
2.1.0 • Public • Published


A gulp-based frontend bundler. It's purpose is to simplify setting up an advanced gulp/webpack configuration, yet allow a certain amount of flexibility.

Improvements and bugfixes are, of course, always welcome.

Basic step by step tutorial

Advanced tutorial



Quick reference


Extending Gulpinator

Work in progress: Wishlist


Install using npm.

npm install gulpinator --save

Create a gulpfile.js in your project root, containing just this line:

var gulp = require('gulp');

Since this is a basic gulpfile, you can choose to add additional tasks here.

For the standard configuration file with some sensible defaults, run gulp init. This will copy the default config file to your project root.

All configuration of gulpinator happens in gulpinator.config.js

Quick Reference

A quick reference for options for those already accustomed to gulpinator.


  • styles: Compiles sass to css.

    • [REQUIRED] target: {String, Array} path glob pattern(s)
    • options.dest: {String} the destination path, added to the globally defined dest.
    • options.sourcemaps: {Boolean} wether to use sourcemaps. Default: false
    • options.hash: {String} suffix to be added to the file, used for cache busting. Default: ''
    • options.includePaths: {Array} Relative paths to additional css or scss files, outside your sass folder. (i.e. vendor files). Default: []
  • jsBundle

    • [REQUIRED] target: {String, Array} glob pattern or array of glob patterns
    • options.dest: {String} the destination path, added to the globally defined dest.
    • options.sourcemaps: {Boolean} wether to use sourcemaps. Default: false
    • options.hash: {String} suffix to be added to the file, used for cache busting. Default: ''
    • options.minify: {Boolean} Wether to minify with uglify.js Default: false
    • {String} Name of the compiled bundle Default: script-bundle
  • templates

    • [REQUIRED] target: {String, Array} glob pattern or array of glob patterns
    • options.dest: {String} the destination path, added to the globally defined dest.
    • options.templateLang: {String} the template language used. Currently only supports mustache. Leave empty for regular html. Default: ''
    • options.useInjection: {Boolean} Wether to use injection with gulp-inject. Default: false
  • move

    • [REQUIRED] target: {String, Array} glob pattern or array of glob patterns
    • options.dest: {String} the destination path, added to the globally defined dest.
  • images

    • [REQUIRED] target: {String, Array} glob pattern or array of glob patterns
    • options.dest: {String} the destination path, added to the globally defined dest.
  • webpack:

    • target: {String, Array} Not necessary. Target is defined in a webpack specific way due to incompatibility with glob patterns. Becomes necessary if you want to use the development server. In that case, point this to your webpack entry file.
    • options.dest: {String} Not necessary. Destination is defined in a webpack specific way, to keep in line with target being optional.
    • [REQUIRED] options.webpack: {Object} Simple webpack configuration. Either this or options.customWebpackConfig is required, not both.
    • [REQUIRED] options.webpack.entry: {String} Path to webpack's entry point, a javascript file. This file should use ES6 module syntax to require everything for the app. Prefer absolute paths using path.join()
    • [REQUIRED] options.webpack.output: {String} Path to webpacks output directory. Prefer absolute paths using path.join()
    • {String} If empty, webpack will bundle this file as app.js. If you enter a name, it will use that. If you enter [hash], it will save the file with as a random hash .js. Default: 'app'
    • options.customWebpackConfig: {String} Only required if options.webpack is absent. Contains the path to your custom webpack config.

General options

Below the files array, you must place an options object. It only has one required property.

  • [REQUIRED] options.dest: {String} The default path gulpinator will write it's output files to.
  • options.verbose: {Boolean} If true, gulpinator will print some additional information to the terminal
  • options.paint: {String} Choose an empty string, 'gulpinator' or 'bazookas', to paint a silly ASCI thing.
  • options.injectPrefix: {String} Add a prefix to each injected asset's path. This only changes the injected path, not the actual file name or location. Use this to hack your injection with nasty php twig templates!
  • options.browsersync: {Object} A configuration object for browsersync, the development server.
    • options.browsersync.port: {Integer} The port on which to run the dev server.
    • options.browsersync.isProxy: {Boolean} Run browsersync as a proxy for another server. Will still use css HMR and browser reloading on watched changes, but it will serve the pages through the proxy.
    • options.browsersync.proxyTarget: {Integer} The port number to proxy.
    • options.browsersync.websockets: {Boolean} Enable websockets.
    • options.browsersync.staticHtmlServer: {Boolean} If true, you can use pretty urls to visit html pages. So http://localhost:8000/main instead of http://localhost:8000/main.html.


This opinionated gulp-automated workflow assumes you want to build your entire project to a single destination folder, bundle your assets, write your stylesheets with Sass and javascript in ES6. It has optional support for mustache templating, and allows slotting in a more advanced webpack configuration.

Once you have configured gulpinator.config.js to do what you want, run gulpinator with any of these commands:

  • gulp init Initializes gulpinator. It will copy the default configuration file for gulpinator.
  • gulp build Build the entire project.
  • gulp serve Build and serve the project on localhost.
  • gulp clean Clears the build folder of everything except images.
  • gulp destroy Completely clears the build folder.

Extending Gulpinator

The basic gulpfile.js looks like this, and initializes gulpinator like normal:

var gulp = require('gulp');

To extend basic gulpinator functionality with your own, start by requiring gulpinator to a variable. Call the initializeSubTasks function instead of initialize to start the basic gulpinator setup. Next, you can overwrite existing tasks.

For example, if you want to overwrite the move-file with your own logic, you can do this in gulpfile.js:

const gulp = require('gulp');
const gulpinator = require('../index');


gulp.task('move-files', function() {
  // do something fancy.


After overwriting a task, you can simply call the initializeMainTasks function to add all tasks, including your overridden ones, to the build and serve task.

If you want to define completely custom tasks and add them to the build and serve dependency queque, you can change the gulpinator.buildTaskDependencies array.


Gulpinator modules

Create seperate npm packages with small gulpinator modules that can be slotted in. I can use this to add advanced features without increasing install time of the main gulpinator.

Unit test support

I need to add more support for unit testing, but haven't yet decided on the best approach for this. Once I've tested and decided on a technology stack for unit and/or integration tests, I'll start automating it in here.

More HTML templating support

Add support for several HTML templating preprocessors, like Jade, Handlebars,...

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