The HNS ID MetaMask Snap brings multi-chain Handshake (HNS) and ENS name resolution directly to your MetaMask wallet. Seamlessly resolve names across multiple networks including Ethereum Mainnet, Optimism, Polygon, Arbitrum, and Avalanche.
- 🔗 Multi-chain support
- 🔍 Cross-chain name resolution
- ⚡ Real-time lookups
- 🤝 ENS compatibility
- 🔒 Secure and decentralized
- Ethereum Mainnet
- Optimism
- Polygon
- Arbitrum
- Avalanche
Once installed, the Snap integrates directly with your MetaMask wallet:
- Resolve Handshake names across supported networks
- Get address information for any HNS domain
- Real-time verification of name ownership
- Seamless integration with ENS names
- Cross-chain ENS resolution
- Unified interface for both naming systems
Each supported network provides:
- Native name resolution
- Address lookups
This Snap follows all MetaMask security best practices.
HNS.ID is a leading platform for Handshake name services, providing decentralized naming solutions across multiple blockchains. Visit our website to learn more about our services and mission.
Sam Ward
Built with ♥ by the HNS.ID team