
- tryout for "no-macro" on a switch
- fixes no-macro "save" bug
- added send-no-stop for up/downs
v5.12.0 - 18/08/2021
- added reconnect in the master conf file
- cleaned up a lot of logging
- auto read config file in constructor
v5.12.1 - 27-08-2021
- use heartbeat to reconnect after network connection lost. Needs last version op ip master soft, in previous versions the heartbeat was broken.
v5.12.2 - 09-01-2022
- fixed problem when checking smappee switch (only used nr, not type)
v5.12.3 - 10-01-2022
- added reboot command -> in the homebridge page or as an url: /reboot
v5.13.0 - 23-05-2022
- added "power" bindings -> set 1/10th of value of unit to power of channels. Visualisation is done in the Pro and Lite app.
v5.13.1 - 24-05-2022
- Display nr devices on HomeBridge
v5.14.0 - 19-06-2022
- network settings + reboot
v5.14.1 - todo
- listen on gpio pin
v6.0.x - 01-07-2022
Homebridge UI version
- .1: first working version
- .9: read version from package.json
- .10: removed "homekit" nav tab, added "restart plugin" to settings, set lock target state to "locked"
v6.1.0 - 15-07-2022
- global debug, log, err functions in types.ts
- split smappee.ts in PowerBase + smappee/p1/shelly
v6.1.x - 21-07-2022 - P1 release
- 0: implemented P1 power meter telegram
- 1: bugfixes, timeout mgt, etc...
- 2: try fixing logfunction errors
- 3: reverting to console.log
- 4: errors when starting power mgrs from platform.ts
- 5: v6.1.3 changes were gone... restored them.
- 6: added login with pw in config + http.get with on-error
- 6: allow + and - in power rules expressions
- 7: allow NaN in bindings compare for update
v6.2.0 - 10-08-2022 - fully use Homebridge UI (login, config)
- receive config through Platform on startup,
- moved all config to global variable, keep in sync through API of HB-UI
- implemented login page, use HB-UI api -> bearer jwt token
- added upgrade method from 6.1.x to v6.2.x (adding files from /home/homebridge/duotecno/config..json to global config.)
- homebridge config is saved by UI in: /var/lib/homebridge/config.json (as well as the logfile: homebridge.log)
- smartapp calls Homebridge UI API to save changes
v6.2.x - 11-08-2022 - P1 release
- 1 : always write config to file too (next to sending through the HB-UI API)
- 2: added headers to http calls from switches, dimmers and up/down's (including OH stuff)
- 3: fixed bug in Sanitizer of UnitConfig preventing from publishing units to homebridge
- 4: fixed empty name bug in unit-def / new accessory()
- 5: fixed bad displayNames in published units
- 6: power: 5% instead of 10% for power rules
v6.3.x - 23-09-2022 - Shelly PM release
- 1: first test Shelly PM - allow address or addresses, example: ","
- 2: logging now more according to debug true/false in the config file
- 3: power bindings now when: 5% change < 1000W, 2% change > 1000W
- 4: added if in set-plug if smappee not (yet) connected.
v6.4.x - 28-11-2022 - Binding to registers
- 0: writing to registers
- 1: ask/show protocol version -> publish
- 2 & 3: test on protocol version, not firmware for using registers, due to bug in master firmware pre v101.x
A Raspberry Pi that connects to a Duotecno IP Node and (if configured) to a Smappee Infinity (power and plugs) and to http switches (bi-directional)
Desired functions
Use a web app on a Raspberry PI to
- setup the IP address of the Duotecno IP Node
- select desired nodes / units to use with
- setup the IP address of the Smappee
- configure rules for the Smappee (high, low values + Duotecno message — see example below)
- control remote Smappee plugs, remote Shelly switches
Raspberry runs a homebridge server
- allowing homekit to connect
- homekit app on the iPhone, Mac, iPad works
- siri will understand the commands
Raspberry connects to (if available) the Smappee and:
- monitors the MQTT datastream from the Smappee
- if high/low + messages are defined, executes them
- send plug on/off to Smappee
Raspberry implements
- switches that are triggered on status changes of Duotecno units and emit a http request
- scenes (a collection of units + a state) that are triggers by a status change (moods, inputs, ...)
- backup / restore
How to set up
- Configure IP address of the Raspberry on the SDCard on a PC or Mac (put it in, edit cmdline.txt and you’re done), perhaps DHCP? WiFi?
- Put it into the Raspberry and boot it up
- Connect with a web browser to it’s address on port 5002 (ex: ) to start configuring.
- Configure the IP addresses of the Duotecno’s IP Nodes that you want to use as main database node, incl port and password.
- Configure the nodes you want to use and for each node the units you want to export to homekit, new nodes are highlighted.
- (optional from here) Configure the IP address of a Smappee infinity
- Add rules to the Smappee config to execute commands (mood, light, …) when exceeding a defined high or low of a specific channel.
- Add switches, see below for status callback's
Setting units
http://[ip of Raspberry]:[port of Raspberry]/units/set?master=[ip of duotecno node]:[port of duotecno node]&unit=[node logical address]:[unit logical address]&value=[Y/N/0/1... other value]
The url for http switches
the url field contains 3 parts fixed url part | zero part | one part if the status of the unit = 0 we send "fixed"+"zero part", if = 1 "fixed"+"one part"
The url for http dimmers
the url field can contains a $ this $ is replaced by the value of the attached unit
How to set up a Raspberry Pi - from V6.0 on
1. Setup Debian in Pi on
- download “Raspberry Pi Imager” from
- install “Raspberry PI OS Lite 32bit” in settings: user, password, name, enable ssh, etc… in settings
- add “ip=” to /boot/cmdline.txt (or whatever free address)
- put the card into a Pi and power on
- try to connect with ssh pi@
2. Install Homebridge
(see instructions on
Execute on the Pi via ssh:
# if forgotten:
# 1. for better security enable public key
mkdir ~/.ssh
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
cat "Mac/PC .ssh/" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
rm ~/
# 2. use pi-config
sudo raspi-config
-> enable ssh
-> boot to cmdline
# Add Homebridge to repo’s
curl -sSfL | sudo gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/homebridge.gpg > /dev/null
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/homebridge.gpg] stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/homebridge.list > /dev/null
# Deinstall old version running through pm2
pm2 stop homebridge
pm2 delete homebridge
pm2 save
# Install Homebridge
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get --yes install homebridge
sudo ln -s /opt/homebridge/bin/node /usr/bin/node
sudo ln -s /opt/homebridge/bin/npm /usr/bin/npm
# install smappee and mqtt
sudo npm install -g --force mqtt
sudo ln -s /opt/homebridge/bin/mqtt /usr/bin/mqtt
# connect to homebridge UI with a browser
add user, for example: pi / pw…
# add duotecno plugin to Homebridge config
go to "Plugins"
search for "smartsystem"
click "install"
# or in advance:
cd /var/lib/homebridge
sudo npm install --save homebridge-smartsystem
# set config to:
"manufacturer": "Duotecno-Coppieters",
"name": "Duotecno",
"platform": "DuotecnoPlatform",
"smappee": true, "shelly": false, "p1": false,
"smartapp": true,
"system": true,
"socapp": false
# restart Homebridge in webbrowser (right top icon)
# connect to Duotecno gateway
add master and off you go… see "setup" a little bit higher
3. Various optional
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install homebridge
sudo hb-service update-node
sudo apt-get remove homebridge
sudo rm -rf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/homebridge.list
sudo apt-get purge homebridge
4. Smappee
#find uuid
mqtt sub -t 'servicelocation/#' -h '’ -v
# -> 57e3e0d8-bb05-4b04-8662-1a9871998f3f
#add uuid
mqtt sub -t 'servicelocation/57e3e0d8-bb05-4b04-8662-1a9871998f3f/#' -h '' -v
# duotecno/duotecno1234
How to set up a Raspberry Pi - V1
Copy SD Card
dump ->
diskutil list # -> find device
sudo dd if=/dev/disk2 of=~/Desktop/raspberrypi.dmg
restore ->
diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2
sudo newfs_msdos -F 16 /dev/disk2
sudo dd if=~/Desktop/raspberrypi.dmg of=/dev/disk2
Install on ARM7/8/9
make sd card
download rasbian-stretch-lite.img from go to diskutils
- find disk nr
- unmount (not eject) the volume go to terminal
diskutil unmount /Volumes/NONAME
sudo dd bs=1m if=/Users/johan/Projects/Duotecno/ of=/dev/rdisk2 conv=sync
(ctrl-T let's you see progress = siginfo)
fixed IP
edit cmdline.txt on the boot partition of the sd card, add "ip=..." at the end of the line. if desired don't expand the root file system -> remove the init=...
vi /Volumes/boot/cmdline.txt
example: dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=serial0,115200 console=tty1 root=PARTUUID=025ce4e3-02 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait quiet init=/usr/lib/raspi-config/ splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles ip=
add a file called "ssh" to the boot partition of the sd card
touch /Volumes/boot/ssh
later: ssh pi@ / pw=raspberry
or, if you can access a terminal: sudo raspi-config -> enable ssh -> boot to cmdline
if you want a private key on the machine
mkdir ~/.ssh
chmod 755 ~/.ssh
cat ~/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 644 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
rm ~/
other stuff
if needed a wifi connection can be made too, add a file "wpa_supplicant.conf" to the boot partition of the sd card example content:
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
dns server
If you need a dns server:
sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces
Add at end: dns-nameservers => reboot
shutdown -r now
nodejs (65Mb)
Depends on version of Raspberry:
uname -a => ARM7 of ARM8
1a - nodejs - ARM7
cd /opt
sudo tar -xJvf ~/node-v12.16.1-linux-armv7l.tar.xz
rm -f ~/node-v12.16.1-linux-armv7l.tar.xz
sudo ln -s /opt/node-v12.16.1-linux-armv7l /opt/node
sudo ln -s /opt/node/bin/node /usr/bin/node
sudo ln -s /opt/node/bin/npm /usr/bin/npm
sudo apt-get install -y git
cd ~
1b - nodejs - ARM8
sudo rm -f /opt/node
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo npm install -g npm
sudo apt-get install -y git
cd ~
New v2.0 All in one script
## old systems remove
sudo npm -g remove pm2
sudo rm -f /usr/bin/pm2
sudo npm -g remove homebridge
sudo rm -f /usr/bin/homebridge
sudo npm -g remove mqtt
sudo rm -f /usr/bin/mqtt
## clean up
sudo apt autoremove
## start intstall: node, npm, git
cd ~
sudo rm -f /opt/node
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
sudo npm install -g npm
sudo apt-get install -y git
### install: homebridge
sudo npm install -g --force --unsafe-perm homebridge
### install mqtt
sudo npm install -g --force mqtt
### install: smartsystem
rm -rf smartsocket
git clone
cd smartsocket
git checkout v2.0
npm install
### config smartsystem
rm -rf /home/pi/.homebridge
mkdir -p /home/pi/.homebridge
cp ~/smartsocket/config.homebridge.json ~/.homebridge/config.json
cd ~/smartsocket
sudo ln -sf /home/pi/smartsocket/ /usr/lib/node_modules/homebridge-system # install the plugin via a link
cd ~
### install pm2 - process mgr
sudo npm install -g --force pm2
### IF NEEDED COPY OLD configs
cp -v duotecno/*.json smartsocket/
### start the system and save for reboots
cd ~/smartsocket
pm2 start homebridge
pm2 save
pm2 startup | grep "sudo" | bash
New v2.0 Update script
save current config files
cd ~/duotecno
mkdir -p backup/temp
mv config..json backup/temp/
git pull
git fetch
git reset --hard origin/v2.0
cp -f backup/temp/config..json .
mv backup/temp backup/backup_date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M"
npm install
pm2 restart homebridge
testing smappee
find uuid ->
mqtt sub -t 'servicelocation/#' -h '' -v
add uuid ->
mqtt sub -t 'servicelocation/9c46e636-e946-4af7-9000-5cd03c57a4ee/#' -h '' -v
test it:
cd ~/duotecno
DEBUG=* homebridge -D
shutdown the machine and make a copy
sudo shutdown -h now