Hangul Lube
Simplify Korean Consonant Search in JavaScript
Working with Korean text and performing consonant-based searches can be complex and time-consuming.
With "hangul-Lube", a powerful JavaScript library, you can simplify the process of generating regular expression patterns for Korean consonant search.
This library allows you to effortlessly match Korean words or characters with the same initial consonant letter as the input text.
npm i hangul-lube
pnpm i hangul-lube
bun i hangul-lube
How to use
Get regular expression pattern for Korean consonant search
import { pattern } from "hangul-lube"
var p: string = pattern("ㄷㅎㅁㄱ")
//=> "[다-딯][하-힣][마-밓][가-깋]"
var p: string = pattern("특수문자 test 1234!@#$")
//=> "특[수-숳]문[자-잫] test 1234!@#$"
Get regular expression for flexible korean search.
import { searcher } from "hangul-lube"
var r: RegExp = searcher("ㄷㅎㅁㄱ")
//=> /[다-딯][^가-힣0-9A-Z]*?[하-힣][^가-힣0-9A-Z]*?[마-밓][^가-힣0-9A-Z]*?[가-깋]/i
var r: RegExp = searcher("특수문자 test 1234!@#$")
//=> /특[^가-힣0-9A-Z]*?[수-숳][^가-힣0-9A-Z]*?문[^가-힣0-9A-Z]*?[자-잫][^가-힣0-9A-Z]*? [^가-힣0-9A-Z]*?t[^가-힣0-9A-Z]*?e[^가-힣0-9A-Z]*?s[^가-힣0-9A-Z]*?t[^가-힣0-9A-Z]*? [^가-힣0-9A-Z]*?1[^가-힣0-9A-Z]*?2[^가-힣0-9A-Z]*?3[^가-힣0-9A-Z]*?4[^가-힣0-9A-Z]*?![^가-힣0-9A-Z]*?@[^가-힣0-9A-Z]*?#[^가-힣0-9A-Z]*?$/i