This Hapi plugin enables you to apply multiple strategies for a single route, ensuring that all strategies must pass before access is granted. By default, Hapi authorizes route access if at least one strategy passes. With this plugin, you can strengthen your application's security by requiring multiple successful authentication strategies for sensitive routes
npm i hapi-auth-strategies-required
// Create your Hapi app
const server = Hapi.server({...});
// register your auth strategies
server.auth.strategy('USER-TOKEN', 'jwt', { secretKey: 'userJwtSecret' })
server.auth.strategy('SERVICE-KEY', myCustomAppKeySchema)
// Register a new strategy based on this plugin schema
server.auth.strategy('FULL-AUTH', 'multiple-required-auth', {
// Use as many registered strategies you need
strategies: ['USER-TOKEN', 'SERVICE-KEY']
Use in a route
method: 'POST',
path: `/users`,
handler: (request, h) => 'Authorized',
options: {
auth: 'FULL-AUTH',
Now you can use FULL-AUTH
as auth strategy and it will apply all desired verification passed down in the strategies
You can create as many strategies based on this plugin schema and it will handle the validation for each one.
If any strategy fails you will get an Unauthorized