Quick start
To start plugin need to execute 'LineaProCDV.initDT()' method. Recommended to add this into 'deviceready' handler.
!!! You must add section "SupportedExternalAccessoryProtocols" into "[Project Name].plist" file. This section should include the following items:
- com.datecs.linea.pro.msr
- com.datecs.iserial.communication
- com.datecs.pinpad
- com.datecs.linea.pro.bar
Sample cordova project
The sample project which is using this plugin available here https://github.com/ttatarinov/lineapro-phonegap-plugin-example
Device support
Universal plugin for following devices:
- PPAD 1.0
- MPED-400
- BluePad-500
- BluePad-50
- Infinea TAB mini
- Infinea TAB 4
- Infinea TAB
- Linea Pro 5
- Linea Pro 4
- PP-60
- iSerial
- Linea-Pro
Supported features:
- Automatically device connection
- Log all events
- Start/Stop Barcode methods
Additional info
Using iOS SDK from http://www.datecs.bg/en/products/Universal-iOS-SDK/8/121
Tested on Cordova ver.3.3