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Scalable Insets for HiGlass

Explore your beloved 2D annotations with Scalable Insets in HiGlass

HiGlass Scalable Insets Video Build Status

Scalable Insets is a new technique for interactively exploring and navigating large numbers of annotated patterns in multiscale visual spaces such as gigapixel images, matrices, or maps. Our technique visualizes annotated patterns too small to be identifiable at certain zoom levels using insets, i.e., magnified thumbnail views of the patterns. Find out more at http://scalable-insets.lekschas.de and watch our <5min introductory video at https://youtu.be/7Bn4mNLl3WQ.

Image of Scalable Insets

Note: This is the source code for the Scalable Insets tracks only! You might want to check out the following repositories as well if you want to know how Scalable Insets is integrated into HiGlass or use it with images or geographic maps:


npm install higlass-scalable-insets


  1. Make sure you load this track prior to hglib.js. For example:
<script src="higlass-scalable-insets.js"></script>
<script src="hglib.js"></script>
  1. Configure the track in the view config.
  tracks: {
    center: [
        type: 'combined',
        options: {},
        contents: [
          // This tracks loads the Hi-C matrix
            server: 'http://higlass.io/api/v1/',
            tilesetUid: 'CQMd6V_cRw6iCI_-Unl3PQ',  // Rao et al. 2014 GM12878
            type: 'heatmap',
          // This track loads the annotated patterns
              server: '//higlass.io/api/v1',
              tilesetUid: 'HunfK2D3R9iBdIq-YNYjiw',
              uid: 'anno-loops-1',
              type: '2d-rectangle-domains',
          // This track is responsible for rendering the insets.
            server: '//higlass.io/api/v1/',
            tilesetUid: 'CQMd6V_cRw6iCI_-Unl3PQ',
            uid: 'insets',
            type: 'insets',
            dataType: 'matrix',
    // You could also display the insets on the gallery of the matrix
    // gallery: {
    //   server: '//higlass.io/api/v1/',
    //   tilesetUid: 'CQMd6V_cRw6iCI_-Unl3PQ',
    //   type: 'insets',
    //   dataType: 'matrix',
    // },
  metaTracks: {
    type: 'annotations-to-insets',
    insetsTrack: 'insets',
    options: {
      annotationTracks: ['ski-areas'],

Take a look at src/index.html for an example.


Scalable Insets requires 2 tracks. An insets track, which handles the insets, and an annotations-to-insets track, which links all drawn annotations and compute the placement and clustering of insets.

Track: annotations-to-insets


Option Type Description
uid str Unique identifier.
type str Must be annotations-to-insets.
insetsTrack str UID of the insets track.


The following options let you adjust the trade-off between Details, Context, and Locality. Please see the paper for details.

Option Type Default Description
annotationTracks* array of str [] Annotation tracks defining patterns.
boostContext num 1 Higher boost means higher penalty for inset-context overlap (i.e., overlap of insets and other annotated regions).
boostDetails num 1 Higher boost means higher penalty for inset-inset overlap.
boostLayout num 1 Higher boost means more iteration cycles of the simulated annealing algorithm.
boostLayoutInit num 1 Higher boost means more iteration cycles of the simulated annealing algorithm on start up.
boostLocality num 1 Higher boost means higher penalty for distance between insets and their origin.
clusterAmong str None Cluster only insets of the same type. Each type its own track.
disableClustering bool false If true disables clustering of insets.
excludeTracks array of str [] Annotation tracks which patterns should not be displayed as insets but which should still contribute to the placement of insets.
gridSize int 48 Distance threshold from inset (or cluster) to another inset (or cluster) to determine whether both should be clustered.
insetThreshold int 24 Minimum size (in pixels) of an annotation for which an inset should be displayed. I.e., if the annotation gets larger the inset is removed.
maxClusterDiameter num 48 Maximum cluster diameter in projected pixel.
maxClusterSize int Infinity Maximum cluster size by number of clustered insets.

*) Note This is the only mandatory option, I know it doesn't make sense semantically but it was the easiest way to implement given that HiGlass by default does not pass the entire track config to a track.

Track: insets


Option Type Description
server str URL from where the tileset should be loaded.
tilesetUid str UID of the tileset to explore.
uid str UID to identify this track. Needed by the annotations-to-insets track.
type str Must be insets.
chromInfoPath str URL to a chromosome info file.
dataType str Either cooler or image.
height int Height (or width) of the insets track if positioned as a gallery track. By default the height is 24px.


Option Type Default Description
aggregation str gallery Aggregation mode. Options are gallery and pile.
borderColor str white Color of the insets border and background. Color names and HEX are supported.
borderRadius int 2 Border radius of the inset.
borderWidth int 2 Border width of the inset.
colorRange array of str fall color map Color map for rendering matrix insets.
dropBlur num 3 Degree of blurring the drop shadow of insets.
dropDistance num 1 Distance of the drop shadow of insets.
dropOpacity num 0.8 Opacity of the drop shadow of insets.
focusColor str orange "Focus color of insets, i.e., when mousing over an inset."
indicatorColor str black Color of icons attached to the inset.
insetOriginPadding int 6 Minimum distance between insets and their origin. Smaller distances will be penalized.
isFocusBorderOnScale bool true If true change border color to focusColor upon scale up of an inset.
isIgnoreDiag int 0 Number of diagonals to be ignored. Only applied to matrix insets.
isLogTransform array of str [] List of annotation types which should be log transformed. Only applied to matrix insets.
leaderLineColor str white Color of the leader line.
leaderLineDynamic bool false If true leader line will update dynamically based on the cursor's distance to insets.
leaderLineDynamicMaxDist num 256 Maximum distance from which onwards the leader line is most faded out.
leaderLineDynamicMinDist num 12 Minimum distance from which onwards the leader line is most faded in.
leaderLineFading bool obj false
leaderLineOpacity num 1 Leader line opacity.
leaderLineStubLength bool num false (if true then 12)
leaderLineStubWidth int 2 Base width of the leader line stubs.
leaderLineStubWidthMax int 2 Minimum width of leader line stubs.
leaderLineStubWidthMin int 4 Maximum width of leader line stubs.
leaderLineWidth int 2 Base leader line width in pixel.
loadHiResOnScaleUp bool false If true load a higher resolution insets upon clicking on the inset.
maxPreviews int 8 Maximum number of pile previews.
maxSize int 16 Maximum inset size in pixels (not including the base scaling)
minSize int 8 Minimum inset size in pixels (not including the base scaling)
onClickScale num 2 Scale factor when clicking on an inset.
padding int 0 "Relative padding for determining the zoom level when cutting out insets. E.g., 0.2 refers to 20% padding. Only regarded for matrix insets from cooler."
paddingCustom obj {} "Key-value pairs for resolution-based padding for determining the zoom level. E.g., { 5000: 8, 10000: 4 } refers to 800% padding for resolutions of 5000 or lower. Only regarded for matrix insets from cooler."
paddingLoci num 0 Location based padding for cutting out more than just the annotated pattern.
paddingLociCustom obj {} "Key-value pairs defining resolution-based location padding. E.g., { 5000: 0.5, 10000: 0.25 } refers to 50% padding for resolutions of 5000 or lower."
pileOrientation str bottom Where to display pile previews.
previewSize int 4 Height of the previews in pixel. Only needed when matrix piles.
resolution int 0 Default resolution. Only needed for matrix insets from cooler.
resolutionCustom obj {}
scale int 3 Default scale factor of insets. Optimized for matrix insets from cooler.
scaleBorderBy str None Can be any kind of inset property like 'clusterSize'.
scaleSizeBy str None Can be any kind of inset property like 'clusterSize'.
selectColor str fuchsia "Color name or HEX value for coloring the insets upon selection, i.e., when being scaled up."
sizeStepSize int 2 Steps in pixel to increment the size of insets.



$ git clone https://github.com/flekschas/higlass-scalable-insets && higlass-scalable-insets
$ npm install


Developmental server: npm start

Production build: npm run build

Co-Development with HiGlass

If you need to work on HiGlass and Scalable Insets in parallel I recommend the following setup:

  1. Link a local HiGlass instance:
git clone https://github.com/hms-dbmi/higlass && cd higlass && npm install
npm link
npm run build
  1. Open another terminal, link the HiGlass instance and start the web server
cd higlass-scalable-insets
npm link higlass
npm start

Now, whenever you make changes to your local HiGlass instance it will be re-build and also trigger a re-build of the Scalable Insets track.

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npm i higlass-scalable-insets

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  • flekschas